minhaj-313 / JavaSpace

A collection of all my Java programs

Home Page:http://www.vijaybalaji.me/JavaSpace/

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A collection of all the Java programs I've worked on so far.

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Table of contents

Table of Contents


Basics of Java are covered within these programs.

GP.java                       | Calculates Grade Pay.
• Pyramid.java                  | Number Pyramid.
• Average.java                  | Average of N numbers.
• Cutoff.java                   | Calculate PCM Cut-off.
• Denomination.java             | Money Denomination in India.
• EvenAndOdd.java               | Finds Odd and Even numbers from given numbers.
• Flag.java                     | A Star pattern.
• Fun1.java                     | A Simple turn-based game.
• LeapYear.java                 | Checks if leap year.
• Merge.java                    | Merges two Arrays.
• Palindrome.java               | Checks if Palindrome or not.
• Power.java                    | Calculates A raised to B.
• Prime.java                    | Prints prime numbers from 0-100.
• Recursion.java                | Prints N Fibonacci numbers.
• Reverse.java                  | Reversing a Number or String.
• Sorting.java                  | Sorting N numbers.
• Squares.java                  | Print squares until N'th turn.
• Tables.java                   | Print Multiplication table.
• Factorial.java                | To find Factorial of a number.
• Strong number.java            | Check for Strong number.
• Fibonacci.java                | To find Fibonacci series up to a given number.

Data Conversion

Contains programs that revolve around various Number Systems.

BinaryCheck.java              | Checks if number has even number 1's in it's binary format or not.
• Bintodecimal.java             | Binary to Decimal.
• Binary.java                   | Check if Binary or not.
• DeciToBinary.java             | Decimal to Binary.
• DeciToOctal.java              | Decimal to Octal.
• DeciToHexa.java               | Decimal to Hexa

Data Structures

Programs Relating to the implementation of various Data Structures are present in this folder.

Queue.java                    | Queue Implementation.
• BST.java                      | Binary Search Tree.
• CircularQueue.java            | Circular Queue Implementation.
• DLL.java                      | Double Linked List.
• Linkedlist.java               | Linked List.
• Stackpr1.java                 | Stack Implementation.
• Kruskal's algorithm.java      | Kruskal's algorithm to find shortest path.
• Linear Probing.java           | Creating a Hash Table using Linear Probing method.
• InorderTraversal.java         | Inorder traversal in java.

Searching And Sorting Algorithms

Programs used for searching and sorting given elements.

Binary Search.java            | Iterative Binary Search.
• Linear Search.java            | Linear Searching Algorithm.
• Heap Sort.java                | Sorting entires using Heap Sort.
• Merge Sort.java               | Sorting using Merge Sort.
• Bubble Sort.java              | Sorting using Bubble Sort.
• QuickSort.java                | Quick Sort.
• Selection Sort.java           | Selection Sort.
• Insertion Sort.java           | Insertion Sort.
• Radix Sort.java           | Radix Sort.


Implementing Object Oriented Programming System(OOPs) in Java.

Classes.java                  | Understanding classes in java.
• Initializing_objects.java     | Creating/initializing data using reference variables.
• Static.java                   | Understanding uses of static variables.
• Polymorphism.java             | Exploring Polymorphism in OOPS.
• Constructors.java             | Initializing variables using constructors in Java.
• Object.java                   | Objects in java.
• Variables.java                | Different types of variables in java.
• ArrayOfObjects.java           | Creating an array of objects.
• Encapsulation.java            | Encapsulation of data.
• Accessing.java                | Accessing private variables using public methods.
• AbstractClass.java            | Understanding abstract classes.


Various examples to help implement OOPS in Java.

Holiday.java                  | Class Objects and Methods.
• Bookstore.java                | Static, final and Constructors.
• SemesterMarks.java            | Understanding Inheritance.
• Shape.java                    | Example for Polymorphism.
• GenericMethods.java           | Using generic classes and methods.
• Distribution.java             | Parameterised constructor and exception handling.
• Shapes.java                   | Example for Inheritance.

Exception Handling

Handling various exceptions using the try, catch, finally and throw keywords in Java.

Try_and_catch.java            | Using the try and catch keywords.
• Try_and_finally.java          | Replacing try, catch and finally keywords.
• Multicatch_block.java         | Implementing multiple catch blocks.
• Nested_try1.java              | Example - 1 for nested try blocks.
• Nested_try2.java              | Example - 2 for nested try blocks.
• Throw.java                    | Using the throw keyword.
• Throw2.java                   | Execution of lines after the throw keyword.
• Balance_addition.java         | Exception handling example.


Threads.java                  | Threads implementation in java.
• multi_threads.java            | Implementing multi-threads.
• synchronization.java          | Synchronizing threads.
• Matrix.java                   | Finding the sum of matrix elements using threads.
• Test1.java                    | Test case example for multi-threads.


BinaryConcat.java             | Decimal value of Binary concatenation of given number.
• DungeonQuest.java             | A turn-based RPG text game.
• EvenPerfectSquare.java        | Checks if sum of numbers at even position is perfect square or not.
• FibonacciPrime.java           | Prints Prime Numbers in Fibonacci Series.
• GameOfLife.java               | A short choice based game.
• GameOfCoordinates.java        | A game to check if you can move to a point based on preset rules.
• NarcissticNo.java             | Prints Narcisstic and Armstrong Numbers.
• PythagoreanPrimes.java        | Checks if given number is a Pythagorean Prime or not.
• RLD.java                      | Checks if given number is Reverse Length Divisible or not.
• AmicableNo.java               | Prints all the pairs of Amicable Numbers until N.
• Decimal.java                  | Finds the sum of numbers before and after decimal point.
• Encryption.java               | Encrypts and Decrypts Information Provided.
• Flames.java                   | A simulation of the game, flames.
• NonLoop.java                  | A simple game to understand recursion.
• Permstring.java               | Prints permutations of a given String.
• Project.java                  | A school project on university counselling
• RandomNo.java                 | Prints N random numbers within a given range
• Resort.java                   | A Simple program to understand concepts of OOP in Java.
• Append.java                   | Helps in creating lists in python.
• UrlConcat.java                | Program to create a link tag for HTML and saving output to clipboard.
• TagContentExtractor.java      | Obtaining string between html tags.
• SportsCatalogue.java          | Creating a sports catalogue with OOPS.
• DutchNationalFlagAlgo.java    | Algorithm to sort 0's 1's and 2's in a array
• InterchangeAndAdd.java        | Interchange matrices and add them.
• PalindromeCheck.java          | Checks if given string is a palindrome.
• TwoPointersAlgo.java          | Searches for pairs in a sorted array.
• matrix.java                   | Finding the sum of two matrices.
• Pizza.java                    | GUI calculator to bill products.


To contribute to the program collection, fork the repository, create a new branch and send us a pull request. Make sure you read CONTRIBUTING.md before sending us Pull requests.

Special thanks to all the contributors✨



This repository is under The MIT License. Read the LICENSE file for more information.


A collection of all my Java programs


License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%