mikkeloscar / kube-aws-iam-controller-java-example

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kube-aws-iam-controller AWS Java SDK Example

This is an example to demo/verify that the AWS Java SDK works with the kube-aws-iam-controller.

It works because the Java SDK refreshes credential files at an interval of 5 min. ensuring that there are new credentials available when needed.

This assumes you have the kube-aws-iam-controller running in your cluster.

The example just goes to EC2 every 5 min. and lists the current instances:

Aug 25, 2018 10:31:38 AM net.moscar.kubeawsiamexample.App describeEC2
INFO: Getting instances:
Found instance with id i-abcd1234, AMI ami-abcd1234, type t2.medium, state running and monitoring state enabled
Found instance with id i-abcd1234, AMI ami-abcd1234, type t2.medium, state running and monitoring state enabled
Found instance with id i-abcd1234, AMI ami-abcd1234, type t2.medium, state running and monitoring state enabled


$ mvn package
$ docker build --rm -t mikkeloscar/kube-aws-iam-controller-java-example:latest .
$ docker push mikkeloscar/kube-aws-iam-controller-java-example:latest

Create IAM Role

# $ASSUME_ROLE_ARN is the arn of the role used by the kube-aws-iam-controller deployment
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name aws-iam-example \
  --parameters "ParameterKey=AssumeRoleARN,ParameterValue=$ASSUME_ROLE_ARN" \
  --template-body=file://iam-role.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Deploy exmaple

$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml



Language:Java 90.8%Language:Dockerfile 9.2%