mik3y / particle-heatpump

Firmware for Particle.io devices for controlling a Mitsubishi Heatpump

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Firmware for Particle.io devices for controlling a Mitsubishi Heatpump.

Based on https://github.com/SwiCago/HeatPump


$ particle flash <device name>

Control interfaces

Particle Cloud interface

You can monitor and control the device through Particle Cloud.


The following variables are exported directly from the controller to Particle cloud:

  • power: The current device power setting, one of:
    • "ON"
    • "OFF"
  • mode: The current device mode setting, one of:
    • "HEAT"
    • "COOL"
    • "FAN"
    • "DRY"
    • "AUTO"
  • temperature_c: The current temperature setting, as a float, in degrees celsius
  • fan_speed: The current fan speed setting, one of:
    • "1"
    • "2"
    • "3"
    • "4"
    • "AUTO"
    • "QUIET"
  • vane_setting: The current vane (vertical baffle) setting, one of:
    • "1"
    • "2"
    • "3"
    • "4"
    • "5"
    • "SWING"
    • "AUTO"
  • wide_vane_setting: The current wide vane (horizontal baffle) setting, one of:
    • "<<"
    • "<"
    • "|"
    • ">"
    • ">>"
    • "<>"
    • "SWING"
  • room_temperature_c: The last observed room temperature, in degrees celsius
  • is_operating: Operating status (compressor on/off), as a boolean
  • is_connecting: Whether or not the serial device is connected, as a boolean

The following additional variables manage the device's configuration

  • mqtt_broker_host: Host name or IP address of an MQTT broker; empty string to disable MQTT. (Default "")
  • mqtt_broker_port: Port number at the MQTT broker, as an integer. (Default 1883)


The following functions are available through Particle cloud to manage the device:

  • setPower(): Change the device power setting. Allowed values:
    • "ON"
    • "OFF"
  • setMode(): Change the device mode setting. Allowed values:
    • "HEAT"
    • "COOL"
    • "FAN"
    • "DRY"
    • "AUTO"
  • setTemperatureC(): Change the desired temperature. Must be a value between 16 and 31.
  • setFanSpeed(): Change the fan speed setting. Allowed values:
    • "1"
    • "2"
    • "3"
    • "4"
    • "AUTO"
    • "QUIET"
  • setVaneDirection(): Change the vane setting. Allowed values:
    • "1"
    • "2"
    • "3"
    • "4"
    • "5"
    • "SWING"
    • "AUTO"
  • setWideVaneDirection(): Change the vane setting. Allowed values:
    • "<<"
    • "<"
    • "|"
    • ">"
    • ">>"
    • "<>"
    • "SWING"

The following additional functions manage the device's local configuration:

  • setMqttBrokerHost: Set the host name or IP address of the MQTT broker; empty string to disable.
    • Note: Setting, changing, or clearing the host name will cause the device to connect, reconnect, or disconnect from the MQTT broker, respectively.
  • setMqttBrokerPort: Set the port number at the MQTT broker.


The following events are published from the device.

  • heatpump/status-changed: Reported once a minute, and whenever status changes. A JSON dictionary of:
    • room_temperature_c: Current room temperature
    • is_operating: Compressor operation status
    • compressor_frequency: Numeric compressor frequency value
  • heatpump/settings-changed: Reported whenever settings have changed. A JSON dictionary
    • power: Power status. Possible values are same as the variable.
    • mode: Power status. Possible values are same as the variable.
    • temperature_c: Temperature, a number.
    • fan: Fan status. Possible values are same as the variable.
    • vane: Vane status. Possible values are same as the variable.
    • wide_vane: Wide vane status. Possible values are same as the variable.
  • heatpump/log: Diagnostic log messages from the firmware. Unstructured.

MQTT interface

You can control and monitor this device through MQTT.


By default, the MQTT broker host is not set, and the MQTT feature is disabled. You can either set it dynamically through setMqttBrokerHost() via Particle Cloud, or set it statically by editing config.h.

Control topics (subscriptions)

The device subscribes to the following topics for control:

  • heatpump/+/control/power: Change the power setting.
  • heatpump/+/control/mode: Change the mode setting.
  • heatpump/+/control/temperature-c: Change the temperature setting.
  • heatpump/+/control/fan-speed: Change the fan speed setting.
  • heatpump/+/control/vane-setting: Change the van setting.
  • heatpump/+/control/wide-vane-setting: Change the wide setting.

For the position +, the device will look for its device name, or the special value all.

For example, a device named mydevice-1 will respond to the following topics:

  • heatpump/mydevice-1/control/power
  • heatpump/all/control/mode

.. but will ignore messages on:

  • heatpump/otherdevice/control/power
  • heatpump/bloop/control/power

Status topics (publishing)

The device will post status updates on the following topics as JSON:

  • heatpump/<name>/status: Device status, as a JSON object. Same format as the heatpump/status-changed Particle Cloud event.
  • heatpump/<name>/settings: Device settings, as a JSON object. Same format as the heatpump/settings-changed Particle Cloud event.

Individual values are also posted to the following additional topics:

  • heatpump/<name>/settings
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/fan
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/is-connected
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/mode
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/power
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/temperature-c
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/vane
    • heatpump/<name>/settings/wide-vane
  • heatpump/<name>/status
    • heatpump/<name>/status/room-temperature-c
    • heatpump/<name>/status/is-operating
    • heatpump/<name>/status/firmware-version


See CHANGELOG.md for the latest changes.


Contributions welcome! Open an issue or a pull request if you've got ideas.


This is open source software offered under the MIT license.

This library includes a copy of HeatPump.cpp and HeatPump.h which are licensed under the LGPL.

See LICENSE.txt and individual source files for the full terms.


Firmware for Particle.io devices for controlling a Mitsubishi Heatpump

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:C 1.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%