minio / warp

S3 benchmarking tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

There is big difference between the results of multiple list tests

sirizhou opened this issue · comments

I use following script to benchmark list operation

for loop in 1 2 3 4 5
echo "loop value is : $loop"
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo put...
warp put --obj.size=128kb --concurrent=20 --host= --access-key=minioadmin --secret-key=minioadmin --duration=10m --bucket=put-benchmark-bucket
warp get --objects=1000000 --obj.size=128kb --concurrent=20 --host= --access-key=minioadmin --secret-key=minioadmin --duration=10m --bucket=get-benchmark-bucket
warp list --objects=1000000 --obj.size=128kb --concurrent=20 --host= --access-key=minioadmin --secret-key=minioadmin --duration=10m --bucket=list-benchmark-bucket
sleep 2m

The results are as follow


  | put | get | list
  | put(MiB/s) | put(MiB/s) | get(Mib/s) | put(Mib/s) | list(obj/s)
1st | 422.11 | 444.34 | 1406.51 | 452.96 | too few samples
2nd | 472.59 | 442.28 | 1421.12 | 463.75 | 114005.01
3rd | 465.25 | 463.77 | 1432.41 | 471.46 | 128908.69
4th | 483.33 | 462.35 | 1439.18 | 471.02 | 208446.33
5th | 488.03 | 475.03 | 1441.88 | 468.91 | 138895.01

as you can see, the list results vary for each other. the 4th list speed is twice than the 1st.
the backend storage is two tlc ssds which is divided into two patrition.

if i use Optane SSD as back end storage. results are as follows:


  | put | get | list
  | put(MiB/s) | put(MiB/s) | get(Mib/s) | put(Mib/s) | list(obj/s)
1st | 532.57 | 515.52 | 1726.61 | 508.62 | 106094.92
2nd | 525.09 | 538.18 | 1825.02 | 520.19 | 234757.65
3rd | 532.93 | 532.01 | 1849.24 | 535.71 | 230527.95
4th | 533.47 | 538.77 | 1856.61 | 540.65 | 113711.63
5th | 542.47 | 544.16 | 1858.99 | 538.82 | too few samples

commit d3ee60c (tag: v0.3.40)

You are likely just seeing server variance.

If the servers cycle the bloom filter between put and list it will recognize that no updates have taken place and will be able to serve directly from cache.

@sirizhou If you attach the zst files (they shouldn't contain sensitive information) I can check if everything looks correct.

Closing since no response.