mikolajmitura / java-properties-to-json

Simple java framework for conversion java properties to JSON object.

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Java Properties to JSON

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From 5 version is not backward compatible! The way creation of own json type resolvers has been changed! But if you used only simple uses cases, migration (from 4.0) should pass without problems.

How to generate JSON from Java properties?

You can generate Json from:

  • from Java properties (java.util.Properties) but objects values which are String will be converted as json string. For try convert String values to other json objects use flag tryConvertStringValuesToOtherObjects
  • from Map<String,Object> (java.util.Map) but objects values which are String will be converted as json string For try convert String values to other json objects use flag tryConvertStringValuesToOtherObjects
  • from Map<String,String> (java.util.Map)
  • from InputStream with properties (java.io.InputStream)
  • from File with properties (java.io.File)
  • from given localization of properties file

below variable "properties" as one of the above types:

Maven dependency


Simple Example

code snippet:

import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.util.PropertiesToJsonConverter;

// properties as Map<String,String>, java.util.Properties, java.io.InputStream
String json = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().convertToJson(properties);

// convert from file
String jsonFromProperties = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().convertPropertiesFromFileToJson("/home/user/file.properties");
String jsonFromProperties2 = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().convertPropertiesFromFileToJson(new File("/home/user/file.properties"));

// for map with Object as value, String as key
Map<String,Object> valuesAsObjectMap = new HashMap<>();
String jsonFromProperties3 = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().convertFromValuesAsObjectMap(valuesAsObjectMap);

// converter Instance can be gathered through PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder class, it has a few method for customization
PropertiesToJsonConverter propsToJsonConverter = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder().build();

example properties:

objectFromText={"fieldName": "value"}
anotherMultiDimArray=[[12, true], [12, 123]]

Will result:

  "object2": {
    "simpleArray": [
    "objectArray": [
        "field1": "value1",
        "field3": "value3",
        "field2": "value2"
  "object3": {
    "emptyValue": "",
    "arrayWithDelimeter": [
    "simpleString": "stringValue",
    "nullValue": null
  "anotherMultiDimArray": [
  "objectFromText": {
    "fieldName": "value",
    "anotherField": "anotherField_value"
  "multiDimArray": [
  "object": {
    "booleanValue3": false,
    "booleanValue1": true,
    "booleanValue2": true,
    "integerNumber": 12,
    "doubleNumber": 1.2345,
    "man": {
      "surname": "Doe",
      "name": "John"
    "type": "SOMETYPE"

Simple Examples with usage tryConvertStringValuesToOtherObjects flag

code snippet:

import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.util.PropertiesToJsonConverter;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.util.PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder;

        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
        properties.put("root.name", "some-name");
        properties.put("root.surname", "some-surname");
        properties.put("root.someBoolean1", "false");
        properties.put("someBoolean2", "true");
        properties.put("someNumber", 3.0);

        PropertiesToJsonConverter converter = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder().build();
        String json = converter.convertFromValuesAsObjectMap(properties, true);

json will be (someBoolean1 and someBoolean2 are boolean type):

  "root": {
    "someBoolean1": false,
    "name": "some-name",
    "surname": "some-surname"
  "someNumber": 3.0,
  "someBoolean2": true

but when flag tryConvertStringValuesToOtherObjects will be false

 String json = converter.convertFromValuesAsObjectMap(properties, false);

then result json will be looks like (someBoolean1 and someBoolean2 are not boolean type, are just string):

  "root": {
    "someBoolean1": "false",
    "name": "some-name",
    "surname": "some-surname"
  "someNumber": 3.0,
  "someBoolean2": "true"

the same case is with java.util.Properties but via method

public String convertToJson(Properties properties, boolean tryConvertStringValuesToOtherObjects)


  • java 8

  • properties structure must have structure compatible with json

For example properties from below will throws CannotOverrideFieldException!


## reason: in first key 'man' is consider as json object and has field 'name'


## reason: in first key 'object.array[0]' contains primitive value 'simpleValue' doesn't have json object. The key 'object.array[0].someField' try add new field 'someField' to element at object.array[0] which is primitive type now.

Example of use different primitive json type resolvers:

The default constructor of class PropertiesToJsonConverter has default implementation of resolvers and converter

Resolvers for first conversion phase

(from raw text to some concrete java object) order is important

Converters for second conversion phase

(from java object to concrete json object, field)

What does mean first conversion phase?

