milports / 05_TestingGrounds

A Hunger-Games inspired FPS with large outdoor terrains. Advanced AI, basic networking, pickups, skeletal meshes, checkpoints and more. (ref: TG_URC)

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1 Testing Grounds Introduction

  • Welcome, fresh start, new energy
  • Did you go back and modify Building Escape?
  • Most ambitious section yet
  • Bookmark the live Google Slides
  • Comment on the slides, especially typos
  • Come say hi at

Code Architecture Storing State

2 Testing Grounds GDD

  • The concept of the game
  • The rules of the game
  • Some of the asset requirements for the game
  • Identify possible technical challenges.

3 Using Git LFS (Large File Support)

  • The distinction between Git vs GitHub
  • Use Unreal’s toolbar & SourceTree
  • Enable Git Large File Support (LFS)
  • Setup on GitHub (no or initial commit)
  • Push to GitHub and share
  • Warning: may take a while on slow broadband.

4 Marketing & Markdown

  • Limitations of Unreal’s connection to GitHub
  • How to reset to previous commit to combine
  • Presenting your public GitHub page well
  • Using Markdown to enrich formatting.

5 Use git clean to Revert Project

  • Upgrading my project to Unreal 4.13
  • An overview of the scene
  • How the First Person Character is composed
  • Adding a spiral staircase.

6 First Person Character Overview

8 The Third Person Character

  • Add a third person character to the scene
  • Caution about tidying files at this stage
  • Add a navmesh, and check it’s continuous.

9 Introducing AI Behaviour Trees

  • Setup a Blueprint AI controller class
  • Behaviour Trees controll AI execution flow
  • Blackboards hold AI instance data
  • How to associate a behaviour tree with an AI
  • Testing that our behavior tree is running.

10 Introducing AI Blackboard Data

  • Blackboard data is like member variables in code
  • Using blackboard data to set patrol points
  • Practice setting blackboard values in Blueprint
  • Test simple AI patrol behaviour.

11 Target Points and Patrol Routes

  • Add a variable to the NPC’s blueprint
  • How to make a variable an array in blueprint
  • Introducing Target Point actors
  • Using target points to specify patrol routes.

12 Using Any Actor for Waypoints

  • Actors are more general than target points
  • How to select an actor from another actor
  • Getting the AI Controller to set Blackboard data
  • Testing our characters go to a set waypoint.

13 Options for Grouping Actors

  • Use layers (usually used for visibility)
  • Use groups as a simple multi-select tool
  • Use tags, can be flexible but easy to forget
  • Use a parent Empty Actor, or a Folder
  • Group on game object (e.g. array on NPC)
  • The key is to know the pros and cons.

14 Blueprint Behaviour Tree Tasks

  • How to use Blackboard Key Selector variables
  • Creating new Tasks in Behaviour Trees
  • Pseudocode programming in Blueprint
  • How to use the Execute AI node
  • How to use the Finish Execute node.

15 Modular Arithmetic & Cycles

16 Performance Profiling 101

  • The first rule of performance: “profile first”
  • Access profiler from Window > Developer Tools
  • Choose Session Front End
  • Select your running game session
  • Chose Profiler tab, and hit Data Preview
  • Search for your function and double-click.

17 C++ AI Behaviour Tree Tasks

  • Add “AIModule” and “GameplayTasks” to build
  • Inherit C++ class from UBTTaskNode
  • Override ExecuteTask()
  • Return EBTNodeResult::Succeeded;
  • Don’t try and extend in Blueprint
  • Use Blueprint XOR C++ for a given task.

18 Reading Blackboard Data in C++

  • Expose a blackboard key selector in C++
  • #include “BehaviorTree/BlackboardComponent.h”
  • OwnerComp.GetBlackboardComponent()
  • Use GetValueAsInt() etc to get the value
  • You can now access blackboard data in C++.

19 The Consequences of Inheritance

  • We have coupled our AI ChoseNextWaypoint task to the Third Person Character.
  • We have also specialised our Blueprint class with a variable, PatrolPoints.
  • These dependencies are undesirable, but we will proceed with our conversion.

