mikelix / PongGame

A game of pong made by MetaGPT and ChatGPT Code Interpreter

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Pong Game in Python made with MetaGPT


This simple implementation of the classic Pong game using Python and the Pygame library. The game features two paddles and a bouncing ball. The objective is to prevent the ball from passing your paddle. Each time a player misses the ball, the opponent gets a point.

This game was created (mostly) automatically using MetaGPT and ChatGPT Code Interpreter.

Read more about this here (spanish)

MetaGPT running on Google Colab notebook

Code Interpreter conversation

The Process Behind the Creation

Using the combined strengths of MetaGPT and ChatGPT, creating the Pong game became a seamless integration of AI-driven development with minimal human intervention.

  1. Requirement Definition: MetaGPT was tasked with creating a Pong game. In response, MetaGPT generated the essential documentation for the game's development.

  2. Code Generation: Afterward, ChatGPT was used to visualize and interpret the output from MetaGPT. Upon understanding the documentation, Code Interpreter wrote the code outlined.

  3. Compilation and Delivery: ChatGPT Code Interpreter packaged the produced code into a zip file, encompassing everything required to run the software. With a few additional steps, the software was hosted on GitHub and ready for sharing.

The synergy of MetaGPT and ChatGPT Code Interpreter streamlined the development process and ensured the game met high-quality standards, mitigating the typical challenges encountered in conventional software development.

The Game Structure

The game revolves around four main files:

  • paddle.py: Defines the Paddle class responsible for drawing the paddles and their movements.
  • ball.py: Defines the Ball class responsible for drawing the ball and its movement logic.
  • game.py: Implements the main game logic, including scoring, game state transitions, and interactions between the ball and the paddles.
  • main.py: The entry point of the application. It initializes and runs the game.
Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 18 44 45


  1. Ensure you have Python 3.x installed on your machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using pip:
pip install pygame==2.0.1
  1. Clone the repository or download the game files.

Running the Game

Navigate to the directory containing the game files and run the following command:

python main.py

The game window should open, and you can start playing!


  • Player 1 (Left paddle): W (Move Up), S (Move Down)
  • Player 2 (Right paddle): Arrow Up (Move Up), Arrow Down (Move Down)

MetaGPT's Development Process

MetaGPT's process for developing the Pong game in Python is a structured and methodical approach, which can be outlined as follows:

  1. Initialization:

    • MetaGPT starts by loading its configurations.
    • It then prompts for a startup idea, the amount of investment, and the number of rounds. For this project, the idea was to create a Pong game in Python.
  2. Requirement Definition:

    • MetaGPT understands the original requirements and sets product goals based on the provided input. For example, the game must be user-friendly, intuitive, and glitch-free.
    • It also defines user stories, representing the users' expectations and desires from the game.
  3. Market Analysis:

    • A competitive analysis is conducted, comparing the proposed product with other games developed in Python. This aids in understanding the product's position in the market.
    • A competitive quadrant chart is then generated to visually represent the reach and engagement of various campaigns, including the target product.
  4. Requirement Analysis:

    • A detailed requirement analysis is performed, which outlines the specifics of what the game should encompass.
    • A requirement pool is created, prioritizing the development tasks.
  5. UI Design Proposal:

    • A draft for the game's user interface is proposed, detailing the layout of the game screen, paddles, ball, and score display.
  6. System Design:

    • Bob, the Architect, outlines the implementation approach. The Pygame library is chosen due to its capabilities in game development.
    • A list of required Python files and their functions is provided.
    • Data structures and interface definitions are presented using a class diagram.
    • A program call flow diagram is provided to understand the sequence of operations and interactions between different game components.


  1. Resource Generation:

    • Various diagrams, such as competitive analysis and system design diagrams, are generated in formats like PDF, SVG, and PNG.
  2. Documentation:

    • All the produced documents, like the PRD (Product Requirement Document) and system design, are saved for future reference.
  3. Project Management:

    • Eve, the Project Manager, lists the required third-party Python packages, in this case, pygame.
    • A full API specification is provided, although none is required for this standalone game application.
    • A logic analysis is performed, explaining the purpose of each Python file.
    • A task list is created, outlining the sequence of development.
    • Shared knowledge provides insights into how different components of the game interact with each other.
  4. Clarifications:

    • MetaGPT confirms if there's anything unclear at multiple stages during the process, emphasizing the importance of clarity before proceeding.

The entire process underlines MetaGPT's capability to understand a software development task, analyze the market, design the system, and prepare for implementation in a structured manner.

MetaGPT Agent Roles

MetaGPT uses a collaborative approach by employing different agents, each with a specific role, to execute tasks seamlessly. Here's a breakdown of the roles and their responsibilities:

Alice (Product Manager)

Alice is the foundation of the product development process. Her responsibilities include:

  • Requirement Definition: Understanding the primary task or idea and translating it into actionable product requirements.
  • Product Goals: Establishing the main goals the product aims to achieve.
  • User Stories: Defining potential user interactions with the product.
  • Competitive Analysis: Analyzing similar products in the market to understand the competition.
  • UI Design Draft: Giving a basic visualization of the user interface.

Bob (Architect)

Bob takes the information Alice provides and crafts a technical approach. His tasks are:

  • Implementation Approach: Deciding the best methodologies, libraries, or frameworks to bring the product to life.
  • Python Package Naming: Naming conventions for the product.
  • File List: Structuring the software by deciding the necessary files and their roles.
  • Data Structures and Interface Definitions: Crafting the main classes, their properties, and their relationships.
  • Program Call Flow: Designing the flow of how different components of the software interact with each other.

Eve (Project Manager)

Eve bridges the gap between design and implementation. Her primary roles include:

  • Required Third-party Packages: Listing necessary external libraries or frameworks.
  • Full API Spec: Provide a detailed specification of the product's API if necessary.
  • Logic Analysis: Breaking down the roles of each file or component of the software.
  • Task List: Listing down the order of development or tasks to be tackled.
  • Shared Knowledge: Sharing insights or essential information about the software components and their interactions.

Each agent relies on the output of the previous one, ensuring that the development process is streamlined, efficient, and thorough.


A game of pong made by MetaGPT and ChatGPT Code Interpreter



Language:Python 100.0%