minikomi / formic

Developer Friendly Declarative Forms for Reagent

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Developer Friendly Declarative Forms for Reagent


  • Form Schema + Initial values = Live form state
  • Aliasing of fields for common patterns
  • Real time validation using funcool.struct
  • Parsers & Serialization definable for each field
  • Grouped fields, with validation
    • Validate grouped fields together
  • Flexible fields
    • Add, re-arrange, delete fields
    • Validate as an array of values
  • Server side validation using the same form schema
  • Global error atom
  • Support for atomic styles eg. Tachyons.

Simple Fields

(def form-schema-simple
  {:fields  [{:field-type :string
              :id         :string-field
              :validation [st/required]}
             {:field-type :email
              :id         :email-field
              :validation [st/email]}
             {:field-type :number
              :id         :number-field
              :options    {:min  0
                           :max  10
                           :step 0.2}}
             {:field-type :range
              :id         :range-field
              :options    {:min 0
                           :max 10}}
             {:field-type :checkbox
              :id         :checkbox-field}
             {:field-type :select
              :id         :select-field
              :options    {:choices
                           [[:a "Select A"]
                            [:b "Select B"]
                            [:c "Or perhaps C"]
                            [:d "But not D"]]
                           :disabled #{:d}}}
             {:field-type :radios
              :id         :radios-field
              :default    :am
              :options    {:choices [[:am "AM"]
                                     [:fm "FM"]
                                     [:uhf "UHF"]]}}
             {:field-type :textarea
              :id         :text-area}
             {:field-type :checkboxes
              :id         :checkboxes-field
              :options    {:choices
                           [[:homework "Did my homework"]
                            [:dishes "Washed the dishes"]
                            [:trash "Took out the trash"]
                            [:teeth "Brushed my teeth"]]}}
             {:field-type :hidden
              :id         :hidden-field
              :default    "hidden value"}]})

Grouped Fields

(def form-schema-grouped
  {:fields [{:id :flag-colors
             [{:id :main-color
               :field-type :string}
              {:id :logo-color
               :field-type :string}
              {:id :full-name
               :view [:first-name :last-name]
               (fn [first-name last-name]
                 (when (and first-name last-name)
                   [:h6 (str "Oh! " first-name " " last-name " will be coming!")]))}]
             [{:message "Colors must not be the same"
               :validate (fn [{:keys [main-color logo-color]}]
                           (or (str/blank? main-color)
                               (str/blank? logo-color)
                               (not= main-color logo-color)))}]}]})

Flexible fields

(def form-schema-flex
  {:field-types {:person
                 {:fields [{:id :first-name
                            :field-type :string}
                           {:id :last-name
                            :field-type :string}]}}
   :fields      [{:id :road-trip-people
                  :flex [:person]
                  [{:message "Only 5 people allowed!"
                    :validate (fn [values]
                                (<= (count values) 5))}]}]})

Kitchen sink

(def form-schema-sink
  {:field-types {:string-field-required {:field-type :string
                                         :validation [st/required]}
                 {:id :compound-field
                  :fields [{:field-type :string
                            :id         :string-field-ok}
                           {:field-type :string-field-required
                            :id         :string-field-required}]}
                 {:id :compound-field
                  :fields [{:field-type :compound-field
                            :id :compound-child}]}}
   :fields      [{:id :compound-alias
                  :field-type :compound-field-nested}
                 {:id :string-field-alias
                  :field-type :string-field-required}
                 {:id :flex-field
                  :flex [:compound-field-nested 

Go Live

(def form-data-sink
    {:string-field-ok "aa", :string-field-required "bb"}},
   :string-field-alias "cc",
   [{:field-type :compound-field-nested,
      {:string-field-ok "dddd",
       :string-field-required "eeee"}}}
    {:field-type :compound-field-nested,
      {:string-field-ok "ffff",
       :string-field-required "gggg"}}}]})
(defn live-form []
  (let [form-state (formic.field/prepare-state
                    {:values form-values-sink})]
    (fn []
       [formic.frontend/fields form-state]])))


Developer Friendly Declarative Forms for Reagent

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%