Does it mean when this framework builds json from properties where value always is raw text String then will try resolve concrete Java object, when value can be number then try create BigDecimal or BigInteger. Order of looking for certain resolver will pass from first to last resolver. Will be used first implementation of TextToConcreteObjectResolver which can convert from String to certain Java Object. It mean will return not empty Optional instance.

What does mean second conversion phase?

Does it mean when this framework builds json from properties and have some concrete objects then try converts it to certain json object, numbers as numbers, boolean as boolean, java bean as json object, java collection or java array to json array. Order here is important only when Converters can convert for the same java.lang.Class (through method List> getClassesWhichCanResolve() in AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T> class) Class JsonTypeResolversHierarchyResolver and HierarchyClassResolver are responsible for find sufficient converter... them look for the same class or for super class or super interface.

When will be invoked conversion phases?

Important to note here is that if you want convert properties to json from below properties source (it invoke first and second conversion phase):

  • InputSteam
  • File
  • Map<String,String>

Then will be call returnObjectWhenCanBeResolved(..) method from TextToConcreteObjectResolver<T>. It method tries convert from String to some concrete object. Next will build Map<String,Object> and in next step will call convertToJsonTypeOrEmpty(..) for concrete Object on sufficient concrete instance of ObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T>.

If you will convert from below properties source (it invoke only second processing phase in resolver):

  • Properties (under the hood is Map<Object, Object> will convert to Map<String, Object>)
  • Map<String, Object>

Then will be called only methods convertToJsonTypeOrEmpty in ObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T> after found sufficient resolver.

Override order Resolvers for first conversion phase

The order is important when try convert from raw text value (First phase) to some java object. When cannot convert then will try with next implementation of TextToConcreteObjectResolver<T>. If you don't want to use some of defaults resolver then you can pass resolvers which you want to use. You can pass your own Resolver too. To do this you need to implement interface TextToConcreteObjectResolver<T> and provide generic type (T).

You need to implement method:

  • Optional<T> returnObjectWhenCanBeResolved(PrimitiveJsonTypesResolver primitiveJsonTypesResolver, String propertyValue, String propertyKey)

If your resolver cannot convert from text then should return empty Optional as a result in method returnObjectWhenCanBeResolved(..).

Example code below for custom TextToConcreteObjectResolver which converts from text to LocalDate

    import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.PrimitiveJsonTypesResolver;
    import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.primitives.string.TextToConcreteObjectResolver;

    import java.time.LocalDate;
    import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
    import java.util.Optional;

     * results of this resolver you can see in those test classes:
     * @see <a href="https://github.com/mikolajmitura/java-properties-to-json/blob/v5.1.0/src/test/java/pl/jalokim/propertiestojson/resolvers/primitives/custom/TextToLocalDateResolverTest.java">LocalDateTimeResolverTest</a>
     * @see <a href="https://github.com/mikolajmitura/java-properties-to-json/blob/v5.1.0/src/test/java/pl/jalokim/propertiestojson/resolvers/primitives/custom/LocalDateConvertersTest.java">LocalDateTimeResolverTest</a>
    public class TextToLocalDateResolver implements TextToConcreteObjectResolver<LocalDate> {

        private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dd-MM-yyyy";
        private final DateTimeFormatter formatter;

        public TextToLocalDateResolver() {

        public TextToLocalDateResolver(String formatOfDate) {
            formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(formatOfDate);

         * This method will be called in first conversion phase
         * if your condition is met then return concrete value of Object.
         * if it doesn't meet its condition then return Optional.empty() for allow go to others type resolver in order.
         * This will be called only for read properties from Map&lt;String,String&gt;, File with properties, InputStream with properties
         * @param primitiveJsonTypesResolver primitiveJsonTypesResolver
         * @param propertyValue              currently processing property value
         * @param propertyKey                currently processing property key
         * @return optional value

        public Optional<LocalDate> returnObjectWhenCanBeResolved(PrimitiveJsonTypesResolver primitiveJsonTypesResolver,
                                                              String propertyValue,
                                                              String propertyKey) {
            try {
                return Optional.ofNullable(LocalDate.parse(propertyValue, formatter)); // if parse then will return LocalDate
            } catch(Exception ex) {
                return Optional.empty(); // if not, then allow another resolvers to crate java object from String

Code snipped for add your own implementations of TextToConcreteObjectResolver to default ones

     String json = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()
                                                                   new OwnCustomTypeResolver1(),
                                                                   new OwnCustomTypeResolver2())

Or you can add your own order of all instances TextToConcreteObjectResolver. Then will be used only that which was provided...

