miffili / my100DaysOfCode.2019

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my #100DaysOfCode β€’ 2019

After successfully learning the basics of HTML, CSS & JavaScript in 2017 & 2018, I will start a new round of #100DaysOfCode in 2019 – hopefully 3. πŸ™‚

In mid-January I will start a new position as Junior Frontend Dev in Munich, Germany. Therefore the focus will be on the tech stack used in the company, but also on different topics that interest me personally.

UPDATE (June 2019): It turns out, starting a new job in a new role in a new city is more demanding than I ever could've imagined. So with a bit of luck, I will manage to do almost 2 rounds this year (starting today, on June 16th, I will be 2 days short already in 2019. πŸ˜‡ But.. it's not about perfect.. it's about progress. So let's do it! πŸ’ͺπŸ™‚ )

main focus:

  • JavaScript, especially ES6+ features
  • Vue.js as frontend framework
  • Node.js
  • GraphQL
  • testing JavaScript
  • basics of Ruby & Ruby on Rails

side focus:

  • advanced CSS
  • different CSS frameworks
  • CSS transitions & animations
  • CSS-in-JS
  • generative art with p5.js
  • Mathematics for computer science
  • playing with things like Lottie, transitions in Vue.js/React, etc.


  • new portfolio/website
  • start a mini blog
  • start a series of mini creative coding exercises
  • participate in the codepen challenge as often as possible

[updated: Dec 26, 2018]
