mikaelj / shc-3.8.9

SHC - Bash script compiler

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How to use SHC Bash Script Compiler

copy shc binary to /bin (cp shc /bin)
give execute permissions (chmod +x /bin/shc)

This will give you all the options of the command.

shc Copyright (c) 1994-2003 Francisco Rosales <frosal@fi.upm.es>
shc Usage: shc [-e date] [-m addr] [-i iopt] [-x cmnd] [-l lopt] [-rvDTCAh] -f script

    -e %s  Expiration date in dd/mm/yyyy format [none]
    -m %s  Message to display upon expiration ["Please contact your provider"]
    -f %s  File name of the script to compile
    -i %s  Inline option for the shell interpreter i.e: -e
    -x %s  eXec command, as a printf format i.e: exec('%s',@ARGV);
    -l %s  Last shell option i.e: --
    -r     Relax security. Make a redistributable binary
    -v     Verbose compilation
    -D     Switch ON debug exec calls [OFF]
    -T     Allow binary to be traceable [no]
    -C     Display license and exit
    -A     Display abstract and exit
    -h     Display help and exit

    Environment variables used:
    Name    Default  Usage
    CC      cc       C compiler command
    CFLAGS  <none>   C compiler flags

    Please consult the shc(1) man page.

Below is a example for how to use it.

#shc -e 31/12/2010 -m "Please contact Gourav Joshi at Gmail dot com" -r -f configs.sh

This will create 2 file as output;

We just have to rename the ".x"  file as some name.
#mv config.sh.x configs
This will create a binary "configs", which we will give execute permission and use.
#chmod +x configs
# cp -ap configs /bin

Now we can use it directly.

Note: - The software used here is a copyright software which is available free to use. There is no code written by me. This document is only meant to help for how to use this software and create a binary of bash script. Any suggestions regarding the software can be directly send at frosal@fi.upm.es 


SHC - Bash script compiler

License:GNU General Public License v2.0