milovanovic / lis

A Fully Streaming Linear Insertion Sorter (LIS) Design Generator

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A Linear Insertion Sorter (LIS) Chisel Generator



This repository contains a generator of parameterizable and runtime reconfigurable fully streaming linear insertion sorters writen in Chisel hardware design language. Fully streaming linear sorters with their rather simple and low-cost hardware architecture are widely used as the fundamental building blocks in many digital signal processing applications that require sorting operations and continuous data streaming interface.

Linear streaming sorters

Linear insertion sorters use the same principle as the well- known insertion sort algorithm. The incoming data are inserted at the appropriate location inside the sorting array thus keeping the array sorted at every moment.

The linear insertion sorter is composed of basic processing elements (PEs) connected in a cascade. The sorter generator scheme featuring streaming I/O data and block diagram of one processing element (PE) for two different linear insertion sorter types is sketched below. The illustrated generator supports, for the each sorter type, three subtypes differing only in decision which cell should be discarded in the insertion process and sent to the output.

Design generator of linear insertion sorters scheme:

Linear sorters generator scheme

Processing elements of two different LIS types:

Processing elements

The Chisel generator is described with following Scala files available insidesrc/main/scala directory:

  • LIS_util.scala - contains useful objects such as CounterWithReset and LifeCounter
  • ControlLogic.scala- description of Control Logic block used inside each PEcnt module
  • PEcnt.scala - description of the basic processing element (PE) for the LIS_CNT sorter type
  • PEsr.scala - description of the basic processing element (PE) for the LIS_SR sorter type
  • LinearSorterCNT.scala - description of module LinearSorterCNT
  • LinearSorterSR.scala - description of module LinearSorterSR
  • LISNetworkSR.scala - connects all processing elements PEcnt
  • LinearSorter.scala - contains parameters description and top level modul LinearSorter


Decoupled interface is used where .bits are data that should be sorted.

  • in: Flipped(Decoupled(params.proto)) - input data wrapped with valid/ready signals
  • lastIn: Input(Bool()) - indicates the last sample in the input stream and triggers data flushing
  • Control registers: sorterSize, flushData, sortDirection, discardPos


Decoupled interface is used where .bits are data that should be sent to the streaming output.

  • out: Decoupled(params.proto) - output streaming data wrapped with valid/ready signals
  • lastOut: Output(Bool()) - indicates the last sample in the output stream
  • sortedData: Output(Vec(params.LISsize, params.proto)) - sorted data
  • Status registers: sorterEmpty, sorterFull

Parameter settings

Design parameters are defined inside case class LISParams. Users can customize design per use case by setting the appropriate parameters.

case class LISParams[T <: Data: Real](
  proto: T,
  LISsize: Int = 16,
  LIStype: String = "LIS_CNT",
  LISsubType: String = "LIS_FIFO",
  rtcSize: Boolean = false,
  rtcSortDir: Boolean = false,
  discardPos: Option[Int] = None,
  useSorterFull: Boolean = false,
  useSorterEmpty: Boolean = false,
  flushData: Boolean = false,
  sortDir: Boolean = true,
) { . . .

The explanation of each parameter is given below:

  • proto: represents type of the sorted data. Users can choose among following Chisel types: UInt, SInt, FixedPoint, DspReal. Type DspRealis used to make golden model of the digital design.
  • LISsize: is sorter size and it is not limited to be a power of 2
  • LIStype: used to define linear insertion sorter type
  • LISsubType: used to define linear insertion sorter subtype
    • Fixed discarding element position scheme - "fixed"
    • Fifo based scheme - "FIFO"
    • Input selected discarding element position scheme - "input"
  • rtcSize - used to enable runtime configurable sorter size
  • rtcSortDir - used to enable runtime configurable sorting direction
  • discardPos - should be defined only if fixed discarding element scheme is chosen
  • useSorterFull - enable corresponding status register
  • useSorterEmpty - enable corresponding status register
  • flushData - include flushing data functionality
  • sortDir - used to define sorting direction (true denotes ascending, false denotes descending sorting direction)


The following software packages should be installed prior to running this project:


Clone this repository, switch directory and run tests:

git clone
cd lis
sbt test


To run all tests written in Scala simulation environment a user should execute the following command: testOnly lis.LinearSortersSpec. Various test cases can be found in LinearTestersSpec.scala which is available inside src/test/scala directory. Two linear insertion sorter testers are accessible inside LinearTesters.scala:

  • LinearSorterTester - used for testing design when only compile time configurable parameters are active.
  • LinearSorterTesterRunTime - used for testing proposed design when run time configurable parameters are included.

Tester functions such as peek, poke and except, available inside DspTester (check dsptools Chisel library), are extensively used for design testing.

Much more useful information about this work (focused on LIStype = LIS_CNT type) can be found inside "A Chisel Generator of Parameterizable and Runtime Reconfigurable Linear Insertion Streaming Sorters" paper published on International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2021. Please let us know if you have any questions/feedback!


A Fully Streaming Linear Insertion Sorter (LIS) Design Generator

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 96.4%Language:Shell 2.9%Language:Makefile 0.7%