mikenye / docker-minecraft_bedrock_server

This container provides a Minecraft Bedrock server, with useful extra functionality.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This container provides a Minecraft Bedrock server!

  • Automatic bedrock_server restarting after crash (thanks to s6-overlay)
  • Container health monitoring! (thanks to mc-monitor)
  • Ability to send server commands via docker exec (without attaching), useful for scripting.
  • Automated and regular online worldfile backups (using save hold, save query & save resume), with backup rotation.
  • Clean shutdown of bedrock_server on container stop.
  • All server.properties variables exposed via environment variables.
  • bedrock_server binary runs as an unprivileged user.

Quick Start - Example with docker run

Create docker volumes

docker volume create minecraft_worlds
docker volume create minecraft_backups
docker volume create minecraft_whitelist
docker volume create minecraft_permissions

Create container

docker run \
    -d \
    -it \
    --name=mc \
    --restart=always \
    -e TZ="Australia/Perth" \
    -e MINECRAFT_SERVER_NAME="Distant Lands Server" \
    -e MINECRAFT_GAMEMODE="survival" \
    -e MINECRAFT_LEVEL_NAME="Distant Lands" \
    -e MINECRAFT_WHITE_LIST="true" \
    -v minecraft_worlds:/opt/minecraft/worlds \
    -v minecraft_backups:/opt/minecraft/worlds_backup \
    -v minecraft_whitelist:/opt/minecraft/whitelist \
    -v minecraft_permissions:/opt/minecraft/permissions \
    -p 19132:19132/udp \

Whitelist yourself

docker exec mc sendcmd whitelist add "yourself"

Op yourself

docker exec mc sendcmd op "yourself"

Watch container logs

docker logs -f mc

Quick Start - Example with docker-compose

Contents of docker-compose.yml

version: '3.8'

    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local

    image: mikenye/minecraft_bedrock_server
    container_name: mc
    tty: true
    restart: always
      - "19132:19132/udp"
      TZ: "Australia/Perth"
      MINECRAFT_SERVER_NAME: "Distant Lands Server"
      MINECRAFT_GAMEMODE: "survival"
      MINECRAFT_LEVEL_NAME: "Distant Lands"
      - "minecraft_worlds:/opt/minecraft/worlds"
      - "minecraft_backups:/opt/minecraft/worlds_backup"
      - "minecraft_whitelist:/opt/minecraft/whitelist"
      - "minecraft_permissions:/opt/minecraft/permissions"

After you've issued the docker-compose up -d to bring the environment online, you can then whitelist & op yourself as-per the above commands.

Environment Variables

Container Configuration

Environment Variable Description
TZ Optional. Your local timezone in "TZ database name" format (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones). Default is UTC.
BACKUP_FREQUENCY Optional. Number of hours between automatic server backups. Default is 1. Should be a non-negative integer.
BACKUP_RETENTION Optional. Number of hours each backup should be kept for. Default is 24, which means each backup will be kept for 24 hours. Should be a non-negative integer.
PUID Optional. User ID of the user account that runs bedrock_server and owns /opt/minecraft (but not /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup, see backup section below). Default is 1000.
PGID Optional. Group ID of the user account that runs bedrock_server and owns /opt/minecraft (but not /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup, see backup section below). Default is 1000.

Minecraft Server Configuration (server.properties)

All of the variables below are optional. If not set, the default value from server.properties is used.

