mikehengineer / h2odemo

Proof of concept demo for H2Optimize. Written in PHP and uses the Laravel framework.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This website is deployed on a free instance of AWS at http://h2odemo-env.d9itrph6cd.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/

After having an interview with an IOT start up in Texas I learned that they were thinking of hiring a backend Laravel engineer for their website. After a bit of research I became really interested in the framework and decided to take a couple weeks to familiarize myself with the tech stack and build a demo site for them. This site uses a MVC paradigm, SQL database, demonstrates CRUD functionality and features a RESTful API. Most of the interesting code is found in these folders:

Model: APP/

View: Resources/Views

Controller: APP/HTTP/Controllers

If you have any questions regarding this project or if you'd like to use a code snippet please contact me at mikehengineer@gmail.com

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Proof of concept demo for H2Optimize. Written in PHP and uses the Laravel framework.


Language:PHP 76.4%Language:JavaScript 9.6%Language:HTML 7.8%Language:CSS 5.9%Language:Vue 0.2%