mid2SUPAERO / lab_notebook

Describe your numerical experiments

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Here is a one page help to help you to describe your numerical experiments (NE). Always start from simple example and complexify. Always compare with SoA methodologies

find an opensource algorithm ? https://the-algorithms.com

Full Name and date

Exemple: Joseph Morlier, tuesday the 12th of September 2019


In 3 lines, try to resume the big picture of your NE.


Let's define first the physics embedded in your problem and level of fidelity of your NE: Exemple: Fluid and Structures add basic physical hypothesis, linearity / NL, type of solver/tolerances Control is a physics?

Level of fidelity

Describe the methodology with full references Example: in Fluid Dynamics / CFD

LO Empiricial equation /regression

L0+ lifting line



L2+ LES etc...

Mesh with a GRAPH per physics

check convergency


Please, Recap also the tuning of the physical solver


Describe the methodology with full references


MDO with the XDSM

Describe the methodology with full references

If you are using openMDAO, please use the last version

Surrogate Modeling

Describe the methodology with full references (RBF, GP, ...)

Please describe how you constructed and validated your surrogate Precise the Kernel, and hyperparameter tuning


Architecture Number of inputs x Number of ouptus Number of HL Type of activation function

Reduced Order Modeling

Describe the methodology with full references (SVD, ...)

Type of variables

x can be continuous, discrete, categorial ...hybrid

Optimization with GRAPHS: Optimality / Feasibility

Describe the methodology (Gradient Based, GA, Bayesian Optimization/EGO ...)

Constrained or unconstrained ? Use derivative or not ? Sensibility computed using ? FD, Complex step, Analytic, Semi Analytic

Clearly define the objective function (mono, multi) and the constraints (equality, inequality)

min f(x)

wrt g(x)<=0


and bounds for x

Can you write a linear system for constraints?

define the optimizer (SLSQP for example) and associated tolerances and or stopping criteria

Provide X0, Xn, X* (sometimes it's nice to see the evolution at n, please choose n)

Multistart ?

Packages Used

Upload here your codes and precise here the dependencies


Describe your numerical experiments