minio / warp

S3 benchmarking tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

aliyun oss error

lxd5866 opened this issue · comments

i want use this tool test benchmarking for aluyun oss, it's error:

debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:LLDB  PROJECT:lldb-1205.0.27
 for x86_64.
Got a connection, launched process /private/var/folders/r2/3zf9dn7d35j0c_9pfp_gkz6h0000gn/T/GoLand/___go_build_github_com_minio_warp (pid = 22676).
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              
___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.                                                                                                              

___go_build_github_com_minio_warp: <ERROR> Error preparing server: upload error: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.

Aliyun OSS seems to not support proper S3 protocol -

Ask Aliyun to fix their implementation @lxd5866

Hello, I also encountered this problem recently. It can be solved by specifying --tls. This is because Alibaba Cloud does not support AWS MultiChunkedEncoding, but you can bypass it by using the HTTPS protocol.