mingsc / swift-news

Links from the stories discussed on Swift News

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Swift News is a YouTube show from Sean Allen where he shares the latest news, articles, videos, podcasts, etc... from the world of Swift and iOS Development. Swift News is released at the beginning of each month.

This repository is home for all the links featured in Swift News.

December 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Swift Playgrounds 4
How to build your first SwiftUI app with Swift Playgrounds
Apple’s use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 15
App Store Awards honor the best apps and games of 2021
App Store Award Unboxing
Write better code with Swift Algorithms
How necessary are the programming fundamentals?
What role do Tasks play within Swift’s concurrency system?
Understanding Swift’s AsyncSequence
Mac Development Resources
App Store A/B Testing
Cross-Platform Design Giveaways
LOL - Documentation

October 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Swift 5.5 Released!
iOS and iPadOS 15: The MacStories Review
Mixpanel: iOS 15 Adoption
How iPad Apps Adapt to the New 8.3" iPad Mini
SF Symbols 3
How to make a custom button style with UIButton.Configuration in iOS 15
The new shiny
DRY: Misunderstood Tweet
App Store Promotion Tool
AR Corner: See Through Box
AR Corner: Wall Breaker
AR Corner: Carolina Panthers
AR Corner: Full Body Mask
LOL - 1200 Nits
LOL - Senior Dev
LOL - Apple Connections

September 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

iOS Dev Jobs
Creating Slick Color Palette APIs
Confirmation dialogs in SwiftUI
Every SwiftUI Environment Value explained
Force Unwrap Meme
Force Unwrap Twitter Thread
Unwrap or throw: Exploring solutions in Swift
8 Google Tips Tweet
Software Engineering Isn’t Magic
Apple's AR Development Tweet
VoxelizeAR Tweet
AR Pond Tweet
LOL - Delete Code Tweet
LOL - Coding in Front of People Tweet
LOL - AirPod Man Tweet
LOL - Edge Case Tweet
LOL - Status 200 Tweet
LOL - Call Tweet
LOL - Add More People Tweet

August 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Async/Await and the Future of Combine
Swift Concurrency by Example
Meet the UIKit button system
The many faces of button in SwiftUI
SF Symbol Changes in iOS 15
WWDC 21 Sample Code
Is SwiftUI ready?
Swift Programming for macOS
Why we got rid of most dependencies
Five tips to help you become a well-rounded developer
Career Arc Tweet

March 22nd, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

The iOS Developer Community Survey
Introducing The Daily iOS
Array Syntax Tweet
50+ iOS Dev Tools
Junior to Senior Tweet
AR Corner - Building Tetris
AR Corner - Directions
LOL - Treasury
LOL - Falling

March 15th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Tweaking The iOS System Fonts
UIMenu: Comprehensive guide
Small Business Program - Cautionary Tale
Twitter Wisdom - Tutorial Retention
Developers on the Mac: The Great Survey
AR Corner
LOL - Savior
LOL - Pull Requests

March 8th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Writing High-Performance Swift Code
Using self, weak, and unowned in Combine
Announcing the Mobile Native Foundation
Twitter Wisdom - How it REALLY Goes
How to Deal With Subscription Hate
Do Great Work, Then Tell People About It
Things I Made That Sucked
LOL - Impostor

March 1st, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Swift Algorithms - Update
App Store Privacy Labels - Update
AppKit is Done
Custom HUDs in SwiftUI
IndieDev Tips #2 • Diversified portfolio vs. Big idea: the right approach
How I would solve the Facebook iOS App Design Interview
How Uber Deals with Large iOS App Size
Twitter Wisdom - Success
Bites of Wisdom
LOL - Code Signing Mario
LOL - Car Charger

February 22nd, 2021

No Episode - Break

February 15th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Result builders in Swift explained with code examples
Chained implicit member expressions in Swift 5.4
Navigation in SwiftUI
181 iOS Developer and Productivity Tools
Twitter Wisdom - Programmer Traps
Twitter Wisdom - SwiftUI Myths
Twitter Wisdom - Remote Work
Road to My First iOS Job
AR Corner
Random - Sorting Algos
Random - Metahumans

February 8th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

What’s new in Swift 5.4?
iOS Feeds
Passing methods as SwiftUI view actions
Indie Dev: Blackbox - Ryan McLeod
How I got into FAANG
Be Humble
The man who produced Steve Jobs’ keynotes for 20 years.
AR Corner

February 1st, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

Why Swift (isn’t) being undermined of its potential
Paul Hudson - Control Room 2.0
Paul Hudson - Sitrep
Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 6 years in the industry
SwifUI Mac Menus
Lazy var in Swift explained with code examples
iOS Conf SG 2021 Videos
LOL #1
LOL #2

January 25th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

App architecture basics in SwiftUI, Part 2: SwiftUI's natural pattern
Build Animated Pie and Donut Charts in SwiftUI
Recreating the Strava Activity Graph in SwiftUI
SwiftUI Custom View Modifiers
Twitter Wisdom
Apple Design Resources
UI Inspiration Pinterest Board
LOL #1
LOL #2

January 18th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

How to select images using PHPickerViewController with SwiftUI
Wrangling Time
What is a Computed Property in Swift?
The Diminishing Utility of MFMailComposeViewController
Distributing Mac apps outside the App Store, a quick start guide
Twitter Wisdom

January 11th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

iOS Developer Community Survey
10 Things iOS Developers Should Focus On in 2021
Getting the most out of Xcode Previews for SwiftUI
Instruments Tutorial with Swift: Getting Started
Twitter Wisdom

January 4th, 2021

Swift News - YouTube Video

The lifecycle and semantics of a SwiftUI view
CoreData Articles
CoreData Sample Project
Snake in SwiftUI

December 28th, 2020

Swift News - YouTube Video

Diversity in Swift
Building Layouts with Stack Views
Creating Performant Scrollable Stacks
Aligning Views Across Stacks
New Apple UI Performance Videos
App Clips - HIG
MacStories App Awards
Swift at Uber Tweet Thread
Swift at Uber Blog Post
Transparent App Icons Blog Post
Video on GitHub
AR Corner - Magazine Cover
AR Corner - Bitmoji Body LOL

December 21st, 2020

No Episode - Holiday Break

December 14th, 2020

No Episode - Holiday Break

December 7th, 2020

Swift News - YouTube Video

Small Business Program Details
Swift Version History
Best Apps of 2020
Spend Stack Acquisition
App Pricing Strategies
Working in Bursts
AR Corner

November 30th, 2020

Swift News - YouTube Video

App Store Holiday Blackout
App Store Privacy Label
Swift Property Wrappers
Managing URLs & Endpoints
SF Symbols 2.1
Protocols in SwiftUI
Indie App Press
AR Corner

November 23rd, 2020

Swift News - YouTube Video

Swift 5.4 Release Process
Subscription Offer Codes - Apple
Subscription Offer Codes - denzhadanov.com
Small Business Program
SF Symbols 2.1
Big Sur Icons
SwiftUI Previews
Swift and Raspberry Pi
AR Corner


Links from the stories discussed on Swift News