20 Converting Blueprint to C++

  • OwnerComp.GetAIOwner() to get AI Controller
  • If you’re casting, you’re probably coupling
  • Use .Num() to get number of elements in TArray
  • Use TODO for reminders, to help you FOCUS
  • FOCUS = Follow One Course Until Successful.

21 Composition over Inheritance

  • We created PatrollingGuard by inheritance
  • How about if we want a patrolling tank?
  • Another option is to use an actor component
  • This is an age-old debate
  • Let’s get some real-world experience of the two
  • Convert to a component model.

21b Talking Head: What We've Covered So Far

  • What we've covered recently
  • What's coming up.

22 How to Delete a C++ Class

  • Yes it should be easier than this, tell Epic!
  • How to remove CPP files from browser in Unreal
  • The process for deleting C++ classes.

23 Instanced Materials

  • Also called Material Instances
  • These allow modification with little overhead
  • How to create an instanced material.

24 Introducing AI Perception

  • Use AI Perception, it’s newer than Pawn Sensing
  • How to add AI Perception to your controller
  • Use the apostrophe key ‘ to enable AI debug
  • Remember Shift + F1, F8, F11 etc.

25 OnTargetPerceptionUpdated Event

  • Use the On Target Perception Updated event
  • This reports the actor sensed
  • And the class of the sense (e.g. sight, hearing)
  • How to setup perception events.

26 AI Hearing Perception in Unreal

  • Hearing is a sense that compliments sight
  • How to set up AI Perception hearing sense
  • How to get hearing perception to trigger
  • Making your actor create a noise.

27 The Animation Starter Pack

  • The skeleton comprises the bones
  • Over the skeleton lays a skeletal mesh
  • Each vertex of the mesh connects to bone(s)
  • The animation tells the bones how to move
  • The bones tell the mesh how to move
  • The Animation BP controls the animations.

28 Changing a Character’s Animation

  • How to change a mesh’s animation class
  • Matching the animation’s mesh to…
  • … the mesh selected on the character
  • You can apply instance changes to blueprint
  • However be careful what you take with you
  • Solving “can’t save… graph is linked” error.

29 Customising a Character Blueprint

  • You can start with a off-the-shelf blueprint
  • We can then add our reusable components
  • Another way of getting our desired character.

30 Sub Behaviour Trees

  • Behaviour trees can get complex
  • We want to keep a consistent level of abstraction
  • Behaviour trees can run “sub” trees
  • This helps us organise our project.

31 Talking Head - Introducing Sam

  • Congratulations on getting this far in the course.
  • Recapping the AI work we have done so far.
  • Introducing the new instructor for the section: Sam.

31b Talking Head - Refactoring Superpowers

  • Why refactoring is so important.
  • Refactor skills give you the edge.
  • What’s coming up in the next lectures.

32 Simplifying Our Project

  • Deleting and Moving folders.
  • Ensuring deletion on the file-system.
  • Good file structure for Unreal.
  • Viewing the dependencies of an object.
  • How and when to fix redirectors.

33 Renaming & Moving CPP

  • Renaming CPP files.
  • How to deal with renaming blueprint parents.
  • Refactor class names in CPP.
  • Updating .generated.h files.

34 Solution: Renaming & Moving CPP

  • Repeating the renaming process.
  • Finishing our refactor.
  • Fixing CDO Constructor errors.

35 Holding a Gun with Skeletal Sockets

  • Reading existing source code for hints.
  • Creating a socket on a skeletal mesh.
  • Parenting a gun to that socket.
  • Removing unused assets.

35b Understanding Animation Blueprints

  • The major components.
  • How to preview animations.
  • Definition of an animation and pose.
  • Understanding the AnimGraph.
  • Playing a custom animation.

36 Creating Animation State Machines

  • Why state machines?
  • What are state machines?
  • What’s inside a UE4 state?
  • How to add transitions.
  • Adding a shooting state.

