mikespub-archive / joergK5Schulz-OpenStack_Fujitsu_K5_Server_Build_API_Demo

Another demo of how a virtual server can be instantiated though the OpenStack APIs on Fujitsu K5's IaaS Platform

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Another demo of how a virtual server can be instantiated though the OpenStack APIs on Fujitsu K5's IaaS Platform

This example requires a Fujitsu K5 or OpenStack Project to target.

It creates everything necessary to have a public login to a server.

The basics are documented on https://allthingscloud.eu

For details, refer to the example scripts and config.py. There is also a .doc

modifications in this repo: allow usage behind proxy. Some additional features / see sample files Use at your own risk. fjk5.py contains the functions needed by the demo files. you'll need valid credentials - merge them into your local copy of config.py

Refer to the demo Files to see the scope

Script Description
fjk5.py Main script. Contains all subroutines. If called directly, should present a list of available operating system images.
listServers.py displays all server details for your contract including the clear text windows password and IP information. Displays info about your security Groups. listSnapshots: display all your current snapshots
createKeyPair.py Generates a Key Pair / copy the output on to safe place (again: read API documentation)
getGlobalIP.py should be renamed: it lists all your global IPS and deletes the unallocated ones.
createNetwork.py Creates a network along the configuration in config.py
Flavors.py Lists all available flavors. Resizes a virtual machine. Look into fjk5 / 3 steps necessary / reboot involved
createserver.py Creates a new server along the configuration in config.py
Deleteserver.py Shows how you can delete a server by ‘name’
config.py Contains all your security and server parameter information. One day, credentials will be moved out. Another day, maybe HEAT templates might get called. Didn’t research into this one yet.
firewall.py Creates firewall rules, a firewall policy and attaches that to all routers. Lists firewall rules. Updates existing rules from rules descripbed in config file.
Shelve/unshelve.py Sends a server to the shelve; takes it back
createSnapshot.py creates a snapshot. Not yet tested. restoreSnapshot.py destroyed my server in the last test.

Things to come (help wanted):

  • streamline fjk5 / pythonize it and add object oriented features
  • security group rules
  • management of VPNs
  • better handling of firewall rules:
    • Add, delete single rules
    • search for rules by properties
    • multiple firewall policies
  • autoscale
  • manage images and snapshots (started: getSnapshots)

recent changes

  • firewall rule definition improved in config.py
  • shelve/unshelve
  • retrieve projectid from system instead of definition in config (use name instead, now)
  • some fixes in createNetwork
  • some cleanup in listservers
  • added fjk5.getSnapshots (returns list of all your snapshots)


Another demo of how a virtual server can be instantiated though the OpenStack APIs on Fujitsu K5's IaaS Platform


Language:Python 100.0%