minio / warp

S3 benchmarking tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No use of --objects flag

shreyanshjain7174 opened this issue · comments

In mixed category, I am trying to use only put distribution at 100% and all other are being set as 0 that means it wshould take only write operations at 100% of the objects provided. Whereas when we supply --objects flag it doesn't write exactly that many objects, if the benchmark is running for a longer duration it takes the precedence and for that duration it writes the objects as many as it can. Then there;s no point in having two such flags one should be optional always both flags can't be supplied at the same time and you have made duration as global flag so it will always follow that duration for the benchmark.

date ;warp mixed --put-distrib 100 --obj.size 256KiB  --concurrent=1 --warp-client= --host=  --access-key=$newaccess --secret-key=$newsecret --bucket testput --benchdata testput --objects 500 --duration=2m --host-select=roundrobin  --no-color --debug --noclear ;date
Thu Jun  1 10:01:11 UTC 2023
warp: Benchmark data written to "testput.csv.zst"
warp: Cleanup done.
Thu Jun  1 10:03:22 UTC 2023

# objs |grep -A2 testput
Thu Jun  1 10:06:14 UTC 2023
        "bucket": "testput",
        "num_shards": 11,
                "num_objects": 9864

I don't understand what your point is.

Use warp put benchmark if you want to test 100% PUT operations.

@klauspost I wanted to write specific number of objects but warp put doesn't have that flag it only has duration. Also mixed should support the idea of number of objects to write per bucket but the --objects flag doesn't behave the way it is intended to.

@shreyanshjain7174 --objects is the number of seed objects before the actual benchmark is run. The benchmark includes PUT operations which will add more.

If you want a specific number, set it on warp get --duration=5s. The GET benchmark will be useless, but it will record the PUT phase as a separate benchmark.

@klauspost thanks! that answers my question I wanted to write the objects till a specific amount so I supplied --duration 0s and I am satisfied with the result it gave.