miffili / jest-performance-reporter

Visualize and report jest test execution performance

Repository from Github https://github.commiffili/jest-performance-reporterRepository from Github https://github.commiffili/jest-performance-reporter


🧐 Identify slow tests during development

📚 Create json report including the test execution times

yarn add -DE @jest-performance-reporter/core


Configure jest to use this reporter via the jest section in the package.json or your jest config.

  "reporters": [
        "errorAfterMs": 1000,
        "warnAfterMs": 500,
        "logLevel": "warn",
        "maxItems": 5,
        "createReport": true

The "default"-reporter creates the default jest output. If you don't need it, of course you can remove it.


Visualize and report jest test execution performance

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 92.0%Language:JavaScript 8.0%