     String json = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()
                                                                   new OwnCustomTypeResolver1(),
                                                                   new TextToNumberResolver(),
                                                                   new TextToBooleanResolver())

Important to note here is that always will be added two resolvers before all provided resolvers, and StringJsonTypeResolver always will be last in order.

So The real order will be:

TextToJsonNullReferenceResolver <- you can override it via overrideTextToJsonNullResolver(..) in PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder
TextToEmptyStringResolver <- you can override it via overrideTextToEmptyStringResolver(..) in PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder

Short description how works every default implementation of TextToConcreteObjectResolver

1) TextToJsonNullReferenceResolver

When propertyValue is equals "null" or is null reference
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put("main.field", null);
properties.put("main.field", "null");

Or from file with properties


Then will return Optional of JsonNullReferenceType instance

2) TextToEmptyStringResolver

For first it trim value and next check is equals empty String value, not null
properties.put("main.field", " ");

Or from file with properties


Then will return Optional of empty new String("") instance

3) TextToElementsResolver

This type resolver when will encounter separator (default one is comma ',') then will try convert to java java.util.List. Important here to note is that is working with other resolvers. It will try parse every part to some type from your resolver list. The TextToElementsResolver has constructor with custom separator by which will split text to array elements. By default constructor Every array element will be try parse by others primitive type resolvers.


Will result (when DoubleJsonTypeResolver, IntegerJsonTypeResolver, BooleanJsonTypeResolver are added to resolvers) Then will return Optional with java.util.List with values: [1, 23.0, 5, false, "text"]

When created this resolver by "new TextToElementsResolver(false)", then it will not try resolve types of array Then will result (when DoubleJsonTypeResolver, IntegerJsonTypeResolver, BooleanJsonTypeResolver are added to resolvers) Then will return Optional with java.util.List with values: ["1", "23.0", "5", "false", "text"]

4) TextToObjectResolver

This type resolver will try convert from text to json when as first letter will encounter "{" and as last letter "}" or first letter will encounter "[" and as last letter "]" If it will have invalid json structure then it will go to next type resolver. This resolver during convert from text to json object will use only own resolvers list for primitive types. The setup of resolvers in PropertiesToJsonConverter(List toObjectsResolvers, ...) constructor or list via defaultAndCustomObjectToJsonTypeConverters() or onlyCustomTextToObjectResolvers() in PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder will not have impact of those list.

From properties file for example

jsonObject={"fieldName":2, "text":"textValue"}

Then will return Optional of ObjectJsonType instance which will store json like below:

"jsonObject": {
    "fieldName": 2,
    "text": "textValue"
  "jsonArray": [

5) TextToNumberResolver

If can convert from text to number

Then will return Optional of Number (BigDecimal or BigInteger)

6) TextToCharacterResolver

If string contains only one char then will use that resolver.

Then will return Optional of Character with 'c' value

7) TextToBooleanResolver

If can convert from string to boolean then will use that resolver.

Then will return Optional of Boolean with true value

8) TextToStringResolver

Important to note here is that this type resolver will always convert to text! After this resolver other resolvers would be omitted! So you cannot add any other resolvers after this. It will be always added as last by default.


Simply will return Optional of String with "2.0" value

Override order Resolvers for second conversion phase

The order is important only when converters can convert from the same java Class. When cannot convert then will try with next implementation of AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T>. If you don't want to use some defaults converters then you can pass converters which you want to use. You can pass your own implementation of AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T> too. To do this you need to extends class AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T> and provide generic type (T).

You need to implement method:

  • Optional convertToJsonTypeOrEmpty(PrimitiveJsonTypesResolver primitiveJsonTypesResolver, T convertedValue, String propertyKey)

If your converter cannot convert from this object (due to property key or others reason) then should return empty Optional as a result in method convertToJsonTypeOrEmpty(..). Then another converter which can handle the same java class will try with that...

