mikyYun / mikyyun

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Welcome, This is Mike Yun.



FullStack Developer with experience of developing web/mobile applications and AI automation solution. Demonstrated proficiency; proficient in frontend development such as HTML5, CSS3, SASS/SCSS, Javascript, etc, backend development using NodeJS, ExpressJS, Python, AWS, C# etc.

Highly skilled in communication with clients and team based on previous careers such as IT Programmer, Airforce, Engineering, and Customer Service. Familiar with Agile/Scrum software tools such as Jira, Slack, etc. Enthusiastic to learn new trends and technology and apply those with better UI/UX.


FullStack Shopify Developer at Bigtent Outdoors Ltd _ From Sep 2023 To Current

FullStack Developer as a Freelance _ From June 2022 To Current

IT Programmer Intern at CEC Mining Systems _ From May 2023 To July 2023

FS Shopify Developer at Bigtent Outdoor Equipment Ltd. _ From Sep 2023



TypeScript, JavaScript, React, NextJS, RESTful API, GraphQL, RDBMS(SQL, PSQL), Non-RDBMS(Mongodb, Mongoose, MySQL), SASS/SCSS, Flutter, React-Native, Firebase, AWS, Azure, OpenCV, Jest, Storybook, Mocha/Chai, Cypress, Version Control, Java/Spring, C, C++, C#, Python


Effective communication, Problem-Solving, adaptability, Time Management, Attention to Detail, Creativity, Teamwork, Analytical Thinking, Continuous Learning, Adaptability, etc.


Shopify, Jira, Notion, Figma, Github


Custom Shopify app development(ongoing)

Skills: Shopify, GraphQL, REST API, React, WebSocket
Details: Develop fully customized & private shopify app to cover necessary features for BTO store


Skills: React, Expo, React-native, NestJS, TypeScript, GraphQL, IOS
Details: IOS application development team project to make dietary sustainability simpler and more accessible šŸ„¦

  • Create Core Components to help shorten FE development time by carefully reviewing, discussing with team members so that components are reusable and cover the most common cases.


Skills: React, Expo, React-native
Details: Mobile appication project where provides opportunities for users to create their own activity plans and participate in meetups with others who share similar interests.


Skills: NextJS, MongoDB
Details: Create design & development principles to reduce conflict between designers, developers, testers, marketers, and end-users.

AI-based PDF Summarizer automation

Skills: Python, MS Custom Vision, OpenCV, ChatGPT API
Details: AI-based report analysis automation tool.


Skills: Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Firestore
Details: This application allows users to have real-time conversations, authenticate themselves securely, and share images. The user interface is built using Flutter, a cross-platform framework, while Firebase provides the backend services, including real-time database management, user authentication, and file storage.

Car Showcase

Skills: React, Next.js, Tailwind
Details: Car showcase application for learning purpose. Next.js, SSR, Advanced Search Functionality, Filtering Capabilities, Optimize SEO, Custom filter.

Weather app with RN

Skills: React, Expo, React-native
Details: Practice application development(Android, IOS)


Skills: NodeJS, Express, PG, Socket.IO
Details: Server using postgres to be connected with multiple projects (thisismikeyun, lighthouseTown, chatWithAI) by handling different api path


Skills: React, Cypress, Storybook, Axios, Jest, Lodash
Details: Interviewer Scheduler is a react based program for make, update, delete appointment


Skills: NextJS, NodeJS, Express, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, JavaScript
Details: Portfolio web application about Mike Yun

Lighthouse Town (Coding Buddy)

Skills: NodeJS, Express, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, JavaScript
Details: A Retro gaming inspired online chatting app - focused on bringing developers and collaborators together. Built with React.js, Socket.IO, React Router and Express Node.js


Skills: NodeJS, Express, ReactJS, OpenAI, JavaScript
Details: Mini Chatting service with AI - General conversation with AI. To improve accurancy, store history and provide chat history to AI.


Skills: Ruby on Rails, Webpack, Cypress
Details: A mini e-commerce application built with Rails 6.1 for purposes of teaching Rails by example.

Quiz App

Skills: SASS, PostgreSQL, Express, Chalk
Details: The first team project. Solve, create unique, share quiz.


Skills: Bcrypt, Express, PostgreSQL, SASS
Details: LightBNB manages properties for property rentals by owner and travelers can search places, check details, and book place for their trip.

Single Page Web App

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery
Details: Single page web application with jQuery including item stock management
