minhduc19 / LiaScript

Interpreter for interactive educational content, written in an extended Markdown format...

Home Page:https://LiaScript.github.io

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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LiaScript is an extension to Markdown to support the creation of free and open online courses, interactive books and thus, Open Educational Resources (OER). Courses are simple text-files, that can be hosted and created freely by everyone similar to Open-Source project. This projects contains the just-in-time compiler that runs directly within your browser.

Website: https://LiaScript.github.io


  • Multimedia
  • Quizzes
  • Text2Speech
  • Animations
  • Surveys
  • Interactive Tables
  • ASCII-art
  • Online Programming
  • Integration of JavaScript
  • Mixing HTML with Markdown
  • Extendability due to Macros
  • Internal event system
  • Literal programming
  • ...

Furthermore, this project is a Progressive Web App (PWA) , which means, if you open your LiaScript document at the project site at https://LiaScript.github.io/course/ , the document gets stored on your Browser like in your personal library. The Website can be installed locally and all states are also stored within your system locally. Thus, you have total access to your courses even if you are offline. And sharing a course is simply, sharing the link to the README.md file.

Docs & Impressions

To get an impression of the LiaScript capabilities see the docs at

or checkout the videos at:

Related Projects

Editor: There are currently two plugins available for the GitHub-Editor Atom, that should help to ease the writing process of LiaScript courses.

LiaScript-DevServer: If you your another editor you can also use this project to run your own LiaScript server that monitors your files and performs an update of your preview, whenever you save your files...

CodiMD -> LiaMD: At the #SemesterHack we updated the free and open online editor for Markdown (CodiMD) to work with LiaScript. This can now be used to setup and host your own LiaScript online editor, and it runs also in docker.

LiaScript-Exporter: Currently a command-line tool to export LiaScript-courses to other formats. At the moment SCORM1.2 is supported that allows to upload a course packed as zip, into nearly every commonly used Learning Management System (LMS). A list of supported LMS is contained within the project description. It has been tested with Moodle and OPAL.

GitHub: https://github.com/LiaScript/LiaScript-Exporter/

Localization: The project internationalization files are contained at


If you want to contribute, add a new translation file ...


Templates: Since courses can make use of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ETC, and encapsulate functionality within Macros, these Macros can be imported by other courses. A set of importable documents is hosted at GitHub. Every document is a self-contained course describing the usage of Macro and their implementation.

GitHub: https://github.com/topics/liascript-template

Library: At the moment there is a collection of some open tutorials and complete ports of some Wikibooks (about C Programming, Lua, etc.) that are now interactive.

GitHub: https://github.com/topics/liascript-course

Further Examples:


Start writing online courses, translate your PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, LMS courses, etc. into LiaScript Markdown and host them on GitHub, but Dropbox is also okay. Make your content and notes accessible and searchable on GitHub, so that it is not lost over time.

If you know some nice JS libraries or services, create a template course, that can be imported into other courses, to make them even fancier. You can host them in your own GitHub repository.

LiaScript has a set of connectors to store and retrieve data from different "Backends". At the moment there are three versions, a basic connector, a pwa connector that makes use of IndexedDB to store data, and a SCORM1.2 connector. It would be great to support a wider range of systems and LMS formats (e.g. SCORM2004, AICC, xAPI, cMi5, IMS Cartridge).

It exists an an editor branch, that is currently used to connect to Atom via the liascript-preview Plugin. It would be great, to support also other editors in the future.

Add some more localization files to: https://github.com/liaScript/lia-localization

I could not compile the project so far, that it runs on Internet explorer and other older Browsers, that are still in use. Is there is an expert on Babel and Parcel out there, who could help?


If you want to add a preview-link for the course to your site, simply add the following script to the head of your website and place the custom webcomponent preview-lia anyone in your document, with src pointing to your LiaScript course.

    <!-- add preview-lia tag support to display all course related information -->


Simply replace URL at the end of the snippet below with your desired GitHub repository (and the main README.md of your master-branch will be used) or directly point to any Markdown-file anywhere within the web.


  • course:



  • learn more:




Use the following commands to download the LiaScript source-code and to build it locally.

git clone https://github.com/liascript/liascript

cd liascript

npm i

npm run watch  # develop in watch-mode

npm run build  # build to dist

After your first build, you can run the following commands, this will download additional elm-patches and apply them:

git submodule update --init --recursive

cd patches


cd .. # go back

rm -rf elm-stuff .parcel-cache # remove all cached stuff 

npm run build # force an entire rebuild of the project 

This will apply the following four patches:

  • elm-break-dom: allows browser extensions such as screen-readers to change the nodes of the app, without crashing the app

  • elm-patch/url: enables the file-protocol, which is only required when building Desktop-apps

  • elm-patch/dom: enable onclick events as well as innerHTML

  • Dexie: this will allow only LiaScript to access indexedDB, which increases the security, by restricting the access. This way information about user states, visited courses, etc. cannot be leaked or spied by other JavaScript modules.


