minhaz1010 / Eslint-Config-Setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Step - 1: Create an eslint.config.mjs and copy the code from:
Eslint File

Delete the files eslintrc and .eslintignore

Step - 2: Copy/paste the following lines and paste inside script in package.json code from given in the package.json

    "lint": "npx eslint src --ignore-pattern .ts",
    "lint:fix": "npx eslint src --fix",
    "prettier": "prettier --ignore-path .gitignore --write \"./src/**/*.+(js|ts|json)\"",
    "prettier:fix": "npx prettier --write src",

Step - 3: Install the prettier package

    npm install --save-dev prettier

If prettier does not work, follow step 4:

Step - 4: Add the code below to the settings.json file:

      "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
      "editor.formatOnSave": true,



Language:TypeScript 63.2%Language:JavaScript 36.8%