mikeplus64 / silly-utils

silly utilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Silly utilities, by Mike Ledger.
Put them in your $PATH to use them properly.

    - GNU coreutils
    - X (for flashing, panic and trip) although some other display method that
      SDL supports would work fine too.
    - SDL
    - SDL_gfx
    - optipng
    - dash 
    - ompload
    - zsh

alarm {in|at} [time] {h|m|s}: an alarm clock.
    Example usage:
        alarm in 3 s
    Sets the alarm to ring in 3 seconds.
        alarm in 6 h
    Sets the alarm to ring in 6 hours.
        alarm at 06:00:00
    Sets the alarm for 6 AM. The times it accepts are in 24 hour format.

finder [string]: finds strings in files/folders/names.

foornt [file]: checks if a file is open.

lidwatch: a daemon to turn the screen on/off depending on whether the lid is
open or closed.

magicalshot: used by magicshot. Don't run this manually.

magicshot: screenshot utility. It will take a screenshot, optimise the png of
it, get a description of the screenshot, upload it to ompldr.org using ompload
and then save the description, link and filename to a file for later usage.

prepend [string]: prepend a string to a file.

rpath [file:///blahblah]: remove the file:// from the argument

shrs {suspend|shutdown|halt|reboot|restart|hibernate}: shutdown, hibernate,
reboot and suspend without being root.

toggle [process]: "toggles" the running of a process. 
    Example usage:
        toggle xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.65
    If xcompmgr is running, toggle will kill it. If not, it will run it
    (arguments are preserved)

xarchive: use this for xarchiver + firefox. Firefox gives applications file:///
URIs and xarchiver and other applications don't know what to do with that.


silly utilities

License:zlib License


Language:C 100.0%