37 Movement Blend Spaces

  • What is a blend space?
  • How to create a movement blend space.
  • Examining the existing Jog blend space.
  • Replicating for Ironsights.

38 Offset Animations

  • Creating an offset animation.
  • Applying an offset to a base.
  • Conditional blend nodes.

39 Aiming Blend Spaces Offsets

  • Aim offset assets.
  • 1D vs 2D Aim offsets.
  • Editing an existing animation sequence.

40 Rotating with SetFocalPoint()

  • Revising Behaviour Tree tasks.
  • Making our character face us.
  • Using AIController’s SetFocalPoint()

41 Character Movement vs Rotation

  • More code reading.
  • Jumping between files in Visual Studio.
  • Difference between movement and rotation.
  • Mapping out complex systems.

42 Control Rotation for Aim

  • Getting the control rotation.
  • Focus Actor vs Focal Point
  • Splitting rotators and setting pitch.
  • Controlling Animation BP properties.

43 Behaviour Tree Decorators

  • Creating a decorator.
  • Sequence vs Select nodes.
  • Aborting decorators early.
  • Clearing blackboard keys from blueprint.
  • Patrolling, agro and following.

44 Behaviour Tree Services

  • Using decorators vs services.
  • Creating a service.
  • Deeper into behaviour tree states.
  • How to implement suspicion.
  • Giving our character breathing space.
  • Comparing BP Validity and NULL.

45 Tweaking AI Behaviour

  • Preventing Behaviour Tree flicker.
  • Creating mutually exclusive states.

46 Debugging AI Behaviour

  • Viewing behaviour while playing.
  • Using tags on Actors.
  • Revising interrupting tasks.
  • Adding in multiple actors.

47 Refactoring to a Gun Actor

  • Create a Gun actor.
  • Move the firing code over.
  • Revising refactoring.

48 Attaching Actors to Components

  • Revise spawning child actors.
  • Attaching actors to sub-components.
  • Attachment rule to sockets.

49 Configuring the Gun

  • Playing montage animations.
  • Connecting to actors in code.
  • Finishing our refactor.

50 Moving Files from LFS to Git

  • The pros and cons of LFS.
  • How to move files from LFS.
  • Tracking folder instead of extensions.
  • Where tracking happens.

51 To LFS or Not to LFS?

  • The pros and cons of LFS.
  • Organising your project for clarity.
  • How to deal with .umap assets.

52 Child Actor Components

  • Previewing the gun with the skeleton.
  • Positioning the gun.
  • Child actors with Blueprint.
  • Using Child Actor Components.

52b Introduction to Inverse Kinematics

  • Local vs component-space poses.
  • Understanding bone-space.
  • The principles of IK.
  • End effectors and Joint targets.
  • Mapping to the Two Bone IK node.

53 Inverse Kinematics with Animations

  • Using the Two Bone IK node.
  • Effectors vs Joint targets

54 Comparing Blueprints with Diffs

  • Using UE4 built-in version control.
  • Diffing blueprints.
  • LFS vs Git assets in editor.

55 Boolean Blending for Aim States

  • Boolean blending in Unreal.
  • Setting variables in animation BP.
  • Making the AI aim.

56 Adding Firing Animations

  • When to use additive identities.
  • Blending additive animations.
  • Creating an additive firing animation.
  • Controlling firing from the AI.

57 Animation Notify Events

  • Synchronising sound and animation.
  • Creating custom notify events.
  • Hooking up our gun trigger to AI.

58 Taking Damage in Blueprint

  • Applying damage from a projectile.
  • Taking damage in a BP character.
  • Detaching a controller from a Pawn.

59 Death Animations and Refactors

  • Revision of BP refactoring.
  • Making our Animation BP clean.
  • Death animations on the AI.

60 Switching 1st and 3rd Person

  • Swapping out a 1st to 3rd person character.
  • Wrapping rotations.

61 Owner Invisible Meshes

  • Own See vs Owner no see meshes.
  • Why 1st person Meshes.
  • Hooking up Fire input in TPCharacter.

