mimetikxs / Silhouette-Segmentation-Approaches

The following is a practical comparison of various techniques of segmenting silhouettes/the general foreground from the background. It is intended as cursory research to inform which approach we use for extracting silhouettes for future installations. We explored two approaches- using a depth cameras + ROI and camera + segmentation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Silhouette Segmentation Approaches

The following is a practical comparison of various techniques of segmenting silhouettes/the general foreground from the background. It is intended as cursory research to inform which approach we use for extracting silhouettes for future installations. We will both compare based off specs/ collected data and share sample footage under various conditions. Important factors include:

  • Cost
  • Silhouette quality
  • multiple device support
  • Ability to operate robustly under changing lighting conditions
  • Range and FOV
  • Ease of development and Installation
  • Ability to deal with a variety lighting conditions

In general we explored two approaches:

  • Depth Camera: Using a depth camera then setting a 3D region of interest to extract the foreground.
  • Camera + Segmentation: Using a camera, depth or other wise, and then applying ML based segmentation to extract the silhouettes/foreground.

Depth Cameras

all cameras


Depth Camera Price USD reported Range (M) FOV (H x V) Low light performance (1-5) Outdoor performance (1-5) Outdoor sillhoutte range Meters (good quality - edge) Multi Camera Mac Win linux openFrameworks touchDesigner Unity
ZED 450 0.5 - 20 90 x 60 1 5 3.3 - 5 Yes N Y Y Needs Update Y Y
Intel RealSense D435i 199 10 87 x 58 4 5 4.5 - 8.3 Yes Y Y Y Y Y Y
Azure Kinect DK NFOV 400 0.5 - 5.46 75 x 65 5 3 2.7 - 4.1 Supported N Y Y NA NA NA
Azure Kinect DK WFOV 0.25 - 2.88 120 x120 5 2 1.5 - 2.1
Kinect v2 280 0.7–6 57 x 43 5 1 1.4 - 2.4 Not Easily N Y N Y Y Y


Our subjective ranking

Cost Form Factor Low Light Indoor Performance Outdoor Performance Range FOV Ease of Development
Intel RealSense D435i Intel RealSense D435i Azure Kinect DK Azure Kinect DK Intel RealSense D435i Intel RealSense D435i Azure Kinect DK Intel RealSense D435i
Kinect v2 ZED Kinect v2 Kinect v2 ZED ZED ZED Kinect v2
Azure Kinect DK Kinect v2 Intel RealSense D435i ZED Azure Kinect DK Azure Kinect DK Intel RealSense D435i ZED
ZED Azure Kinect DK ZED Intel RealSense D435i Kinect v2 Kinect v2 Kinect v2 Azure Kinect DK

Footage + Notes

Note that you can find more sample footage for each approach in the assets folder.

Stereo Zed


Indoor Conditions

Indoor Conditions Stereo Zed

Indoor Low Light

Indoor Low Light Stereo Zed

Outdoor Close 3.3M

Outdoor Close Stereo Zed

Outdoor Far 5M

Outdoor Far Stereo Zed


  • IR cut filter on sensor, if it was possible to remove it would open up more installation possibilities.
  • When testing range outside it only extended 10M not the full 20.
  • Has a 3D scanning application in its SDK.
  • Tends to merge the background with foreground, Example: if someone is walking close to a surface the surface distorts around the person.

Intel RealSense


Indoor Lights On

Indoor Lights On Intel RealSense

Indoor Lights Off

Indoor Lights Off Conditions Intel RealSense

Indoor lowlight

Indoor Lights Off Conditions Intel RealSense

Outdoor Close 4.5 M

Outdoor CloseIntel RealSense

Outdoor Far 8.3 M

Outdoor Far Intel RealSense


  • Stereo cameras do not have an IR cut filter. So stereo is operational in only IR light.
  • Provides good usb support and feedback. It says which usb type it is connected to and continues to work at a lower quality when its connected to usb 2.0.
  • The 3D view provides dramatically less quality than the 2D view. (see above gifs)
  • Lists 1280x800 as an option, but it will not show any depth when that resolution is set.

Azure Kinect


Indoor Wide mode

Indoor Wide mode Azure Kinect

Indoor Narrow mode

Indoor Narrow mode Azure Kinect

Outdoor Wide mode 2.1M

Outdoor Wide mode Azure Kinect

Outdoor Narrow mode 3.1M

Outdoor Narrow mode Azure Kinect


  • If it has something in the near field, far field drops/poorly affected. Example: Cannot be sitting in middle of table with table in view, needs to be on the edge of the table
  • Provides significantly better range in the "binded" mode.
  • The reported range is much smaller than what we observed in testing. In NFOV mode indoors it extended up to 11 meters, but the specs only report a range up to 5.46 meters in NFOV mode.

Kinect v2



Indoor Kinect

Outdoor 2.4M

Outdoor Kinect


  • Discontinued support
  • A lot of harware accessories
  • plug and play installation

Camera + Segmentation

Overall the advantage of this technique is that it cuts out the work of manually cutting out the background through a region of interest and provides potentially useful additional information like the 3D skeleton, unique IDs for each person in the scene. It will also only mask people and will ignore all other backround objects. The disadvantages include: limited ranges, inability to track from certain angles, higher required specs to perform well.


Approach Range M Sillhoutte Quality (1-5 best) Skeleton Quality (1-5) Angle (1-5)
Azure Kinect+ body tracking SDK 7 3 5 3
BodyPix 6.7 1 0 5
Kinect v2 + body tracking SDK 4.2 0 3 2
RealSense D435i + Nuitrack 4 4 2 3

Footage + Notes

Intel RealSense + NuiTrack


Intel RealSense + NuiTrack Distance


Intel RealSense + NuiTrack Occlusion


Intel RealSense + NuiTrack Occlusion


  • They threshold the depth data at 4M in the example. Is it possible to increase that threshold through their API?
  • As of writing, there is no support for multiple sensors.

Azure Kinect + body Track SDK


Azure Kinect + body Track SDK  Distance


Azure Kinect + body Track SDK  Occlusion


Azure Kinect + body Track SDK  Angle


  • Tracking range and persistence is impressive.
  • Less false skeletons than earlier kinect.
  • Example only available in NFOV mode and not available in wide mode. Tracking range would decrease in wide mode.
  • While the skeleton information is robust the silhouette segmentation is patchy.
  • Requires high specs to run the tracking sdk.

Kinect 2 + body Track SDK


Indoor Kinect Distance


Indoor Kinect Occlusion


Indoor Kinect Angle


  • No silhouette segmentation available.
  • frequent false positives.



BodyPix Sample


BodyPix Sample


BodyPix Sample


  • Ran test on macBook pro (2.3 GHz, 16GB of Ram, and NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M) and on a windows tower (3.6 GHz, 16GB of Ram, Quadro P4000). Gifs are from windows tower at 30fps on the macbook they were running at 10 fps and below.

Other Possibilities

This isn't an exhaustive list. Here are some of the other promising possibilities.


The following is a practical comparison of various techniques of segmenting silhouettes/the general foreground from the background. It is intended as cursory research to inform which approach we use for extracting silhouettes for future installations. We explored two approaches- using a depth cameras + ROI and camera + segmentation.