Environment Variable Description
MINECRAFT_SERVER_NAME Used as the server name. Allowed values: Any string.
MINECRAFT_GAMEMODE Sets the game mode for new players. Allowed values: "survival", "creative", or "adventure".
MINECRAFT_DIFFICULTY Sets the difficulty of the world. Allowed values: "peaceful", "easy", "normal", or "hard".
MINECRAFT_ALLOW_CHEATS If true then cheats like commands can be used. Allowed values: "true" or "false".
MINECRAFT_MAX_PLAYERS The maximum number of players that can play on the server. Allowed values: Any positive integer.
MINECRAFT_ONLINE_MODE If true then all connected players must be authenticated to Xbox Live. Clients connecting to remote (non-LAN) servers will always require Xbox Live authentication regardless of this setting. If the server accepts connections from the Internet, then it's highly recommended to enable online-mode. Allowed values: "true" or "false".
MINECRAFT_WHITE_LIST If true then all connected players must be listed in the separate whitelist.json file. Allowed values: "true" or "false".
MINECRAFT_VIEW_DISTANCE The maximum allowed view distance in number of chunks. Allowed values: Any positive integer.
MINECRAFT_TICK_DISTANCE The world will be ticked this many chunks away from any player. Allowed values: Integers in the range [4, 12].
MINECRAFT_PLAYER_IDLE_TIMEOUT After a player has idled for this many minutes they will be kicked. If set to 0 then players can idle indefinitely. Allowed values: Any non-negative integer.
MINECRAFT_MAX_THREADS Maximum number of threads the server will try to use. If set to 0 or removed then it will use as many as possible. Allowed values: Any positive integer.
MINECRAFT_LEVEL_NAME Allowed values: Any string.
MINECRAFT_LEVEL_SEED Use to randomize the world. Allowed values: Any string.
MINECRAFT_DEFAULT_PLAYER_PERMISSION_LEVEL Permission level for new players joining for the first time. Allowed values: "visitor", "member", "operator".
MINECRAFT_TEXTUREPACK_REQUIRED Force clients to use texture packs in the current world. Allowed values: "true" or "false".
MINECRAFT_CONTENT_LOG_FILE_ENABLED Enables logging content errors to a file. Allowed values: "true" or "false".
MINECRAFT_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD Determines the smallest size of raw network payload to compress. Allowed values: 0-65535.
MINECRAFT_SERVER_AUTHORATIVE_MOVEMENT Enables server authoritative movement. If true, the server will replay local user input on the server and send down corrections when the client's position doesn't match the server's. Corrections will only happen if MINECRAFT_CORRECT_PLAYER_MOVEMENT is set to true.
MINECRAFT_PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SCORE_THRESHOLD The number of incongruent time intervals needed before abnormal behavior is reported. Disabled by MINECRAFT_SERVER_AUTHORATIVE_MOVEMENT.
MINECRAFT_PLAYER_MOVEMENT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD The difference between server and client positions that needs to be exceeded before abnormal behavior is detected. Disabled by MINECRAFT_SERVER_AUTHORATIVE_MOVEMENT.
MINECRAFT_PLAYER_MOVEMENT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_IN_MS The duration of time the server and client positions can be out of sync (as defined by MINECRAFT_PLAYER_MOVEMENT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) before the abnormal movement score is incremented. This value is defined in milliseconds.
MINECRAFT_CORRECT_PLAYER_MOVEMENT If true, the client position will get corrected to the server position if the movement score exceeds the threshold.


The following paths should be mapped to external volumes to prevent losing your worlds and so your whitelist.json & permissions.json persist.

You shouldn't map server.properties, as this file is created on container start using the environment variables MINECRAFT_* (see above).

Path Purpose
/opt/minecraft/worlds Location of the live world files.
/opt/minecraft/worlds_backup Location of the backed up world files.
/opt/minecraft/whitelist Location of whitelist.json.
/opt/minecraft/permissions Location of permissions.json.


The container exposes UDP ports 19132 for IPv4 and 19133 for IPv6.

When publishing the container's ports to the host, you should add /udp to your publish argument. For example:

  • docker run -p 19132:19132/udp ...
  • For docker-compose.yml:
    - "19132:19132/udp"


World file backups are taken every BACKUP_FREQUENCY, and the most recent BACKUP_RETENTION backups are kept.

For example, if you leave these two variables at their default of 1 and 24 respectively, you will have a maximum of 24 hourly backups.

Manual backups can be triggered via the manual_backup command, see below. Manual backups are automatically cleaned up after they exceed the BACKUP_RETENTION age.

The backup process is as follows:

  1. bedrock_server is placed into save hold mode to allow a backup to take place while the server is running.
  2. Wait intil save query reports that the server is ready for an online backup to take place.
  3. The files returned in save query are copied to temporary directory /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup/<world name>/<current datetime>.
  4. The files copied are truncated to the sizes returned in save query.
  5. The files copied are compressed into a /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup/<world name>/<current datetime>.tar.xz.
  6. The temporary directory /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup/<world name>/<current datetime> is removed.
  7. Any backups files in /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup older than BACKUP_RETENTION hours are removed.
  8. Any empty directories in /opt/minecraft/worlds_backup are removed.

