minhnghiadev / react-collapse

Component-wrapper for collapse animation with CSS for elements with variable and dynamic height

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Collapse component with CSS transition for elements with variable and dynamic height.

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CSS required

⚠️ ️You need to add style (transition) in your own stylesheet to add animation. Here is an example.

  .collapse-css-transition {
    transition: height 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);

Alternatively you can add it using the transition prop.

Installation for React 16.8+

UMD minified 3.8kb, gzipped 1.7kb

npm i @kunukn/react-collapse
# or
# yarn add @kunukn/react-collapse

Installation for React 16.3+

UMD minified 5.8kb, gzipped 2.1kb

npm i @kunukn/react-collapse@^1
# or
# yarn add @kunukn/react-collapse@^1
import Collapse from "@kunukn/react-collapse";
// or with require syntax
// const Collapse = require("@kunukn/react-collapse");

const MyComponent = () => (
  <Collapse isOpen={true || false}>
    <div>Your content</div>


Prop Type Default
isOpen boolean false
children node | function
render function
className string collapse-css-transition
transition string
elementType string div
collapseHeight string 0px
onChange function
onInit function
addState boolean false
noAnim boolean false
overflowOnExpanded boolean false

isOpen : boolean

Expands or collapses content.

children : node | function

Render the children.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => (
  <Collapse isOpen={isOpen}>
    <p>Paragraph of text.</p>
    <p>Another paragraph is also OK.</p>
    <p>Images and any other content are ok too.</p>
    <img src="cutecat.gif" />

Render content using the render-props pattern.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => (
  <Collapse isOpen={isOpen}>
    {state => (
      <div className={`using-collapse-state-to-add-css-class ${state}`}>
        <p>I know the collapse state: {state}</p>

render : function

Render content using the render-props pattern.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => {
  const render = state => (
    <div className={`using-collapse-state-to-add-css-class ${state}`}>
      <p>I know the collapse state: {state}</p>
  return <Collapse isOpen={isOpen} render={render} />;

There are four possible collapse states: collapsed, collapsing, expanded, expanding.

className : string

You can specify a custom className. The default value is collapse-css-transition. Remember to add CSS transition if a className is provided.

transition : string

You can also specify a CSS transition inline by using the transition prop.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen, duration = "290ms" }) => (
    transition={`height ${duration} cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .2, 1)`}
    <p>Paragraph of text</p>

elementType : string

You can specify the HTML element type for the collapse component. By default the element type is a div element.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => (
  <Collapse elementType="article" isOpen={isOpen}>
    <p>Paragraph of text inside an article element</p>

collapseHeight : string

You can specify the collapse height in CSS unit to partially show some content.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => (
  <Collapse collapseHeight="40px" isOpen={isOpen}>
    <p>A long paragraph of text inside an article element</p>

onChange : function

Callback function for when the transition changes.

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => {
  const onChange = ({ state, style }) => {
    state: string = the state of the collapse component.
    style: object = styles that are applied to the component.

  return (
    <Collapse onChange={onChange} isOpen={isOpen}>
      <p>A long paragraph of text inside an article element</p>

onInit : function

Similar to onChange but only invoked on DOM mounted.
This is an example that starts collapsed and expands on mount.

const MyComponent = () => {

  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false);

  const onInit = ({ state, style, node }) => {
       node: HTMLElement = the DOM node of the component.

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setIsOpen(state => !state)}> Toggle </button>
      <Collapse onInit={onInit} isOpen={isOpen}>
        <p>A long paragraph of text inside an article element</p>

addState : boolean

If added, then one of the class names will be appended to the component depending on the state.


noAnim : boolean

If added, then there will be no collapse animation. State changes between collapsed and expanded.

overflowOnExpanded : boolean

If added, then overflow: hidden style will not be added when the state is expanded.

Custom props

Collapse applies custom props such as aria- and data- attributes to the component's rendered DOM element. For example this can be used to set the aria-hidden attribute:

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => (
  <Collapse aria-hidden={isOpen ? "false" : "true"} isOpen={isOpen}>
    <p>Paragraph of text</p>

Or you could specify a specific transitionDuration.

const collapseStyles = { transitionDuration: "270ms" };

const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) => (
  <Collapse style={collapseStyles} isOpen={isOpen}>
    <p>Paragraph of text</p>

Development and testing

To run development

npm start or yarn start

git clone [repo]
cd [repo]
npm i
npm start
open http://localhost:6007
npm test

or with yarn

git clone [repo]
cd [repo]
yarn start
open http://localhost:6007
yarn test
  • To develop and play around: yarn start
  • To build the bundle: yarn build
  • To validate the bundle: yarn validate

To run example covering all features, use npm run storybook or yarn storybook.



<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kunukn/react-collapse/dist/Collapse.umd.js"></script>

  var Collapse = window.Collapse;

Supported browsers

IE11 + Modern browsers

Supported React versions

  • React version 16.3+ : use Collapse version 1
  • React version 16.8+ : use Collapse version 2+

Used React 16.3 life-cycles

  • render (uses the style states to invoke CSS transition)
  • componentDidMount (initial expanded or collapsed state)
  • getDerivedStateFromProps (detect if isOpen props has changed and apply a new collapse state)
  • componentDidUpdate (update style states from the four possible collapse states)

Used React 16.8 hooks

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useRef
  • useCallback
  • useReducer

Design goals

  • let the browser handle the animation using CSS height transition
  • minimal in file size
  • minimalistic API - only have a Collapse component which updates on isOpen props
  • flexible - provide your own markup, styling and easing
  • interruptible - can be reversed during movement
  • inert - when collapsed you should tab over the collapsed component
  • availability - from cdn or npm install
  • Collapsible on height only

This was created with heavy inspiration from

https://github.com/SparebankenVest/react-css-collapse 🎆


Component-wrapper for collapse animation with CSS for elements with variable and dynamic height

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 93.2%Language:CSS 5.1%Language:TypeScript 1.2%Language:HTML 0.5%