miketmoore / react-webpack-typescript-boilerplate

A starter kit for using React, Webpack, TypeScript, etc.

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React, Webpack, and TypeScript Boilerplate


I built this so that I could have a reference and a "starter kit" for projects that use React, webpack, and TypeScript. Hopefully this is useful to others, too.

It also uses Prettier and some other libraries/tools such as emotion (CSS-in-JS), Styled System, and polished.

I started building this by following this guide on the TypeScript website.


Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/miketmoore/react-webpack-typescript-boilerplate.git

Install Dependencies

I recommend using yarn, but you could also use npm. I used yarn, so you can make use of the lock file specific to yarn that is in this repository.

yarn install

Start Server

yarn start:dev

This will make http://localhost:3000 available. There isn't anything to see there, but it is a blank canvas for your awesome project. Note: the port is configurable via webpack.config.js.

Build & Start Storybook

Storybook is an amazing tool for rapidly prototyping UI components. I have setup a starter version of it that works with TypeScript.

yarn build-storybook && yarn storybook

This will make http://localhost:6006 available. There should be a simple "hello, world" story.


A starter kit for using React, Webpack, TypeScript, etc.


Language:JavaScript 52.7%Language:TypeScript 36.5%Language:HTML 10.7%