62 Separating Firing from Gun Meshes

  • Why we need two gun meshes.
  • Creating Blueprint components.
  • Scene components vs Actor components.
  • Camera rotation with control rotation.

63 Aiming Our 1st Person Camera

  • Local vs Global rotation.
  • UE4 optimizations for unpossesed characters.

64 Architecture of Infinite Runners

  • Using the Arrow component.
  • How to architect an infinite runner.
  • Overview of how we want our levels to work.

65 Spawning Terrain in the GameMode

  • GameMode BP vs Level BP
  • Creating a blueprint GameMode
  • How to spawn tiled terrain.
  • Using a blueprint for-loop.

66 Level Gating for Testing Grounds

  • Why we need level gating.
  • Our approach to gating.
  • Enabling/disabling collisions.

67 Swapping Materials in Blueprint

  • Creating material instances.
  • Exposing material parameters.
  • Swapping materials in blueprint.
  • Adding affordance to our barriers.

68 Garbage Collecting Previous Tiles

  • When to delete previous tiles.
  • How to get hold of the Game Mode.
  • Spawning new tiles when needed.
  • Keeping the minimal tiles in memory.

69 Merging Our TP and FP Files

  • Fix camera glitch while strafing.
  • Merge the NPC and Player folders.
  • Revise redirectors.
  • Revise folder movement and deletion.

70 Hit vs Overlap Events

  • Debug a projectile spawn issue.
  • Overview the collision system.
  • Understand hit and overlap notifications.
  • Review different Collision Presets

71 Dynamically Calculating NavMesh

  • NavMesh and procedural terrain.
  • Dynamic NavMesh generation.
  • When LFS shouldn’t be used.

72 Keep It Simple Stupid

  • Make the player tough for testing.
  • Deeply understand the AI system.
  • When is code too complex to debug?
  • Write high level pseudo code.

73 Parallel Behaviour Tree Tasks

  • Parallel actions in Behaviour Trees.
  • Pseudocode-lead refactoring.
  • Aborting lower priority with decorators.
  • Organising conditional Behaviour Trees.

74 Custom BT Tasks and Decorators

  • Implementing a conditional decorator.
  • Custom task nodes.
  • Clean up when task node is aborted.

75 External Build Data in 4.14+

  • Updating to 4.15.0
  • Storing build data outside of .umaps.

76 Physical Gun Architecture

  • Renaming to style guide
  • Problems of our existing architecture
  • Improved gun-centric architecture
  • Challenge: reinstating the gun actor.

77 Converting a Character BP to C++

  • Creating and reparenting a character
  • Challenge: Converting the component hierarchy
  • Reviewing my Mannequin.cpp

78 Who’s Pulled the Trigger?

  • Reviewing the architecture
  • Revision: binding input in C++
  • Challenge
  • Remove firing from Animation BP
  • Control trigger from AI

79 Cooldown Nodes & Gameplay Tags

  • How cooldown nodes work.
  • Adding gameplay tags.
  • Challenge: Let the AI Cooldown
  • Randomised burst of fire.
  • Separated into sub-behaviour trees.

80 Animation Montages and Slots

  • What is an animation slot?
  • How to blend by root bone.
  • "Caching" a pose.
  • Challenge: Create and Play Firing Montage

81 Reattaching the Gun

  • Attach gun to correct mesh if player
  • Reattach gun when player dies
  • Challenge: Play Two Montages

82 Procedural Level Generation

  • Importing asset pack.
  • Introduction to procedural terrain.
  • Creating ground mesh from BSP.
  • Challenge: creating spawnable props.

83 Generating Random Numbers

  • Create a Tile C++ class.
  • Expose a UFunction to spawn actors.
  • Functions to generate random data.
  • Challenge: generate a random spawn point.

84 Spawning Actors in the Tile

  • Spawn an actor.
  • Randomise the number of actors.
  • Challenge: place the actors correctly.

85 Sphere Casting in C++

  • What is a Sweep?
  • How to Sphere Cast in C++.
  • Challenge: visualise the cast.

