minhnhat93 / ssl-lasagne

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Python
  • PIP or easy_install (For automated install)

Optional Installs (GPU Support):

Automated Installation:

$ git clone https://github.com/minhnhat93/ssl-lasagne.git ssl-lasagne
$ cd ssl-lasagne

Using a virtual enviroment may not work, use with caution!

You may need to visit Matplotlib Virtualenv FAQ to get virtualenv working correctly

setup.py uses 'pip' if you do not have this installed, check requirements.txt for the required packages.

$ python setup.py

Follow the prompts to download mnist.pkl, and install the requirements using pip

Manual Installation

  1. INSTALL theano version 0.7.1a1: sudo pip install --upgrade git+git://github.com/Theano/Theano.git@rel-0.7.1a1

  2. INSTALL lasagne newest version: https://github.com/Lasagne/Lasagne (installation instructions in README.md)

  3. CLONE this git repository into a directory

  4. DOWNLOAD mnist.pk.gz (http://deeplearning.net/data/mnist/mnist.pkl.gz) and unpack mnist.pkl into "data" folder

  5. CREATE a folder named "models" in project folder

  6. OPEN and RUN semisupervised_lasagne.py

Path Options

  • See necklace/path_settings.py for specifying your own paths

Parameters for Semisupervised Learning

Set the main paramters in semisupervised_lasagne.py (search for "SET PARAMETERS")

#-----------------------SET PARAMETERS-------------------------#
# Set the dimension here, 1 list = 1 stack, 2 list = 2 stacks, etc...
dimensions = [[1500, 3, 200]]  # example of 1 stack
#dimensions = [[1500,3,500],[1000,3,300]] # example of 2 stacks
# Set learning ratio for unsupervised, supervised and weights regularization
lr = (1.0, 1, 1e-4)

Here you can set the number of LISTA stacks and learning ratio for loss components by adjusting each variable accordingly

Set number of LISTA stacks:

  1. stacks: dimensions = [[1500, 3, 200]]. The structure has 1 stack with the dictionary size for LISTA structure is 1500, number of LISTA shrinkage layers is 3 and dimension of output after projection matrix is 200. This is only the first encoding half of the structure, the decoding half dimensions is derived automatically
  2. stacks: dimensions = [[1500,3,500],[1000,3,300]]. 2 stacks with the number in each list has the similar meaning to the 1 stack case. 2nd stack will take output after projection matrix of 1st stack as input. Again, the decoding half dimensions is derived automatically

Set learning ratio for loss components:

  1. components are loss for unsupervised/reconstruction path, loss for supervised/classification path and regularizer loss (i.e. total sum of weight matrices values) in respective order Example: lr = (1.0, 1, 1e-4)

Set other parameters:

  1. Set tied_weight, necklace_link, residual_link: These parameters lies in the function call NecklaceNetwork of the file "necklace/build_cg.py". You can open the file and change the parameters accordingly. For more information on NecklaceNetwork see the file "necklace/otherlayers.py"

  2. Set dropout percentage: Dropout percentage for input and weights can be changed in the function call to build_computation_graph in the file "necklace/build_cg.py"

  3. Set dropout percentage for LISTA layer: Currently dropout for LISTA is disabled. Send me an email if you want to change that (quick, they're already there)

Running the Program

You may wish to use the GPU, either setup .theanorc or use the alternate command

$ python semisupervised_lasagne.py

Alternate command (Your gpu device number may vary and you may also need additional flags):

$ THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu0' python semisupervised_lasagne.py

  • IF "TRAIN" IS CHOSEN AND THERE IS A PREVIOUS MODEL FILE FROM LAST RUN (check variable LAST_MODEL_PATH): 3 options: "CONTINUE" (train using last model as init value for parameters), "OVERRIDE" (train completely new model), "END" (quit)



Language:Python 100.0%