mikro-orm / koa-ts-example-app

Example integration of MikroORM into Koa (in typescript)

Repository from Github https://github.commikro-orm/koa-ts-example-appRepository from Github https://github.commikro-orm/koa-ts-example-app

Koa + SQLite + TypeScript example integration

  1. Install dependencies via yarn or npm install
  2. Create DB schema via npx mikro-orm schema:create -r
  3. Run via yarn start or yarn start:dev (watch mode)
  4. Example API is running on localhost:3000

Available routes:

GET     /author        finds all authors
GET     /author/:id    finds author by id
POST    /author        creates new author
PUT     /author/:id    updates author by id
GET     /book          finds all books
GET     /book/:id      finds book by id
POST    /book          creates new book
PUT     /book/:id      updates book by id


Example integration of MikroORM into Koa (in typescript)


Language:TypeScript 100.0%