milancermak / nile

CLI tool to develop StarkNet projects written in Cairo

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tests and linter

OpenZeppelin Nile โ›ต

Navigate your StarkNet projects written in Cairo.

Getting started

Create a folder for your project and cd into it:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject

Create a virtualenv and activate it:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install nile:

pip install cairo-nile

Use nile to quickly set up your development environment:

nile init
โœจ  Cairo successfully installed!
โœ… Dependencies successfully installed
๐Ÿ—„  Creating project directory tree
โ›ต๏ธ Nile project ready! Try running:

This command creates the project directory structure and installs cairo-lang, starknet-devnet, pytest, and pytest-asyncio for you. The template includes a makefile to build the project (make build) and run tests (make test).



Run a local starknet-devnet node:

nile node

 * Serving Flask app 'starknet_devnet.server' (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on http://localhost:5000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)


Compile Cairo contracts. Compilation artifacts are written into the artifacts/ directory.

nile compile # compiles all contracts under contracts/
nile compile --directory my_contracts # compiles all contracts under my_contracts/
nile compile contracts/MyContract.cairo # compiles single contract

Example output:

$ nile compile
Creating artifacts/abis/ to store compilation artifacts
๐Ÿค– Compiling all Cairo contracts in the contracts/ directory
๐Ÿ”จ Compiling contracts/Account.cairo
๐Ÿ”จ Compiling contracts/Initializable.cairo
๐Ÿ”จ Compiling contracts/Ownable.cairo
โœ… Done


nile deploy contract --alias my_contract

๐Ÿš€ Deploying contract
๐ŸŒ• artifacts/contract.json successfully deployed to 0x07ec10eb0758f7b1bc5aed0d5b4d30db0ab3c087eba85d60858be46c1a5e4680
๐Ÿ“ฆ Registering deployment as my_contract in localhost.deployments.txt

A few things to notice here:

  1. nile deploy <contract_name> looks for an artifact with the same name
  2. This created a localhost.deployments.txt file storing all data related to my deployment
  3. The --alias parameter lets me create an unique identifier for future interactions, if no alias is set then the contract's address can be used as identifier
  4. By default Nile works on local, but you can use the --network parameter to interact with mainnet, goerli, and the default localhost.


Deploy an Account associated with a given private key.

To avoid accidentally leaking private keys, this command takes an alias instead of the actual private key. This alias is associated with an environmental variable of the same name, whose value is the actual private key.

You can find an example .env file in example.env. These are private keys only to be used for testing and never in production.

nile setup <private_key_alias>

๐Ÿš€ Deploying Account
๐ŸŒ• artifacts/Account.json successfully deployed to 0x07db6b52c8ab888183277bc6411c400136fe566c0eebfb96fffa559b2e60e794
๐Ÿ“ฆ Registering deployment as account-0 in localhost.deployments.txt
Invoke transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x07db6b52c8ab888183277bc6411c400136fe566c0eebfb96fffa559b2e60e794
Transaction hash: 0x17

A few things to notice here:

  1. nile setup <private_key_alias> looks for an environment variable with the name of the private key alias
  2. This creates a localhost.accounts.json file storing all data related to accounts management


Execute a transaction through the Account associated with the private key provided. The syntax is:

nile send <private_key_alias> <contract_identifier> <method> [PARAM_1, PARAM2...]

For example:

nile send <private_key_alias> ownable0 transfer_ownership 0x07db6...60e794

Invoke transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x07db6b52c8ab888183277bc6411c400136fe566c0eebfb96fffa559b2e60e794
Transaction hash: 0x1c

call and invoke

Using call and invoke, we can perform read and write operations against our local node (or public one using the --network mainnet parameter). The syntax is:

nile <command> <contract_identifier> <method> [PARAM_1, PARAM2...]

Where <command> is either call or invoke and <contract_identifier> is either our contract address or alias, as defined on deploy.

nile invoke my_contract increase_balance 1

Invoke transaction was sent.
Contract address: 0x07ec10eb0758f7b1bc5aed0d5b4d30db0ab3c087eba85d60858be46c1a5e4680
Transaction hash: 0x1
nile call my_contract get_balance



Execute a script in the context of Nile. The script must implement a run(nre) function to receive a NileRuntimeEnvironment object exposing Nile's scripting API.

# path/to/

def run(nre):
    address, abi = nre.deploy("contract", alias="my_contract")
    print(abi, address)

Then run the script:

nile run path/to/


Deletes the artifacts/ directory for a fresh start โ„๏ธ

nile clean

๐Ÿšฎ Deleting localhost.deployments.txt
๐Ÿšฎ Deleting artifacts directory
โœจ Workspace clean, keep going!


Install the latest version of the Cairo language and the starknet-devnet local node.

nile install


Print out the Nile version

nile version

Hacking on Nile

Nile uses tox to manage development tasks, you can get a list of available task with tox -av.

  • Install a development version of the package with python -m pip install .
  • Build the package with tox -e build
  • Format all files with tox -e format
  • Check files formatting with tox -e lint


To run tests:

  • Install testing dependencies with python -m pip install .[testing]
  • Run all tests with tox
  • Run unit tests only with tox -e unit
  • To run a specific set of tests, point to a module and/or function, e.g. tox tests/
  • Other pytest flags must be preceded by --, e.g. tox -- --pdb to run tests in debug mode


Nile is released under the MIT License.


CLI tool to develop StarkNet projects written in Cairo

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%