This repo provides a few examples using velero to back up and restore applications. The CLI invocations use kubectl where it would work, and oc when there are openshift-specific resources involved. In a base kubernetes environment, some modification might be needed (use Deployments instead of DeploymentConfigs, etc.)
The velero image used is the upstream 1.2 release from The only plugin included is the aws plugin required for supporting an aws/s3 BackupStorageLocation
TODO: modify scripts to take VELERO_* from env/input to avoid risk of committing credentials to github.
- replace VELERO_ACCESS_KEY_ID and VELERO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in velero-install/aws-credentials with your values (make sure this change doesn't get committed to github)
- replace VELERO_BUCKET_NAME in velero-install/velero-server.yaml with your bucket name
kubectl apply -f velero-install/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f velero-install/velero-namespace.yaml
kubectl create secret generic cloud-credentials --namespace velero --from-file cloud=velero-install/aws-credentials
kubectl apply -f velero-install/velero-server.yaml
Persistent application, backup/restore using Restic.
Persistent application, backup/restore using PV snapshots.