0.10.2 (08/03/2022)

  • improve: Summary with automated quantity or category detection
  • improve: TTS now adds lang ("en") to text output. This is especially useful when other services than responsiveVoice are used.
  • fix: Google-translate and others use https:// instead of // only.
  • Add icon resources

0.10.1 (25/02/2022)

  • Build optimizations
  • improve: Security by allowing only LiaScript to access indexedDB
  • feat: Add functions LIA.gotoNext and LIA.gotoPrevious for improving navigation with external libraries
  • improve: Unordered list now match the GitHub flavoured style

0.10.0 (17/02/2022)

  • Add Classroom functionality within the share section, currently supported are

    This will at the moment synchronize quizzes and survey, and provide an overview on the results/inputs to all connected users. All data is only stored/synchronized between the users not at the backend. And when a user leaves the room, her or she takes the data with them, which will result in an update overview.

  • Complete rebuild of the internal messaging pipeline to a service architecture.

  • Better API, all functionality is now accessible from within a global window.LIA object.

  • A set of new macros, which can be used to disable setting components:

    • @classroom: disable
    • @sharing: false
    • @translateWithGoogle: off

    You can use words like false, disabled, 0, OFF ... LiaScript will recognize them as negative. All other words like wouldLoveToSeeThisFeature are treated as positive. But better stick with false/true, on/of, disable/enable

  • Improved CSS for printing. This allows to generate beautiful content of a slide, with preserved links, if media or iframes are added.

0.9.51 (26/01/2022)

  • improve: Tooltip positioning

0.9.50 (25/01/2022)

  • fix: Tooltip

    • tabbing on touch devices works by long press
    • tooltips is deactivated on small screens
    • improved performance on parsing & links are preserved and clickable too

0.9.49 (24/01/2022)

  • feature: Add tooltips to links, which work by hovering or by putting the focus onto a link. This feature has to be activated within the settings, since it creates additional http traffic. Currently supported types of links:

    • Links to LiaScript courses, which have to contain the URL of the Markdown file
    • Links to services that support oEmbend
    • Other sites with meta information as OpenGraph, TwitterCards, otherwise the first image, header, and paragraphs are grabbed to create the tooltip

0.9.47 (14/01/2022)

  • improve: Video resources via Multimedia links

    • Add support for the TU Bergakademie Freiberg video platform


      Links like for YouTube can simply be copied into the URL part of a link and it will be automatically inserted as an responsive video:


    • fix: Videos on subsequent sites with an equal structure have not been updated properly

0.9.46 (09/01/2022)

  • improve: Repository information

    • only visible for resources from GitHub, GitLab, DropBox
    • additional @repository: url macro-def, which overwrites the definitions from above and is also visible for exports

0.9.45 (06/01/2022)

  • improve(Links): Links to external sites do now contain a target="_blank" by default. Thus, clicks open a new tab instead of destroying the current state of the window.

0.9.44 (06/01/2022)

  • fix(patches): make all now runs all patches including the virtual-dom patch
  • improve: ResponsiveVoice information is only visible if and only if text to speech is activated and used
  • improve: A repository link is added to the information section, which points to the github, gitlab, or dropbox-repository. Others are about to come...

0.9.43 (14/12/2021)

  • improve: Reference macros can now also have an optional title field, which will be ignored during the injection. However, this might be useful for adding information about the content of the data:

    @[Macro.Name](URL "some more information")

0.9.42 (12/12/2021)

  • fix: Indentation for bigger macro-blocks are now injected appropriately

0.9.41 (07/12/2021)

  • use elm-optimize-level-2 for compilation
  • fix: google voice translations
  • update via npm
  • improved icon support
  • reference macro
  • updated oEmbed endpoints

0.9.40 (21/10/2021)

  • improved quiz:

    • accessibility with block-question
    • quizzes can have starting dashes
    • fixes for generic quizzes

0.9.39 (04/10/2021)

  • improve: Attached scripts are now executed only if a change was triggered by the user and their default value gets loaded. The default or initial state for quizzes and surveys is undefined, for tasks it is defined by the initial state.
  • improve: Add send.clear command to scripts

