miikka / ring-logger

Log ring requests & responses using your favorite logging backend

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Ring middleware to log response time and other details of each request that arrives to your server.

  • Logs request start, finish, parameters and exceptions by default.
  • The user can choose which of those messages to log by using the more specific middleware.
  • "Logs as data": Log messages are simple clojure maps. You can provide a transform-fn to transform to other representations (string, JSON).
  • Uses clojure.tools.logging by default, accepts a log-fn for switching to other log backends (timbre, etc.)


Clojars Project

Getting started

Add the dependency to your project:

    [ring-logger "1.0.1"]


Add the middleware to your ring stack:

    (ns foo
      (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
                [ring.logger :as logger]))

    (defn my-ring-app [request]
         {:status 200
          :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
          :body "Hello world!"})

    (jetty/run-jetty (logger/wrap-with-logger my-ring-app) {:port 8080})

Example output:

INFO  ring.logger: {:request-method :get, :uri "/", :server-name "localhost", :ring.logger/type :starting}
DEBUG ring.logger: {:request-method :get, :uri "/", :server-name "localhost", :ring.logger/type :params, :params {:name "ring-logger", :password "[REDACTED]"}}
INFO  ring.logger: {:request-method :get, :uri "/", :server-name "localhost", :ring.logger/type :finish, :status 200, :ring.logger/ms 11}

Advanced usage

ring.logger comes with more fine-grained middleware apart from wrap-with-logger:

  • wrap-log-request-start: Logs the start of the request
  • wrap-log-response
  • wrap-log-request-params: Logs the request parameters, using redaction to hide sensitive values (passwords, tokens, etc)

To log just the start and finish of requests (no parameters):

    (-> handler
        ;; more middleware to parse params, cookies, etc.

To measure request latency, wrap-log-response will use the ring.logger/start-ms key added by wrap-log-request-start if both middlewares are being used, or will call System/currentTimeMillis to obtain the value by itself.

To explicitly log start, finish, and parameters of requests:

    (-> (handler)
        ;; the following line must come before `wrap-params`
        (wrap-log-request-params {:transform-fn #(assoc % :level :info)})
        wrap-keyword-params        ;; optional
        wrap-params                ;; required

Note that in the above example, the :transform-fn is optional. You can either bump your log level to DEBUG or use :transform-fn to adjust the log level of params logging before it hits the log-fn. The latter is often preferable, since DEBUG tends to be very noisy.

Also see the example.

Using other logging backends

Other logging backends can be plugged by passing the log-fn option. This is how you could use timbre instead of c.t.logging:

    (require '[timbre.core :as timbre])

    (-> handler
        (logger/wrap-log-response {:log-fn (fn [{:keys [level throwable message]}]
                                             (timbre/log level throwable message))}))

What gets logged

  • an :info level message when a request begins.
  • a :debug level message with the request parameters (redacted).
  • an :info level message when a response is returned without server errors (i.e. its HTTP status is < 500), otherwise an :error level message is logged.
  • an :error level message with a stack trace when an exception is thrown during response generation.

All messages will be usually timestamped by your logging infrastructure.

How to disable exceptions logging

This is especially useful when also using ring.middleware.stacktrace.

(wrap-with-logger app {:log-exceptions? false})

Password: "[REDACTED]"

Sensitive information in params and headers can be redacted before it's sent to the logs.

This is very important: Nobody wants user passwords or authentication tokens to get to the logs and live there forever, in plain text, right?

By default, ring-logger will redact any parameter whose name is in the ring.logger/default-redact-key? set (:password, :token, :secret, etc). You can pass your own set or function to determine which keys to redact as the redact-key? option

(wrap-with-logger app {:redact-key? #{:senha :token})

Logging only certain requests

If you wish to restrict logging to certain paths (or other conditions), combine ring-logger with ring.middleware.conditional, like so:

(:require [ring.middleware.conditional :as c :refer  [if-url-starts-with

(def my-ring-app
   (-> handler
       (if-url-starts-with "/foo" wrap-with-logger)

        ;; Or:
        ;; (c/if some-test-fn wrap-with-logger)
        ;; etc.


Consult the ring.middleware.conditional docs for full details.

Similar projects

pjlegato/ring.middleware.logger: ring-logger started as a fork of ring.middleware.logger. It's a great option if you don't mind pulling a transitive dependency on onelog & log4j.

lambdaisland/ring.middleware.logger: a fork of r.m.logger that replaces onelog with clojure.tools.logging


Pull requests are welcome!


Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Nicolás Berger Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Paul Legato.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Log ring requests & responses using your favorite logging backend

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%