minafkamel / Musically

A pet project that displays a list of artists and their songs. Tech stack: Kotlin, Architecture Components, RxJava & Koin.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mina Kamel Android Engineer

Table of Contents


Musically is a simple app that displays a list of the top 5 artists from HeartThisAt API. When an artist item is clicked, the app shows their top 5 songs. When a song is selected, the app streams the song. The song continues to play even if the user goes to the artists list. The flow:

musically flow

Click here for a video demo to hear a selected song.


The app uses the Android Architecture Components to deliver its functionality. Each Activity or Fragment has a View Model to control it. A set of Live Data objects act as a bridge from the View Model to the Activity or Fragment.

The architecture is highly reactive. It uses RxJava for domain and data layer and LiveData for the UI Layer. Koin is used for dependency injection due to its minimalistic set up.

The Data Layer

The Data Layer contains raw network objects (PopularRaw, SingleArtistRaw, SongRaw), FeedRepository, SelectionRepository FeedApi. The FeedRepository calls the FeedApi to retrieve data from the API.

  • The FeedRepository has 3 methods:
Method Returns Uri Purpose
getPopular() List of PopularRaw feed/?type=popular&page=1&count=5 Gets popular 5 artists
getSingleArtist() SingleArtistRaw {permalink} Gets data of a single artist. We are interested in the trackCount and the description.
getSongs List of SongRaw {permalink}/?type=tracks&page=1&count=5 Gets the top 5 songs of an artist

The suffix -Raw in the objects is to indicated that this is an unprocessed data object as opposed to a Domain Layer or a UI Layer object

For now, the FeedRepository looks like a proxy class to FeedApi. However, the FeedRepository can possibly handle other sources of data like cached or database.

  • TheSelectionRepository has one object and a method:
Item Description
selectionPublisher A PublishSubject for anyone interested in listening to the song selection done in the SongsFragment/SongsViewModel. This is used by the StreamingFragment/StreamingViewModel to start streaming a song.
Passing the data vertically via the domain and data layer as opposed to horizontally between activities and fragments is far better as it reduces the clutter of passing parameters around and keeps the data flow from data to domain to UI consistent.
setSongSelection Sets the title and stream url for a selected song and provides the observer with a new item. Used by StreamingFragment/StreamingViewModel via SelectSong use case.

The Domain Layer

The Domain Layer contains a group of use cases that do pieces of business logic. They are consumed by View Models in the UI Layer. There are two types of use cases:
- UseCase : Emits one value therefore it's of a Single return type.
- ObservableUseCase: Emits a series of values therefore it's of an Observable return type.

Input and output: Both use cases are generic in nature. This means they can receive custom types for Input and return a custom type for Output. In case no input is expected, NoParams is used. And in case no output is expected, NoResult is used. Params is used to wrap input parameters.

Use Case Description Type Input Output
GetArtists Calls getPopular() and getSingleArtist() APIs via FeedRepository and combines the result then returns a list of Artist UseCase NoParams List of Artist
GetSongs Retrieves the songs of a permalink via FeedRepository UseCase Params(permalink) List of SongRaw
SelectSong Sets the song selection in the SelectionRepository UseCase Params(title, streamUrl) NoResult
GetStreamingInfo Observes the selectionPublisher in SelectionRepository and returns the emitted title and stream url pair ObservableUseCase NoParams Pair(title, streamUrl)

The UI Layer

A View Model is a LifecycleObserver while an Activity or a Fragment is a LifecycleOwner. This helps the View Model to know when either of them is created to start the flow, without the need of each child of the BaseActivity or BaseFragment to do so.

Both base classes have a similar structure. The layout is provided via the constructor and they have two abstract methods.

  • passViewModel(): for each child to pass its injected view model. This is used to make the view model a LifecycleObserver.
  • observeLiveData: A unified place for all LiveData observation.

BaseViewModel : Upon the creation of the Activity or Fragment, calls onViewCreate() which is implemented by the child activities or fragments to start binding to use cases or any other action needed. When cleared, it makes sure to clears the CompositeDisposable.

Activities and Fragments:

Activity/Fragment ViewModel Layout
Loads the three fragments: ArtistsFragment, SongsFragment and StreamingFragment. N/A Contains two FrameLayouts, one loads ArtistsFragment and SongsFragment and the bottom one loads StreamingFragment
Observes artistsLiveData and progressLiveData from ArtistsViewModel. Loads the artists in the ArtistsAdapter and show progress while waiting for artists.
Also provides a click handler to the adapter and passes the clicked artistId to MainActivity
When the view is created, calls GetArtists use case, uses ArtistsMapper to map the list of domain models Artist to a list of ArtistViewEntity. A recycler view and a custom progress load view that shows loading while waiting for artists.
Observes songsLiveData and progressLiveData from SongsViewModel. Loads the list of SongViewEntity in the SongsAdapter and shows progress while waiting for songs.
Also provides a click handler to the adapter and passes the clicked song Pair(title, streamUrl)
Calls GetSongs use case then SongsMapper to map when the view is created.
Calls SelectSong when a user clicks on the a song to notify the StreamingFragment.
A recycler view and a custom progress load view that shows loading while waiting for songs.
Observes streamingLiveData to stream the selected song using MediaPlayer and sets a song title. It also uses Glide to do play a gif while the song is playing. Calls getStreamingInfo when the view is created to listen to any song clicks. A simple layout with an ImageView for the gif and a TextView for the streamed song title.

Mappers and objects

Each layer has a set of objects suited to its needs. The Domain Layer does the mapping in the use cases while the UI Layer uses mappers.

Data Domain UI
No mapping. Objects have a -Raw suffix to indicate they are unprocessed (e.g: SongRaw) Mapped in use cases. Have no suffix (e.g: Artist). Optional as sometimes there's no need. Uses mappers to create models more suited to the UI displayed like string formatting. These entities have a -ViewEntitiy suffix to indicate they're view related.

Utils & extensions

  • StringProvider: A utility class that provides strings values given a key.
  • Rx: subscribeToDisposeLater, withDefaultSchedulers and addTo to avoid boilerplate code while using RxJava.

Unit Tests

  • All of the testable code (Use Cases, View Models and mappers) are unit tested.
    • The whenever statements are organised according to the ArrangeBuilder pattern. I've written about it here. This helps reusing statements and also turns them into english statements.
    • Tests are organised into Arrange, Act, and Assert(verify) blocks with a line break in between.


All dependencies are organised in the Dependencies.kt files.

  • Most important ones:
    • RxJava
    • Retrofit
    • Koin
    • Glide


A pet project that displays a list of artists and their songs. Tech stack: Kotlin, Architecture Components, RxJava & Koin.


Language:Kotlin 100.0%