Example code below for custom ObjectToJsonTypeConverter<T> which converts from LocalDate to some instance of AbstractJsonType.

import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.object.AbstractJsonType;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.object.JsonNullReferenceType;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.object.NumberJsonType;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.object.SkipJsonField;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.PrimitiveJsonTypesResolver;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.hierarchy.JsonTypeResolversHierarchyResolver;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.primitives.object.AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter;
import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.primitives.object.SuperObjectToJsonTypeConverter;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.util.Optional;

 * results of this resolver you can see in those test classes:
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/mikolajmitura/java-properties-to-json/blob/v5.1.0/src/test/java/pl/jalokim/propertiestojson/resolvers/primitives/custom/LocalDateToJsonTypeConverterTest.java">LocalDateTimeResolverTest</a>
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/mikolajmitura/java-properties-to-json/blob/v5.1.0/src/test/java/pl/jalokim/propertiestojson/resolvers/primitives/custom/LocalDateConvertersTest.java">LocalDateTimeResolverTest</a>
public class LocalDateToJsonTypeConverter extends AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter<LocalDate> {

    private final boolean asTimestampInUTC;

    public LocalDateToJsonTypeConverter() {

    public LocalDateToJsonTypeConverter(boolean asTimestampInUTC) {
        this.asTimestampInUTC = asTimestampInUTC;

     * This method will be called in second phase conversion step (from some java Object to some implementation of AbstractJsonType)
     * it will be called during read properties from Map&lt;String,Object&gt;, Properties (without first processing step) or after first
     * conversion phase (while reading properties from file, Map&lt;String,String&gt;, inputStream)
     * <p>
     * But converters order (provided in PropertiesToJsonConverter(PrimitiveJsonTypeResolver... primitiveResolvers) constructor) doesn't have importance here as in first processing phase,
     * it is important only when some of implementation of {@link pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.primitives.object.ObjectToJsonTypeConverter} can convert from the same java class.
     * The hierarchy of classes plays a main role here
     * It looks for sufficient resolver, firstly will looks for exactly match class type provided by method {@link pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.resolvers.primitives.object.ObjectToJsonTypeConverter#getClassesWhichCanResolve()}
     * if find a few resolvers for the same class then it will looks for firs converter which properly convert java object to AbstractJsonType (here converters order does it matter).
     * More here  {@link JsonTypeResolversHierarchyResolver}
     * <p>
     * AbstractJsonType should contains converted data and provides implementation for "toStringJson()" method if you provide your own...
     * or you can return instance of existence one implementation in package 'pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.object'...  number, boolean, text, primitive array, json objects...
     * or simply convert Java object to instance ObjectJsonType by static method: public static AbstractJsonType convertFromObjectToJson(Object propertyValue, String propertyKey)
     * {@link SuperObjectToJsonTypeConverter#convertFromObjectToJson(Object propertyValue, String propertyKey)}
     * Or if you want return null json object then return instance of {@link JsonNullReferenceType#NULL_OBJECT}
     * Or if you want to skip this json leaf then return instance of {@link SkipJsonField#SKIP_JSON_FIELD} then it will not add it to json with null value.
     * @param primitiveJsonTypesResolver primitiveJsonTypesResolver
     * @param convertedValue             currently processing property value but as generic type
     * @param propertyKey                currently processing property key
     * @return optional value

    public Optional<AbstractJsonType> convertToJsonTypeOrEmpty(PrimitiveJsonTypesResolver primitiveJsonTypesResolver,
                                                               LocalDate convertedValue,
                                                               String propertyKey) {
        if(asTimestampInUTC) {
            return Optional.of(new NumberJsonType(convertedValue.atStartOfDay(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochSecond()));
        } else if(!propertyKey.contains("asText")) {
            return Optional.of(SuperObjectToJsonTypeConverter.convertFromObjectToJson(convertedValue, propertyKey));
        return Optional.empty(); // allow to go to another converter which will convert LocalDate to AbstractJsonType...

Code snipped for add your own implementations of ObjectToJsonTypeConverter to default ones

     String json = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()
                                                                   new OwnObjectToJsonTypeConverter1(),
                                                                   new OwnObjectToJsonTypeConverter2())

Or add can your own order of all instances AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter. Then will be used only that which was provided without defaults one...

