millsoft / resume-checklist

Part of ZTM Course on Mastering the Coding Interview

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Part of ZTM Course on Mastering the Coding Interview

Resume Cheat Sheet

✅ Use a pre-designed resume template
Make the resume fit on 1 page
Include words from job description
✅ Include company name you are applying to
✅ Does your first item on your resume reflect what they are looking for?
✅ Experience titles demonstrate value
Do you have an online link?
Remove the word “I”
✅ No buzzwords describing how great you are
Are you using Action words?
✅ Measure everything in terms of impact, don’t just describe your responsibilities
Technical Knowledge/Skills should include what they are looking for. Only show years if it is impressive
Include only sections/items that are impressive: Experience, Projects, Education, Technical Skills
✅ No typos or bad grammar


Part of ZTM Course on Mastering the Coding Interview