0.9.37 (01/10/2021)

  • hotfix: modal script-editor now prohibits translations

0.9.36 (01/10/2021)

  • Attached scripts can now also publish their results
  • Updated korean translations
  • Export to (nearly) full Json, which can be used later as the basis to translate documents into other formats

0.9.35 (26/09/2021)

  • chore: Npm update

  • fix: footnote

    • CSS table and background color
    • styling of multimedia in modal
    • inline footnote now with Markdown parser

0.9.34 (23/09/2021)

  • improve: footnote styling
  • inline & block-playback are now also translatable via tts

0.9.33 (15/09/2021)

  • fix: CSS styling for Katex-formulas and displayMode
  • Internal message-routing uses a fixed datatype (Return) for all modules

0.9.32 (06/09/2021)

  • Improved accessibility for quizzes
  • Custom styling enabled for comments
  • Improved relative link handling
  • Updated translations
  • fix: Minor CSS bugs and relative links in href="#..."

0.9.31 (30/08/2021)

  • Improved internationalization and CSS bug-fixes
  • Script-tags can now also be evaluated with internal macro support
  • Add share-button to main settings, which will only appear on devices which support navigation.share

0.9.30 (27/08/2021)

  • Add korean translation language: ko
  • Updated build to newer parcel.rc

0.9.29 (24/08/2021)

  • fix: Terminal-output now with whitespace pre behavior

0.9.28 (23/08/2021)

  • feat: Resizable terminal windows
  • fix(CORS): Changed CORS-proxy to allorigins.win

0.9.27 (17/08/2021)

  • Sidebar in Slide-mode can now used to navigate through all effects
  • Home-view has also a settings menu and cards are now presented according to the common style
  • Improved TTS for translations
  • Minor bug-fixes

0.9.24 (30/07/2021)

  • Add arabic translation: language: ar

  • Improved inline parsing speed.

  • Add support for sharing courses on other protocols than http:// and https://.

  • Minor fixes in pre-processing, spelling , styling, and removed line-highlighting for not interactive code-blocks

  • Additional headers are allowed, if they are within lists or block-quotes, etc.:

    # Outer Header
    > ## Inner Header
    > which will not lead to a separate slide.

0.9.23 (12/07/2021)

  • Updated code-snippet language support (see code-list)
  • Optimized loading time with lighthouse
  • fix: icons in nested lists (3rd level)
  • fix: silent hidden TTS
  • refactor typescript

0.9.21 (22/06/2021)

  • optimized loading of oEmbed content, which deals with some CORS issues and adds thumbnails to galleries
  • fix: -- citation in editor mode
  • minor CSS optimizations

0.9.19 (09/06/2021)

  • some optimizations with the help of elm-review
  • fix: CSS width in gallery views

0.9.18 (28/05/2021)

  • feature: audio elements are now also usable within a gallery
  • improve: background color added to gallery-cards
  • fix: Video now visible in modal again

0.9.17 (26/05/2021)

  • feature: Oembed support via the extended link notation ??[alt](url "maybe title"), additionally these embeds can be used in galleries as well.
  • fix(ASCII-art): wrong concatenation of multi verbatim elements in single-line

0.9.16 (17/05/2021)

  • hotfix: Google finds always ways to trick me, this time it was with translating of long paragraphs, which worked sometimes. Now sentences are presented single paragraphs, this seems to do the trick...

0.9.15 (17/05/2021)

  • improved TTS output:

    • Google-translate can now also deal with long paragraphs.
    • better translation & delay (500ms) to support translated courses

0.9.14 (08/05/2021)

  • adds no translation indicators to verbatim elements
  • npm update

0.9.12 (04/05/2021)

  • hotfix: add back deleted main icon

0.9.11 (04/05/2021)

  • fix: falsy overwritten evaluation code-snippets

  • style(Cite): changed default font-style to normal

  • add missing icons to tables & improved parsing

  • improve ASCII-Art:

    • better support of inline Code
    • enabled caseInsensitive detection of AsCIi or Art
    • additional header text can now be used to define figcaption

0.9.10 (27/04/2021)

  • all images can now be increased and zoomed, if their actual size is less than their native size
  • updated KaTex, echarts, workbox, typescript, ...
  • improve fig-caption
  • small CSS fixes with starting images in paragraphs

0.9.9 (26/04/2021)

  • add console.stream to handle stream events from remote services correctly
  • fix: minor CSS bugs in tables

0.9.8 (23/04/2021)