      String json = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()
                                                                   new OwnObjectToJsonTypeConverter1(),
                                                                   new BooleanToJsonTypeConverter(),
                                                                   new NumberToJsonTypeConverter())

Important to note here is that always will be added two resolvers (StringToJsonTypeConverter, NullToJsonTypeConverter) to provided resolvers.

So The real list will be:

NullToJsonTypeConverter <- you can override it via overrideNullToJsonConverter(..) in PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder

Short description how works every default implementation of AbstractObjectToJsonTypeConverter

1) NullToJsonTypeConverter

When you give null object as value in properties or Map or after first conversion phase will returned JsonNullReferenceType
properties.put("main.field", null);

then will result:


2) ElementsToJsonTypeConverter

It converts from all Collection.class and Object[].class to ArrayJsonType

for example:

java.util.List with values: [1, 23.0, 5, false, "text" ]

then will result:

"arraytexts": [1, 23.0, 5, false, "text" ]

3) SuperObjectToJsonTypeConverter

It can convert every java.lang.Object... Will not convert to AbstractJsonType once again if current object is type of AbstractJsonType it will pass it through. In another situation this resolver can convert from Pojo object to json. For example when you have:

class MyOwnPojo {

   MyOwnPojo (String field1, String field2) {
        this.field1 = field1;
        this.field2 = field2;

 private String field1;
 private String field2;

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("some.field", new MyOwnPojo("text1", "text2"));
// this MyOwnPojo object will be converted to json too by Gson.
String json = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().convertToJson(properties);

Will result


4) NumberToJsonTypeConverter

It converts all java.lang.Number instances to json number

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("some.valueLong", 2);
properties.put("some.valueFloat", 2.0);

Will result

  "some": {
    "valueLong": 2,
    "valueFloat": 2.0

5) CharacterJsonTypeResolver

It converts all java.lang.Character instances to normal json text

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("some.value", 'c');

Will result

  "some": {
    "value": "c"

6) BooleanToJsonTypeConverter

It converts all java.lang.Boolean instances to normal json boolean
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("some.value", true);

Will result

  "some": {
    "value": true

7) StringToJsonTypeConverter

This simply convert java.lang.String to json text

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("some.value", "2.0");

Will result

  "some": {
    "value": "2.0"

Example how to use PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder

    // simply return new converter
    PropertiesToJsonConverter converter = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()

    // return new converter with added some custom resolvers and converters to default
    PropertiesToJsonConverter converter1 = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()
                                                                           .defaultAndCustomTextToObjectResolvers(new TextToOwnBeanResolver(), new TextToOwnBeanResolver2())
                                                                           .defaultAndCustomObjectToJsonTypeConverters(new OwnToJsonTypeConverter(), new OwnToJsonTypeConverter2())
                                                                           .skipNulls() // will ski all null in json leaf, will not skip in array elements

    // return new converter with default resolvers (converts from text to java bean)
    // and with custom order of converters, without defaults (it mean will have problem with convert from java.lang.Number to json type)
    PropertiesToJsonConverter converter2 = PropertiesToJsonConverterBuilder.builder()
                                                                           .onlyCustomObjectToJsonTypeConverters(new OwnToJsonTypeConverter())

Example how to use filters (inclusion of property key or first part of property keys):

code snippet:

import pl.jalokim.propertiestojson.util.PropertiesToJsonConverter;

String json = new PropertiesToJsonConverter().convertToJson(properties, "man.groups", "man.hoobies", "insurance.cost");

example properties:

man.emails= example@gg.com ,example2@cc.com, example3@gg.com,example3@gg.com

Will result


Json Object merge or Json Array merge

1) primitive array merge and indexed property key

object.array=[0, 1, 2, "3"]

it gives a result

  "object": {
    "array": [

but for properties

object.array=[0, 1, 2, "3"]

it throws a exception because was try of override index in array:

CannotOverrideFieldException: Cannot override value at path: 'object.array[3]', current value is: '"3"', problematic property key: 'object.array[3]'

2) merge of json object from text (json object was provided from property value) and normal property

  "object": {
    "someAnotherObject": {
      "field1": "fieldValue",
      "numberField": 3

It can merge arrays and json objects... In another cases will throw CannotOverrideFieldException or ParsePropertiesException...

Build from sources

How to build from sources

mvn clean install


Simple java framework for conversion java properties to JSON object.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 67.3%Language:Groovy 32.7%