mikenomitch / nomad-jwt-auth

A repository to demonstrate JWT auth in Nomad using a GHA token

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nomad JWT Auth Action

A GitHub Action to mint a short-lived Nomad token using GHA identity tokens and arbitrary JWTs.

If you provide an input of "identityToken", that will be used as the JWT to authorize into Nomad. If you do not provide an "identityToken" argument, the Github Action Identity token will be used.


See action.yml for details.

In the GitHub Actions workflow, the workflow needs permissions to read contents and write the ID token.

            contents: read
            id-token: write


  NOMAD_ADDR: "http://my-nomad-addr.foo:4646"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Setup `nomad`
        uses: lucasmelin/setup-nomad@v1
        id: setup
          version: ${{ env.PRODUCT_VERSION }}
      - name: Run `nomad version`
        run: "nomad version"
      - name: Auth Into Nomad
        id: nomad-jwt-auth
        uses: mikenomitch/nomad-jwt-auth@v1
          url: ${{ env.NOMAD_ADDR }}
        continue-on-error: true
      - name: Get Status
        run: NOMAD_ADDR="${{ env.NOMAD_ADDR }}" NOMAD_TOKEN="${{ steps.nomad-jwt-auth.outputs.nomadToken }}" nomad status

Setting up Simple Auth for Github Actions

Create an Auth Method

Let's set up a simple auth method in Nomad to test authenticating via Github Actions identity tokens.

First we'll need an Auth Method. This tells Nomad that we'll have a new way of authenticating new users. We'll call it github and say that it is a "JWT" based method for machine-to-machine auth, instead of OIDC for human-based SSO.

The contents in ./nomad-config/auth-method.json say that we'll validate the signature of this JWT with the Github public key at JWKSURL. And we'll map the JWT's value of "repository_owner" to an internal value of "owner". This is important because for this auth method, we'll simply trust that if the owner is "mikenomitch", we'll grant a short lived management token (note: this is unrealistic and insecure).

Run the following to create an auth method for this action:

nomad acl auth-method create -name="github" -type="JWT" -max-token-ttl="23h" -token-locality=global -config "@nomad-config/auth-method.json"

The contents of ./nomad-config/auth-method.json:

  "JWKSURL": "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com/.well-known/jwks",
  "ExpirationLeeway": "1h",
  "ClockSkewLeeway": "1h",
  "ClaimMappings": {
    "repository_owner": "owner"

Confirm that it works with: nomad operator api /v1/acl/auth-method/github

Create a Binding Rule

Next, we'll create a binding rule. This tells Nomad which values from a specified Auth Method should map to roles, polices, or management tokens in Nomad.

In our case, we'll keep it simple and say that if the repo owner is "mikenomitch", they're granted a management token.

Run the following to update the action for this action:

nomad acl binding-rule create \
    -description "repo to mgmt" \
    -auth-method "github" \
    -bind-type "management" \
    -selector "value.owner == mikenomitch"

Run the Github Action

Now when you run this github action. If you point to this cluster and have the correct owner specified, you will be authorized to access Nomad.

Setting up a more realistic Auth Method for Github Actions

Let’s look at how we would set up a Authentication in Nomad to achieve the following rule: I want any repo in my account using an action called “Nomad JWT Auth” to get a Nomad ACL token that grants them permissions for all the Nomad policies assigned to a role for their repo. Tokens should only be valid for one hour, and the action should only be valid for the “main” branch.

Create an auth method

Run the following to create an auth method for this new action:

nomad acl auth-method create -name="github-adv" -type="JWT" -max-token-ttl="1h" -token-locality=global -config "@nomad-config/auth-method-adv.json"

The contents of ./nomad-config/auth-method-adv.json:

  "JWKSURL": "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com/.well-known/jwks",
  "ExpirationLeeway": "1h",
  "ClockSkewLeeway": "1h",
  "ClaimMappings": {
    "repository_owner": "owner",
    "repository": "repo",
    "workflow": "workflow",
    "ref": "ref"

Note that I am setting "max-token-ttl" to "1h" and getting the contents of "repository_owner", "repository", "workflow", and "ref" from the JWT.

Now I want to create a role for each repo that I want to use with this auth method. Let's pretend that the two repos I want to grant roles to are "mikenomitch/example-foo" and "mikenomitch/example-bar".

Create roles for each repo

I would create a roles for "example-foo" and "example-bar" with names matching their repo name, as I'll be mapping the JWT's repo name value to the role's name in the binding rule.

nomad acl role create -name="mikenomitch/example-foo" -policy=example-acl-policy

nomad acl role create -name="mikenomitch/example-bar" -policy=some-other-acl-policy


  • Policy creation not shown in this Readme for brevity
  • You can use another value other than repo name from the JWT, hardcode a role name, or skip role and map directly to a policy.

Create a Binding Rule

Now, we'll create a binding rule which maps the JWT values to the Role.

Run the following to update the action for this action:

nomad acl binding-rule create \
    -description "repo name mapped to role name, on main branch, for “Nomad JWT Auth workflow" \
    -auth-method "github-adv" \
    -bind-name "${value.repo}" \
    -selector "value.owner == \"mikenomitch\" && value.workflow = \"Nomad JWT Auth\" && value.ref == \"refs/heads/main\""


See the file ./jws-example.json for an example of the fields availible in the JWT.

See the dir ./nomad-config for some helpful files for testing local config with Nomad.


To make changes, edit src/main.ts and then run npm run build.

You can run main locally with npm run build && node dist/index.js which can be helpful for development & debugging.


Here are all the inputs available through with:

Input Description Default
url The URL of the Nomad cluster http://localhost:4646
methodName The name of the Nomad Auth Method to use github
identityToken The JWT identity token to use. Will use Github Action if not provided
jwtGithubAudience The audience to use for the Github Action identity token. Only used if JWT not provided and using GHA JWT
exportToken Whether or not export Nomad token as environment variables true
outputToken Whether or not to set the nomadToken output to contain the Nomad token after authentication true
tlsSkipVerify When set to true, disables verification of the Nomad server certificate - setting this to true in production is not recommended false
caCertificate Base64 encoded CA certificate to verify the Nomad server certificate
clientCertificate Base64 encoded client certificate for mTLS communication with the Nomad server
clientKey Base64 encoded client key for mTLS communication with the Nomad server
extraHeaders A string of newline separated extra headers to include on every request


A repository to demonstrate JWT auth in Nomad using a GHA token


Language:TypeScript 86.1%Language:Shell 11.5%Language:HCL 2.4%