86 Configure Custom Trace Channels

  • Creating a Trace Channel.
  • Where to configure presets.
  • Challenge: make it trace green.

87 Spawning into Free Space

  • Writing an actor spawning algorithm.
  • Challenge: generate empty space.
  • Converting from local to global positions.

88 Randomising Rotation & Scale

  • Adding randomised rotation.
  • Challenge: add randomised scale.
  • Tweaking the spawn radii.

89 Flyweight Pattern for Foliage

  • Flyweight pattern for rendering
  • Adding LOD for foliage.
  • Challenge: spawn grass instances.
  • Reviewing my code.
  • Configuring my component.

90 Choosing Waypoint with EQS

  • Outline of EQS.
  • Enabling EQS.
  • Creating and testing queries.
  • CHALLENGE: Create a Waypoint Query.

91 Find Actors of Type from C++

  • Overviewing the navigation issue.
  • Getting hold of existing objects.
  • CHALLENGE: Finding NavMeshBoundsVolumes

92 Plumbing an Actor Pool Setup

  • Actor Pool architecture.
  • Creating the Actor Pool Component.
  • CHALLENGE: Plumb the Pool.

93 Using the Pool API

  • Using the Checkout API
  • Overview of object lifecycle
  • CHALLENGE: Return to Pool
  • Populate the initial pool.

94 Using TArray for Pools

  • Implementing checkout.
  • Challenge: Implement return and add.

95 Rebuilding Navigation Meshes

  • Rebuilding the Navigation.
  • Offset the NavMeshBoundsVolumes.
  • CHALLENGE: Spawn on destroy.

96 Structs to Simplify Function Args

  • The AI spawning problem.
  • Combining parameters as structs.
  • CHALLENGE: SpawnPosition Generator Function.

97 Spawning AI from C++

  • How to spawn AI.
  • PlaceAIPawns definition.
  • CHALLENGE: spawn AI in the world.

98 Keeping Score

  • Adding a GameMode Score.
  • CHALLENGE: Notify on Tile Conquered

98b Understanding Function Templates

  • What is a template.
  • When would you use one?
  • What is the syntax for functions.

98c Template Specialization

  • When copy and paste isn’t enough.
  • How to handle tricky types.

98d Fixing Double Spawning

  • Fixing out spawn issue.
  • When static polymorphism isn't enough.
  • How to use templates in classes.
  • Caveats to using templates in C++

99 Using the HUD Class

  • Extending the HUD class
  • Why use the HUD class
  • CHALLENGE: Create the scoring UI

100 Post Processing for Tunnel Vision

  • Adding PostProcessing Effects
  • CHALLENGE: Ease in on Damage

101 Recruiting Play Testers

  • Sharing your game
  • CHALLENGE: Recruit Some Testers
  • Changing the lighting
  • Firing lasers
  • Improving score UI
  • Shorter blackout effect

102 Smooth Blending the Camera

  • Making death easier
  • How the camera works
  • Overview of SetViewTargetWithBlend
  • CHALLENGE: Smooth Blend the Camera

103 Possessing and the View Target

  • Unpossing with View Targets
  • Auto managed View Targets
  • CHALLENGE: Manually Manage the View Target

104 The Calm Before The Storm

  • Peace before the storm
  • CHALLENGE 1: Fix the crashing issue
  • CHALLENGE 2: Make the Actors spawn
  • Parametrise the enemy count
  • BONUS: Fixing multiple camera transitions

XXX Testing Grounds Wrap-up

  • WELL DONE, over 50h of content
  • You've got a great understanding of Unreal
  • Your C++ knowledge is transferrable
  • Improve with: more weapons, pick-ups, progression
  • Please share screenshots / 20s video with community.


A Hunger-Games inspired FPS with large outdoor terrains. Advanced AI, basic networking, pickups, skeletal meshes, checkpoints and more. (ref: TG_URC)

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 95.8%Language:C# 3.7%Language:C 0.4%