mikegilroy / SwiftThrottler

A simple throttler helper class written in Swift.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple throttler helper class written in Swift 4.0.

A full blog post on this topic can be found here: Simple Throttling in Swift. ###Example

class Throttler {
    private var workItem: DispatchWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem(block: {})
    private var previousRun: Date = Date.distantPast
    private let queue: DispatchQueue
    private let minimumDelay: TimeInterval
    init(minimumDelay: TimeInterval, queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main) {
        self.minimumDelay = minimumDelay
        self.queue = queue
    func throttle(_ block: @escaping () -> Void) {
        // Cancel any existing work item if it has not yet executed
        // Re-assign workItem with the new block task, resetting the previousRun time when it executes
        workItem = DispatchWorkItem() {
            [weak self] in
            self?.previousRun = Date()
        // If the time since the previous run is more than the required minimum delay
        // => execute the workItem immediately
        // else 
        // => delay the workItem execution by the minimum delay time
        let delay = previousRun.timeIntervalSinceNow > minimumDelay ? 0 : minimumDelay
        queue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + Double(delay), execute: workItem)

###Use case

let throttler = Throttler(minimumDelay: 0.5)

func frequentlyCalledMethod() {

    //    Throttling our computationally expensive task will ensure
    //    that it is only run once after 0.5 seconds have elapsed since last being requested, 
    //    preventing excessive computation in the case that this method is called with high frequency
    throttler.throttle {

func computationallyExpensiveTask() {
    // It's a fake! 😱


A simple throttler helper class written in Swift.


Language:Swift 100.0%