  • user friendly error messages, with the possibility to return to the index page.
  • new macro @persistent: false, which allows to mark a course, true is default and means it, should be stored, false is used to prohibit the storage within IndexedDB, or another connector
  • minor CSS bugfixes

0.9.7 (21/04/2021)

  • new feature, click on an image to see it as modal and scaled ...
  • removes bug with parsing quotation marks
  • improved modals & fixed inline script-code editing

0.9.6 (20/04/2021)

  • adds font-spacing
  • lazy loading for images, videos, and iframes
  • better parsing of weird list and quotation structures
  • many little bugfixes

0.9.5 (13/04/2021)

  • revert double single quotations for titles (caused bugs)
  • add error output to surveys and quizzes
  • fix: Wired constructions of nested lists and quotes generate semantically correct HTML
  • minor fixes in CSS for selection surveys and open modals stop keyboard navigation

0.9.4 (12/04/2021)

  • audio elements ?[audio](http...mp3) can no be part of a gallery too
  • title in references now can be placed in single and double quotation marks
  • adds citation which is indicated by starting a paragraph with --
  • minor CSS fixes

0.9.3 (08/04/2021)

  • fix: Loading older version of courses
  • fix: Changed icons + & - in codes, to be equal to the LiaScript syntax
  • fix: Styling for share-buttons
  • fix: Intl formatting for different languages
  • fix: Styling search in dark-mode
  • fix: Background colors for script-tags
  • improve(Code): Terminal accessibility

0.9.0 (05/04/2021)

  • Total redesign of UI/UX

  • Adds support for Tasks

    - [X] some task solved
    - [ ] some task unsolved ...
  • Support for galleries as collections of images and videos:

    ![some image](url1) ![some image](url2)
    !?[some video](url3)
    ![some image](url4)
    !?[some video](url5)
  • Images and videos are now scaled automatically to fit the best size

  • Moved from JavaScript to Typescript

  • Optimized internal message-handling

  • Scripts can now also create Quizzes, Code, Surveys, etc. (scripts cannot create scripts)

  • Updated debug-information

  • Updated to eCharts 5

  • ASCII-art blocks now have a verbatim environment, that is surrounded by either single or double quotation marks:

    |"$$                                "|   Single
    |"   \sum_{i=1}^\infty\frac{1}{n^2} "|   quote
    |"        =\frac{\pi^2}{6}          "|   verbatim
    |"$$                                "|   block
    |""```js                           ""|   Double quote
    |""let str = "Hello World!         ""|   verbatim block
    |""alert(str)                      ""|   -
    |""```                             ""|   can contain
    |""<script>@input</script>         ""|   single quotes

0.8.12 (08/12/2020)

  • better handling of incorrect and incomplete HTML-comments
  • inline code does now preserve whitespaces
  • table-cells can now also be styled with a starting HTML comment

0.8.11 (05/12/2020)

  • parsing everything can be difficult, fixed issues with + and - that resulted from the last list updates.
  • footnotes are clickable again and with multiline support

0.8.10 (04/12/2020)

  • fixed issues with ordered and unordered lists, as well as quotes...

0.8.9 (02/12/2020)

  • better JavaScript & HTML & inline code parsing with string escapes
  • fix: problem with HTML and JavaScript within block-effects
  • removed ~~~ for now ...
  • fix: parsing block-html und loading order of js

0.8.8 (26/11/2020)

  • better script-tag parsing with comments and strings

  • scripts can now also produce LiaScript content via the result string:

  • code-blocks can also be marked with ~~~

  • fixes for qr-code background in dark mode and margin for figures with titles

0.8.7 (21/11/2020)

  • new funnel diagram type for tables
  • better support for line-plots and scatter-plot for categories
  • new link type for qr-codes: [qr-code](url)
  • better integration of script with further configurations
  • fix in script formatting

0.8.6 (18/11/2020)

  • updated ASCII-Art, which now now supports escaping via "
  • updates with eslint & npm update

0.8.5 (12/11/2020)

  • hotfix: internal macro-parameters work only form @0 ot @9

0.8.4 (10/11/2020)

  • attached scripts can now also use inputs from detached scripts
  • script inputs now react to onEnter events
  • fix: naming issue in web-components
  • macros can now have an infinite length of input parameters

0.8.3 (04/11/20202)

  • script format locale default is defined by global language default
  • fix: order of script execution corrected in textbook mode
  • fix: caching bug in Katex formulas
  • added funnel diagram to table visualization
  • optimized table diagram generation
  • double-click on script now uses an overlay editor

0.8.2 (01/11/2020)

  • little bugfixes, multiple inputs for scripts and internationalization for scripts outputs...

