Pure JavaScript library to play animation like a billiards with canvas.
Demo is here.
- Simplest case
<script src="./billiards.min.js"></script>
new Billiards({});
- Specify canvas node
<canvas class="canvas"></canvas>
new Billiards({
'canvas': document.querySelector('.canvas')
- Specify parent node (and canvas node will be automatically created)
<div class="canvas-container"></div>
new Billiards({
'parent': document.querySelector('.canvas-container')
- Specify canvas size and
new Billiards({
'width': '640',
'height': '480',
'fillStyle': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)'
- Specify to automatically resize canvas size to window size
new Billiards({
'fitToWindow': true
- Specify settings of sprites
new Billiards({
'number': 8,
'r': [ 0.1, 0.2 ],
'color': {
'r': [ 192, 255 ],
'g': [ 128, 255 ],
'b': [ 0, 255 ],
'a': [ 1.0, 1.0 ]
'composite': 'lighter',
'velocity': [ 1.0, 2.0 ]
- Specify that sprites don't rebounds from other sprites
new Billiards({
'rebound': false
- Specify that sprites don't collides from other sprites
new Billiards({
'collide': false
- Manually update animation
const billiards = new Billiards({
'autoPlay': false
const update = () => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- Manually render sprite
new Billiards({
'render': (billiards, sprite) => {
billiards.context.fillStyle = sprite.color;
billiards._.composite && (billiards.context.globalCompositeOperation = billiards._.composite);
billiards.context.arc(sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
const billiards = new Billiards({
'active': Boolean, // Animation activation. Use stop() and start().
'autoPlay': Boolean, // billiards.js will use own requestAnimationFrame().
'canvas': HTMLElement, // Canvas node.
'parent': HTMLElement, // Parent node.
'width': String, // Canvas width.
'height': String, // Canvas height.
'fitToParentW': Boolean, // Canvas width will be automatically resize to parent node width.
'fitToParentH': Boolean, // Canvas height will be automatically resize to parent node height.
'fitToWindow': Boolean, // Canvas will be automatically resize to window size.
'fillStyle': String, // fillStyle property value of canvas.
'number': Number, // Sprites number.
'x': Array, // Min/Max x coordinate of sprite. This is ratio to canvas width.
'y': Array, // Min/Max y coordinate of sprite. This is ratio to canvas height.
'r': Array, // Min/Max sprite radius. This is ratio to canvas (width + height) / 2.
'color': Object { // fillStyle property value of sprite.
'r': Array, // Min/Max red color.
'g': Array, // Min/Max Green color.
'b': Array, // Min/Max blue color.
'a': Array // Min/Max alpha.
'composite': String, // globalCompositeOperation property value of sprite.
'velocity': Array, // Min/Max speed of sprite.
'collide': Boolean, // Whether sprite will be collide from others.
'rebound': Boolean, // Whether sprite will be rebound from others.
'margin': Number, // Sprite margin.
'render': Function // Custom render function.
const billiards = new Billiards({
'active': true,
'autoPlay': true, // Billiards.update() will be automatically called in requestAnimationFrame().
'canvas': null, // Canvas node will be automatically created.
'parent': document.body,
'width': null, // setAttribute() is not called.
'height': null, // setAttribute() is not called.
'fitToWindow': false,
'fillStyle': null, // clearRect() will be automatically called.
'number': 3,
'x': [ 0, 1.0 ],
'y': [ 0, 1.0 ],
'r': [ 0.1, 0.4 ],
'color': {
'r': [ 0, 255 ],
'g': [ 0, 255 ],
'b': [ 0, 255 ],
'a': [ 0, 1.0 ]
'composite': null,
'velocity': [ 0.1, 1.0 ],
'collide': true,
'rebound': true,
'margin': 0,
'render': null // Billiards.render() will be automatically called.
Stop animation.start()
Start animation.reset()
Reset values of sprites.