mimani68 / flux2-lab

A GitOps workflow for multi-env deployments with Flux, Kustomize and Helm.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cluster Infra and applications deployment


  • You will need a Kubernetes cluster version 1.21 or newer. Any other Kubernetes setup will work as well though.

  • In order to follow the guide you'll need a GitHub account and a personal access token that can create repositories (check all permissions under repo).

  • Install the Flux CLI on MacOS or Linux using Homebrew or install the CLI by downloading precompiled binaries using a Bash script:

curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash

Repository structure

The Git repository contains the following top directories:

  • apps dir contains Helm releases with a custom configuration per cluster
  • infrastructure dir contains common infra tools such as ingress-nginx and cert-manager
  • clusters dir contains the Flux configuration per cluster
├── apps
│   ├── base
│   ├── production 
│   └── staging
├── infrastructure
│   ├── configs
│   └── controllers
└── clusters
    ├── production
    └── staging

Initialize operation

Cluster bootstraping

1. Defining credentials

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token>
export GITHUB_USER=<your-username>
export GITHUB_REPO=<repository-name>

2. Check flux command line

Verify that your staging cluster satisfies the prerequisites with:

flux check --pre

3. Initiate cluster

Set the kubectl context to your staging cluster and bootstrap Flux:

flux bootstrap github \
    --owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
    --repository=${GITHUB_REPO} \
    --branch=main \
    --personal \

For other environments just change --path=clusters/<ENV-NAME> like --path=clusters/production

4. Manual force for implement changes

flux reconcile source git flux-system
flux reconcile kustomization apps

Other applicable commands are

flux get kustomizations --watch
watch flux get helmreleases --all-namespaces

Access the Flux UI

To access the Flux UI on a cluster, first start port forwarding with:

kubectl -n flux-system port-forward svc/weave-gitops 9001:9001

Navigate to http://localhost:9001 and login using the username admin and the password flux.

Weave GitOps provides insights into your application deployments, and makes continuous delivery with Flux easier to adopt and scale across your teams. The GUI provides a guided experience to build understanding and simplify getting started for new users; they can easily discover the relationship between Flux objects and navigate to deeper levels of information as required.


You can change the admin password bcrypt hash in infrastructure/controllers/weave-gitops.yaml:

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: weave-gitops
  namespace: flux-system
  # ...omitted for brevity
      create: true
      username: admin
      # bcrypt hash for password "flux"
      passwordHash: "$2a$10$P/tHQ1DNFXdvX0zRGA8LPeSOyb0JXq9rP3fZ4W8HGTpLV7qHDlWhe"

To generate a bcrypt hash please see Weave GitOps documentation.

Note that on production systems it is recommended to expose Weave GitOps over TLS with an ingress controller and to enable OIDC authentication for your organisation members. To configure OIDC with Dex and GitHub please see this guide.

Add clusters

If you want to add a cluster to your fleet, first clone your repo locally:

git clone https://github.com/${GITHUB_USER}/${GITHUB_REPO}.git

Create a dir inside clusters with your cluster name:

mkdir -p clusters/dev

Copy the sync manifests from staging:

cp clusters/staging/infrastructure.yaml clusters/dev
cp clusters/staging/apps.yaml clusters/dev

You could create a dev overlay inside apps, make sure to change the spec.path inside clusters/dev/apps.yaml to path: ./apps/dev.

Push the changes to the main branch:

git add -A && git commit -m "add dev cluster" && git push

Set the kubectl context and path to your dev cluster and bootstrap Flux:

flux bootstrap github \
    --context=dev \
    --owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
    --repository=${GITHUB_REPO} \
    --branch=main \
    --personal \

Identical environments

If you want to spin up an identical environment, you can bootstrap a cluster e.g. production-clone and reuse the production definitions.

Bootstrap the production-clone cluster:

flux bootstrap github \
    --context=production-clone \
    --owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
    --repository=${GITHUB_REPO} \
    --branch=main \
    --personal \

Pull the changes locally:

git pull origin main

Create a kustomization.yaml inside the clusters/production-clone dir:

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
  - flux-system
  - ../production/infrastructure.yaml
  - ../production/apps.yaml

Note that besides the flux-system kustomize overlay, we also include the infrastructure and apps manifests from the production dir.

Push the changes to the main branch:

git add -A && git commit -m "add production clone" && git push

Tell Flux to deploy the production workloads on the production-clone cluster:

flux reconcile kustomization flux-system \
    --context=production-clone \


A GitOps workflow for multi-env deployments with Flux, Kustomize and Helm.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%