mikenthiwa / Ride-My-Way

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status Coverage Status PEP8 License: MIT


Ride-my App(apiv3) is a carpooling api that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join available ride offers.

Home Image

Getting Started

Go to https://github.com/mikenthiwa/Ride-My-Way.git 
Download or clone the repository to your local machine. 
Open the project using your ide


  • Python 3 and above.
  • Virtual environment.
  • Flask
  • flask-restplus
  • Postman
  • Browser e.g Chrome, firefox, safari
  • Postgres


Creating virtual environment

On the root directory folder, open cmd.

* Run the command: virtualenv venv
* Activating virtual environment : cd venv\Scripts: activate 

Application requirements

The requirements.txt files will contain all the requirements needed for the application.
To install the requirements :

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Ensure you are located within the root directory and your virtual env. is activated
Some of the third party modules that will be installed are:

  • flask - Python module used for building web application.
  • flask-restplus - flask extension used for developing API.
  • Coverage - Python module used in testing, for assessing the quantity of test covered.
  • Pytest - Python module for running test.


Sign up and login to access features.
Endpoint available for this api are shown in the table below:

|Requests     |   EndPoint                           | Functionality                         | Fields
   GET        |  /api/v3/rides                       | Get all Rides                         | 
   GET        |  /api/v3/rides/{rideId}              | Get a specific ride                   | id required(int)                     
   DELETE     |  /api/v3/driver/rideId               | Delete ride                           | id required (int)
   POST       |  /api/v3/driver/rides                | Add a ride                            | e.g {"route": "Nairobi-Thika", "driver": "Reg Nduku", "time": 8:00}                                                                                               
   PATCH      |  /api/v3/rides/{rideId}/Request      | Request to join a ride                | e.g {"username": "james", "pick_point": "syokimau", "time": 8:00 }
   PATCH      |  /api/v3/driver/rides/rideId/Accept  | Accept the request passengers request |  
   PUT        |  /api/v3/driver/rides/rideId         | Modify ride details                   |
                                                                                             | if changing route e.g {"route": "Naivasha - Nakuru"}
                                                                                                    "       driver   {"driver": "Kevin Auri"}
                                                                                                    "        time    {"time": "12:00"}
   POST       |  /api/v3/register                    | Register users                        | e.g register as a passanger {"username": "test_user", "email":test_user@gmail.com, "password": "12345"}
                                                                                               e.g register as driver {"username": "test_user", "email":test_user@gmail.com, "password": "12345", "driver": true}
   POST       |  /api/v3/login                       | Login user                            | e.g {"email: "test_user@gmail.com", "password": "1234"}
   PUT        |  /api/v3/auth/user/email             | Reset password                        | e.g  /api/v3/auth/user/email 
   PUT        |  /api/v3/auth/user/email             | Reset username                        | e.g  /api/v3/auth/user/email 
   GET        |  /api/v3/admin/users                 | Get all users                         |
   PATCH      |  /api/v3/admin/users/<int:user_id>   | Promote users                         | email required

Environment variable

export settings:
export SECRET_KEY=!@#$%^&*
export database=dbname=RideMyWaydb

Run application on postman 


## Running test

coverage run -m unittest pytest


## Built using

* python 3.6.5
* Flask
* flask-restplus


## Heroku


## Versioning
Most recent version: version 3


## Authors
Michael Mutua 


## Acknowledgments

* Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
* Inspiration and encouragement
* etc




Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%