minchinweb / minchinweb.github.io

Code for Minchin.ca

Home Page:www.minchin.ca

Repository from Github https://github.comminchinweb/minchinweb.github.ioRepository from Github https://github.comminchinweb/minchinweb.github.io


This is used to host the website at http://minchin.ca

The site is generated using Pelican, a static site generator for Python.
The source is stored in the `pelican` branch and the output (the site proper)
is stored in the `master` branch.

For the pages hosted at https://genealogy.minchin.ca/ , the code is
hosted at https://github.com/MinchinWeb/genealogy

For the blog (and pages) hosted at https://blog.minchin.ca/ , the code is
hosted at https://github.com/MinchinWeb/blog.minchin.ca/

Note to Self: To Manage Dependencies

To update requirements::

    pip-compile --update

To update the (local) virtual environment::

    pip -m piptools sync

(Note that ``pip-sync`` can't update itself on Windows.)


Code for Minchin.ca



Language:XSLT 48.4%Language:JavaScript 24.2%Language:CSS 19.6%Language:HTML 6.6%Language:Python 1.2%