mikeghen / unomi-tutorial

Install and use Apache Unomi on Ubuntu 18

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Installing Apache Unomi 1.3 on Ubuntu

Apache Unomi is a customer data platform built on top of Apache Karaf and ElasticSearch. Unomi provides a REST API and is extendible using Java.

⚠️ This is not a production setup. Command executed in the tutorial were done as root.

Install Java 8

apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Set you JAVA_HOME by editing /etc/environment:

vi /etc/environment

and add these two lines below what is already there:


Reload environment:

source /etc/environment

⚠️ Your JAVA_HOME may vary. You can review the output of the apt install command to see where Java was installed.

Installing ElasticSearch 5.6.3

apt-get update && apt-get -y install apt-transport-https curl wget
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.6.3.deb
dpkg -i elasticsearch-5.6.3.deb

Next, edit the ElasticSearch configuration:

vi /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Add uncomment and edit the line with cluster.name to:

cluster.name: contextElasticSearch

Unomi expects the cluster name to be contextElasticSearch.

Now start and check the status of ElasticSearch to confirm it is running:

service elasticsearch start
service elasticsearch status

Installing Unomi 1.3

You can install a binary distribution from any of these mirrors. Just download and extract the files, the run it using Karaf.

Download and extract Unomi from binary distribution:

wget http://apache.mirrors.pair.com/incubator/unomi/1.3.0-incubating/unomi-1.3.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz
tar -xzf unomi-1.3.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz

After it is extracted, I prefer to move it into /opt/unomi, just my preference to put installed software into /opt:

mkdir /opt/unomi
mv unomi-1.3.0-incubating/*

Start Unomi

To start Unomi from the terminal:


In the Karaf terminal, run unomi:start:

karaf@root()> unomi:start

After you run the command, Unomi will be available.

Test Unomi

There are some Python programs in this project that demostrate how to interface with Unomi.

You can check some endpoints in a web browser, the default username and password is karaf and karaf:


⚠️ You may need to change localhost if you installed this on a remote server.

Create a New Profile

Run the Python file to create a new profile (use Python 3):

python new_profile.py

This creates a profile with ID 10. You can view this profile with a GET /profile endpoint in the browser:


Create a New Profile and Session

Run the Python file to create a new profile (use Python 3):

python new_profile_and_session.py

This creates a session with ID 101 and profile with ID 10. You can view this profile with a GET /profile/{profile_id}/sessions endpoint in the browser:


Create a New Rule

Run the python file to create a new rule (use Python 3):

python new_rule.py

This creates a rule with ID eligibilityRule and a profile with ID 10. You can view this rule with a GET /rule/{rule_id} endpoint in the browser:


and you can view the profile which has been marked as eligible = "yes":


Installing Unomi as a Service

You can install Unomi as a service using Karaf's Service Wrapper.

From the Karaf command line:

karaf@root()> feature:install wrapper
karaf@root()> wrapper:install

The output from the wrapper:install command will include instructions for finishing the installation and starting/stoping Karaf.


Install and use Apache Unomi on Ubuntu 18


Language:Python 100.0%