milosen / mpm-sim

Utility scripts for working with multi-parameter maps in JEMRIS.

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MPM simulations with JEMRIS

This repository contains helper programs for simulating acquisitions of multi-parameter maps using the Jemris [1] simulator.



You will need other python packages to be able to use this software. If you want to install them manually, you can take a look at environment.yml or requirements.txt in the root directory of this project; but I recommend using anaconda instead.

With anaconda, installing dependencies is as simple as:

conda env create --file environment.yml

Now activate the environment

conda activate mpm-sim

(On the MPCDF computers, replace conda with source.) Finally, install this repository by running

pip install -e .

Build Jemris

Chances are you have to build Jemris from source. You can do so by using cmake, but you need to have the dependencies installed. At the MPI CBS, Jemris is known to work on maki and manati, and the dependencies are already installed there. It also runs on teh MPCDF cobra machines, but you'll have to install the dependencies manually (sections below). To build jemris, execute the following lines individually in your terminal at the machine you want to use:

  1. Get the source code. You can get the official source code from the Jemris site; but for simulating the FLASH sequence, it makes sense to apply the patches in patch/ sequentially using git apply or to use our fork (as shown below).
    # clone git repository
    git clone
    # check out branch
    git checkout null-transverse
  2. Build Jemris using cmake:
# create build directory (e.g. in ./jemris_build)
mkdir jemris/build && cd jemris/build
# prepare build configuration files with cmake
cmake ..
# build the software with make

You'll find the executables at jemris/build/src/jemris and jemris/build/src/pjemris. If some of the steps above does not work, it's possible that some of the dependencies are missing.

Install Dependencies on Ubuntu (e.g. at an institute server)

If you can install libraries via a package manager, than you need to install the following packages (these exact names are for Ubuntu):

apt-get install \
libhdf5-dev \
libxerces-c-dev \
libsundials-dev \
libopenmpi-dev \
libboost-all-dev \

Install Dependencies on MPCDF cobra

For the MPCDF in Garching, you can execute the script in scripts/, e.g. in an interactive run:

srun -p interactive -n 1 ./scripts/

(To login on an interactive node you can type ssh cobra-i). The script will build Jemris and it's dependencies from source. You can find the executables in jemris/build/src/ or jemris/bin/.

Get Ground Truth Data

Download jemris/ from my Datashare and extract to <root/of/this/project>/data. If you don't have permissions, ask Kornelius or Patrick.


The main interface is called mpm-sim and it has sub-commands with their own help messages. For example, run mpm-sim init --help for the help page of the simulation initializer script. A complete list of all commands will be displayed when you try to execute mpm-sim without further specifications or run mpm-sim --help.

Initializing a simulation

You need to provide a ground-truth multi-parametric map for simulation. The command mpm-sim init helps with creating one from a tissue map (segmentation) and sets up the directory structure and configuration files for a single simulation run.

You can specify a python-type slicing of the 3d volume and an interpolation factor for nearest neighbor interpolation of the voxels. The interpolation is necessary to increase the number of spins per voxel, but choose the factor wisely. The factor is dimension-wise, so a factor of -i 5 means that you will have 5^3 = 125 spins per voxel. Both, slicing and interpolation, will be applied before the mpm lookup.

The final command might look something like this:

mpm-sim init -x 200 201 -i 2 data/segmentation.nii example_1

Unfortunately, the script does not generate jemris sequences and RX/TX coil configurations for you. You can copy them from one of the examples in the examples/ directory. For MPM simulations, I suggest starting with a sequence that uses controlled zeroing of the transverse magnetization to emulate perfect spoiling, e.g. examples/pdw_null/jemris_sequence.xml.


The simulation output is the time course of the magnetization 3-vector as recorded by the receive coils. To obtain kspace data, you have to order the time samples. mpm-sim kspace is a generic utility which can help with that ordering. For example, the simulation above (the example segmentation is 434x352x496) corresponds to

mpm-sim kspace --dims 1 352 496 --echoes 6 example_1/signals.h5

Creating a sensitivity map

For example:

mpm-sim prepare-rx-field --overwrite -x 200 201 data/sensmaps/Coils_ch1_Magnitude.nii data/sensmaps/Coils_ch1_Phase.nii runs/example_1

Also, take a look at examples/

Complete Examples

Please find complete simulation experiments in the form of shell scripts in the examples/ folder. For example run

bash examples/

for a complete simulation setup on the MPCDF cobra cluster.


[1] Stöcker, T., Vahedipour, K., Pflugfelder, D. and Shah, N.J. (2010), High-performance computing MRI simulations. Magn. Reson. Med., 64: 186-193.


Utility scripts for working with multi-parameter maps in JEMRIS.


Language:Python 89.2%Language:Shell 10.8%