mindoodoo / pld-generator

Project Log Document generator for the epitech EIP project utilizing github API to generate document in markdown.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple utility generator utilizing github's graphql API to request cards from specified project and generate a Project Log Document (PLD) in markdown format.


Pld Template

In order to generate the PLD, the pld-generator uses a template (default is template.md) and replaces special tags with specific values.

The following tags are supported :

Tag Description
lucid Lucid chart diagrams
cards Github projects cards
table_of_contents Table of contents with links

In order to be parsed correctly, tags must be surrounded by two pairs of curly braces such as {{cards}}.


By default, the pld-generator searches for a generator_config.toml in the current directory. The config accepts the following options.

Mandatory Key Description
github_api_key Fine grained token
project_number Github projects number
lucid_client_id Lucid OAuth client ID
lucid_client_secret Lucid OAuth client secret
lucid_access_token Lucid access token generated through OAuth2 process
lucid_refresh_token Lucid refresh token generated through OAuth2 process
document_id Lucid document id
image_width Specify image width for lucid diagrams
image_height Specify image height for lucid diagrams

Here is the expected config format :

api_key = <github api key>
project_number = <project number on github>

[document-settings] # Optional
image_width = <optional image width for lucid chart>    # Optional
image_height = <optional image height for lucid chart>  # Optional

[lucid] # Optional
lucid_client_id = <lucid OAuth client ID>
lucid_client_secret = <lucid OAuth client secret>
lucid_access_token = <lucid access token generated through OAuth2 process>
lucid_refresh_token = <lucid refresh token generated through OAuth2 process>
document_id = <lucid document id>

Github token

You must provide a fine grained personal access token with the following permissions :

  • Read access to organization projects
  • Read access to issues
  • Read access to metadata

Lucid token

In order to be able to connect to the lucid chart api, you need to get an OAuth2 access token and refresh token. The documentation for getting these tokens is documented however was a bit of a hassle to understand so you may follow the steps here instead. They were especially unclear in a simple user script case such as this one.

  1. Enable developer settings for your lucid chart account

  2. Create an application

  3. Create an OAuth2 client from within the settings of that application

  4. Register the following redirect uri within that app :

https://lucid.app/oauth2/clients/{client id}/redirect

Replace {client id} with your clients id obviously. Stuff like this won't be mentioned later on.

  1. Fill out and open the following authorization url in your browser and grant access
https://lucid.app/oauth2/authorize?client_id={client id}&redirect_uri={previously set redirect uri}&scope=lucidchart.document.content:readonly+lucidchart.document.app.folder+lucidchart.document.app.picker:readonly+offline_access

This url grants the following scope permissions to the access token you will receive :

  • lucidchart.document.content:readonly
  • lucidchart.document.app.folder
  • lucidchart.document.app.picker:readonly
  • offline_access → Required in order to get refresh token.
  1. Copy the code it shows. We'll refer to it as code from now on.

  2. Request access token and refresh token

curl 'https://api.lucid.co/oauth2/token' \
  --request 'POST' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "code": "",
    "client_id": "",
    "client_secret": "",
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",
    "redirect_uri": ""
  1. You should now have an access token and a refresh token !

Current state

Still in development

Implemented :

  • Github api key authentication
  • Graphql request to get cards
    • Handle paging
  • Cards parsing
  • Markdown generating
  • Lucid chart document screenshot downloading


  • Improve storage of gql request → .graphql file ?
  • Add manual ordering feature
  • Automatic numbering
  • Use anyhow for error handling
  • Restructure serde datamodel module
    • ie: model module ?
  • Github card linter → automatic formatter
  • Improve deserialization error handling
    • For the time being it will the deserialization will fail in a lot of places if the response is of the error type, this should be better managed by checking the status code first

Unhandled edge cases that should have user facing errors

  • app.rs → if lucid document id is invalid
  • Lucid module does not handle unauthenticated requests well enough
  • Ill formatted response in github module get_cards() → needs better error handling


Project Log Document generator for the epitech EIP project utilizing github API to generate document in markdown.


Language:Rust 92.4%Language:Shell 7.6%