microsoft / data-in-use-protection-workshop

A complete workshop content with a series of tracks and hands-on labs on various techniques to protect data in use.

Repository from Github https://github.commicrosoft/data-in-use-protection-workshopRepository from Github https://github.commicrosoft/data-in-use-protection-workshop

"Data in use Protection Compass" Workshop

Workshop logo

The so-called "Data in use Protection Compass" is a complete workshop that introduces various applicable techniques to help ensuring for your (most) sensitive data in use adequate levels of confidentiality and privacy as part of your Microsoft's cloud journey or in the Edge. It is designed to help you or your "customers" whoever they are select the best suited approach(es) depending on your and/or their ultimate goals and related requirements.

This project tries its best to share the big picture of the introduced domains and subjects that encompass many areas and disciplines, namely Confidential Computing (CC), Homomorphic Encryption (HE), Secure Multi-Party Computing (MPC), and Differential Drivacy (DP).

Workshop Common vs. Specific Tracks

This project contains the following Common vs. Specific Tracks:

  • Introduction
  • Overview of the Applicable Techniques: Confidential Computing (CC), Homomorphic Encryption (HE), Secure Multi-Party Computing (MPC), and Differential Privacy (DP)
  • Deeper View of the Confidential Computing (CC) Technique
  • Deeper View Homomorphic Encryption (HE) Technique
  • Perspectives and Use Cases

See related tracks.

Workshop Hands-On Labs

This project contains the following Hands-On Labs (HOLs):

  • Confidential Computing (CC) Hands-On Lab
  • Homomorphic Encryption (HE) Hands-On Lab

See available hands-on labs.


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A complete workshop content with a series of tracks and hands-on labs on various techniques to protect data in use.

License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Language:PowerShell 71.7%Language:Dockerfile 28.3%