0.8.1 (27/10/2020)

  • Support for subHeaders via:

    # subHeader
    ## sub-subHeader

0.8.0 (26/10/2020)

  • script-tags can now be used like web-components, which may return a value:

    • with reactive programming
    • with attached input elements
    • formatting is also possible with Intl
  • Terminal supports the output of HTML content via console.html("<img src'= ...>")

  • Terminal output gets truncated after 200 inputs and uses Html.Keyed.node for faster rendering

0.7.12 (07/10/2020)

  • removed Google-Analytics
  • upgrade KaTeX to 0.12.0

0.7.11 (06/10/2020)

  • Added a Makefile for better local development.
  • Use make all KEY="your-key" with your key for your website from https://responsivevoice.com
  • Use make help to get some help 😏

0.7.10 (06/10/2020)

  • better internal reference handling, which works now also with unicode-symbols
  • stable preprocessor, which handles single # more securely
  • multimedia captions ![alt](url "title"), the title element can now contain Markdown content, which will be displayed as a caption; it works also for audio and video content
  • fix: floating bug with tables

0.7.9 (29/09/2020)

  • tables do not increase the size of the frame anymore

  • [preview-lia](course-url) depicts now a preview link for the LiaScript course in your course. The same can be achieved with the web component <preview-lia src="course-url"></preview-lia>

    See section Preview for more information.

0.7.8 (28/09/2020)

0.7.7 (25/09/2020)

  • added laziness to Charts, Tables, and ASCII-art in order to increase speed
  • npm updates
  • added russian translation

0.7.6 (10/09/2020)

  • fix: typo in css for grey design
  • npm update

0.7.5 (10/07/2020)

  • fix: jumping on animations on mobile or if content too long ...
  • update ace editor to 1.4.12
  • updated elm-ui to 1.0.7
  • added special classes to quizzes to enable the usage of quiz-banks

0.7.4 (07/07/2020)

  • fix: some problems with arrow navigation, added stopPropagationOn for dealing with key-press events that should not interact with the navigation
  • fix: some css for cards, such as quizzes and surveys

0.7.3 (06/07/2020)

  • Editor settings via attributes: data-theme, data-marker, data-...

0.7.2 (26/06/2020)

  • fix: HTML elements with quoted strings that contain & are now accepted

0.7.1 (23/06/2020)

  • Added string escaping with an additional macro-notation @'name, which works also with @'1 or @'input ...
  • New visualization type for tables data-type="boxplot"
  • More settings for table-diagrams, i.e. data-title, data-xlabel, data-ylabel
  • fix: Macro debugging caused some errors, due to new HTML handling, this was fixed, but the visualization is still not as expected...

0.7.0 (14/06/2020)

  • Tables are now smarter and can be used also in conjunction with animations
  • Supported tables are now (BarChart, ScatterPlot, LineChart, HeatMap, Map, Sankey, Graph (directed and undirected), Parallel, Radar, and PieChart)
  • Added special tags for table definitions: data-type, data-src, data-transpose, data-show
  • JavaScript execution is now delayed until all resources are loaded
  • Unified parsing of HTML attributes and comment attributes
  • HTML resources are now also checked if they are relative or not
  • fix: single HTML-comments can now also be detached from any Markdown body

0.6.2 (19/05/2020)

  • Added tag <lia-keep>: innerHTML is parsed without checking or parsing for Markdown
  • fix: HTML-parameters with - are now also allowed
  • fix: better search, with titles, and search-delete button
  • fix: some overflow CSS bugs for quotes and quizzes
  • App starts with closed table of contents on mobile devices
  • fix: navigation buttons are now all of equal size
  • fix: Title tab now shows the main title of the course


  • Better error handling, faulty Markdown is now parsed until the end of a section
  • Minor optimizations to speedup JIT compilation.


  • Started tagging with version numbers
  • Added language support for Spanish es and Taiwanese(tw)/Chinese(zh)
  • Refactored effects, which now also support {{|>}} or {{|> Voice}} for main manual text2speech output for blocks, as well as an inline notation {|>}{_read me aloud_} for inlining
  • Effect-fragments can be combined with with spoken output {{|> 1-3}}


Author: André Dietrich

eMail: LiaScript@web.de

Website: https://LiaScript.github.io


Interpreter for interactive educational content, written in an extended Markdown format...


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Elm 71.2%Language:TypeScript 15.6%Language:SCSS 8.1%Language:HTML 3.4%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Nix 0.0%