mike-north / ember-data-preload

Eagerly load deeply nested ember-data relationships

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Preloading deeply nested relationships is possible w/ ember-data, but it can be a little messy

For example, if we have a List model, each record of which has many ListItems, each of which has an Assignee, and we wanted to load all of the relevant data by the time the route was done resolving, we'd have to do something like this:

  model() {

    // Load lists
    return this.store.findAll('lists').then((lists) => {
      // Get promises for loading all list-items owned by the lists,
      //   and wait for them all to resolve
      return Ember.RSVP.all(
        lists.map((l) => l.get('list-item'))
          .reduce((prev, cur) => prev.concat(cur))
      ).then((listItems) => {
        // Get promises for loading all assignees of the list-items,
        return Ember.RSVP.all(
          listItems.map((listItem) => listItem.get('assignee'))
            .reduce((prev, cur) => prev.concat(cur))
      }).then(() => lists);


First, install this addon in your ember-cli app ember install ember-data-preload

And then, you may preload relationships (i.e., in a route)

import preload from 'ember-data-preload';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model() {
    return preload(this.store.findAll('lists'), {'list-items': 'assignees'});

Particularly when relationship hierarchies are deep, this can be particularly time-saving

import preload from 'ember-data-preload';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model() {
    return preload(this.store.findAll('country'), {
      city: {
        neighborhood: {
          street: 'house'

This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember addon.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.


Eagerly load deeply nested ember-data relationships

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 87.5%Language:HTML 11.6%Language:Handlebars 0.9%