microsoft / Project-BayesDAG

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BayesDAG: Gradient-Based Posterior Inference for Causal Discovery

This is the code for the NeurIPS 2023 paper "BayesDAG: Gradient-Based Posterior Inference for Causal Discovery". BayesDAG is a fast, scalable structure inference method for causal discovery based on Stochastic-Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SG-MCMC) and Variational Inference (VI) that is made possible by unconstrained optimization over DAGs through a low-rank node potential vector. The approach is applicable to both linear and nonlinear causal models.


Installation requires Poetry with Anaconda.

Using Conda

Install the miniconda version corresponding to the python version 3.8 from

Once in the base environment of conda install poetry following the steps below. If you wish to create a new conda env, you can do so with conda create -n mypy python=3.8 and use poetry as usual from that environment.


We use Poetry to manage the project dependencies, they're specified in the pyproject.toml. To install poetry run:

    curl -sSL | python3 -

To install the environment run poetry install, this will create a virtualenv that you can use by running either poetry shell or poetry run {command}. It's also a virtualenv that you can interact with in the normal way too.

Poetry also uses a lock file that exactly specifies all sub-dependencies. If you update the project dependencies, you can run either poetry install or poetry update to install the new dependencies, this will also modify the lockfile. To just modify the lockfile you can run poetry lock. This file must be committed to version control.

More information about poetry can be found here

Generating Synthetic Data

In order to generate synthetic data for ER and SF graphs for nonlinear case, please use the following command:

python -m open_source.causica.data_generation.large_synthetic.data_generation --num_nodes <num_nodes> --sem_type mlp --noise_type unequal --dataset_folder <dataset_folder>

For experiments for linear SCMs of size 5, please use the following command:

python -m open_source.causica.data_generation.large_synthetic.data_generation --num_nodes 5 --sem_type linear --noise_type unequal --dataset_folder <dataset_folder> --expected_edges_per_node 1 --num_samples_train 500 --num_samples_test 100

This command generates 30 datasets of both ER and SF graphs.

Running the Experiments

In order to run experiments for a single dataset (say ER 30 dataset with random seed 10) with nonlinear BayesDAG, run the following command:

python run_ER_30_60_mlp_sem_unequal_noise_10_seed\
  --model_type bayesdag_nonlinear --model_config open_source/configs/bayesdag/bayesdag_nonlinear_er_30_60.json \
  --causal_discovery --device 0 --output_dir <results_dir> --data_dir <dataset_folder>

For running the experiments with linear BayesDAG, run the following command:

python run_ER_5_5_mlp_sem_unequal_noise_10_seed\
  --model_type bayesdag_linear --model_config open_source/configs/bayesdag/bayesdag_nonlinear_er_30_60.json \
  --causal_discovery --device 0 --output_dir <results_dir> --data_dir <dataset_folder>

Inside open_source/configs/bayesdag/, there are config files for each setting which contain hyperparameters that have been tuned with some held-out dataset. See Appendix D for details. Use the corresponding config files for the datasets you are running.

Running on Custom Data

If you have some custom data, which aloows for holding-out around 20% of the data, then some of thee hyperparameters are best tuned on this held-out set. In order to get an idea of the most important set of hyperparameters to tune, take a look at open_source/configs/bayesdag/baysedag_linear.json and open_source/configs/bayesdag/bayesdag_nonlinear.json for linear and nonlinear models respectively. You can directly use them in the --model_config option to do a hyperparameter search.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%