mikenomitch / platemail

Elixir, Typescript, and HashiStack boilerplate application (as of early 2019)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Platemail is meant to provide a base boilerplate for quickly building out webapps.


  • Elixir (1.9)
  • Erlang/OTP (22)
  • Phoenix (1.4)
  • Postgres


  • Typescript (3)
  • Webpack (4)
  • Preact
  • Redux
  • Node (10.15)


  • Terraform
  • Consul
  • Nomad
  • Docker


The goal of the app/repo is to lay a foundation for quick iteration on future project & toy apps.

Backend features:

  • An example resource with schema/model/controller/view/routing
  • A barebones user model with sign up/in/out
    • Including tokens for password reset
  • Basic auth via JWTs
  • Swagger API docs
  • Auth credential confirmation/password resets/magic login
  • Event broadcasting via Channels (TODO)
  • TSL/HTTPS support (TODO)
  • A few simple example tests (TODO)

Frontend features:

  • JS bundles with common chunks, code-splitting, & cache-busting
  • Minimal css/style "framework"
    • Postcss Modules
    • SASS compilation
    • Basic variables, helper functions, and mixins
    • Theming support
    • Normalized CSS
  • Functional react components using hooks
  • Frontend routing
  • Fetching with auth and call status tracking
  • Gzipped and minified production build
  • Redux-based data layer with DRY base reducer
  • Socket connection to the backend's phoenix channels
  • Server-side rendering of specific pages (TODO)
  • A few simple example tests (TODO)

Development features:

  • Single command to launch app locally
  • Hot loading & reloading of JS and CSS
  • Backend auto-reloading
  • Prettier/ESLint auto-formatting
  • Elixir auto-formatting
  • CSS Linting
  • Shared VSCode Rules

Devops featues:

  • Infrastructure as Code (Terraform)
  • Containerized Orchestration (Docker & Nomad)
  • Load balanced (Fabio)
  • Single command deploys
  • Error Alerting
    • set up via Terraform (TODO)
  • Logging (TODO)

Setting Up for Local Dev

Local Dev Dependencies:

  • psql
  • elixir
  • erlang
  • node/npm
  • webpack

cd ./api && mix deps.get && mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate cd ./ui && npm install

Running Locally

Run the local startup script: ./bin/run.sh


Deployment Dependencies:

  • terraform
  • consul
  • nomad


Information Coming Soon


Elixir, Typescript, and HashiStack boilerplate application (as of early 2019)


Language:Elixir 37.7%Language:TypeScript 27.3%Language:JavaScript 25.1%Language:CSS 5.5%Language:HCL 2.3%Language:HTML 1.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%Language:Shell 0.6%