Backups are owned by root. This is by design so that in the event the server becomes compromised, your worldfile backups should not be able to be removed (as the server binary runs as an unprivileged user).

To restore from backup, you can uncompress the backup file (tar -xJvf <.tar.xz file>) and copy the files into the /opt/minecraft/worlds/<world name>, and start up the server. You may need xz-tools for your tar to be able to understand .xz files.

Management Commands

There are several helper commands built into the container to help with the management of your Minecraft server.

These can be triggered by using the command docker exec <container> <command>, where:

  • <container> is the name of your Minecraft server container (in the examples below, this is mc).
  • <command> is one of the commands below.
Command Description Example
sendcmd <server command> Sends a server command to the console. Output is shown on the container console. See below for a list of server commands. docker exec mc sendcmd list
manual_backup Triggers a manual backup of the current world. docker exec mc manual_backup
clean_backups Triggers a manual clean-up of old backups. docker exec mc clean_backups

Server Commands

The following server commands can be used with docker exec <container> sendcmd <command>:

Command Description Example
kick <player name or xuid> <reason> Immediately kicks a player. The reason will be shown on the kicked players screen. docker exec mc sendcmd kick "somegriefer" "Griefing not tolerated."
stop Shuts down the server and container gracefully. docker exec mc sendcmd stop
save <hold / resume / query> Used to make atomic backups while the server is running. See the backup section for more information, as the backup process is automated in this container. docker exec mc manual_backup
whitelist <on / off / list / reload> on and off turns the whitelist on and off. Note that this does not change the value in the server.properties file - you should use the MINECRAFT_WHITE_LIST variable! list prints the current whitelist used by the server. reload makes the server reload the whitelist from the file. See the Whitelist Management section below for more information. docker exec mc sendcmd whitelist list
whitelist <add / remove> <name> Adds or removes a player from the whitelist file. The name parameter should be the Xbox Gamertag of the player you want to add or remove. You don't need to specify a XUID here, it will be resolved the first time the player connects. See the Whitelist section for more information. docker exec mc sendcmd whitelist add "myfriendtotoro"
permission <list / reload> list prints the current used operator list. reload makes the server reload the operator list from the ops file. See the Permissions section below for more information. docker exec mc sendcmd permission list
op <player> Promote a player to operator. This will also persist if the player is authenticated to XBL. If the player is not connected to XBL, the player is promoted for the current server session and it will not be persisted. docker exec mc sendcmd op "myfriendtotoro"
deop <player> Demote a player to member. This will also persist if the player is authenticated to XBL. docker exec mc sendcmd op "myfriendtotoro"
changesetting <setting> <value> Changes a server setting without having to restart the server. Currently only two settings are supported to be changed, allow-cheats (true or false) and difficulty (peaceful, easy, normal or hard). They do not modify the value that's specified in server.properties (which is set via environment variables). docker exec mc sendcmd difficulty peaceful

Whitelist Management

Adding/removing gamertags to/from server's whitelist can be done by either:

  • Editing the whitelist.json file and issuing the server commend whitelist reload (eg: docker exec <container> sendcmd whitelist reload); or
  • Using server commands, eg:
    • Adding: docker exec <container> sendcmd whitelist add <Gamertag>.
    • Removing: docker exec <container> sendcmd whitelist remove <Gamertag>.
    • Note: If there is a white-space in the Gamertag you need to enclose it with double quates: docker exec <container> sendcmd whitelist add "Example Name".

Permissions Management

Adding/removing server permissions can be done by either:

  • Editing the permissions.json file and issuing the server commend permission reload (eg: docker exec <container> sendcmd permission reload); or
  • Using server commands, eg:
    • Opping: docker exec <container> sendcmd op <player>.
    • Deopping: docker exec <container> sendcmd deop <player>.
    • Note: If there is a white-space in the player name you need to enclose it with double quates: docker exec <container> sendcmd op "Example Name".

Getting help

Please feel free to open an issue on the project's GitHub.

I also have a Discord channel, feel free to join and converse.


See a list of merged pull requests here


This container provides a Minecraft Bedrock server, with useful extra functionality.


Language:Shell 78.4%Language:Dockerfile 21.6%