micnews / story-json

Story JSON document format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


story-json is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) platform-agnostic document format that describes interactive content that user can "tap" through. This is an interactive storytelling format, optimized for quick consumption on a smartphone or tablet. See an example here.

A "Story" consists of a set of pages (or slides). Each page can contain various kinds of content. In most cases a page will have an image or short video as a background, with elements overlayed on top. Story-JSON documents can be created once and then transformed into any supported target format. This is based on the AMP Project's design system for Stories, which you can find here.

Story-JSON exists because we expect the Story format will be adopted by more and more platforms over time. Story-JSON serves as a convenient base format from which multi-platform distribution can happen automatically. Our main inspiration for this project was the Article-JSON format we developed to solve an analogous problem for articles.

Target formats

These are currently supported target formats:

AMP story


Layout and styles

story-json uses Flexbox layout and styles that in most cases match CSS (camelCase notation, e.g. justifyContent). Since we want to support platforms other than the web, the list of styles is limited. Our current video implementation uses Yoga, a cross-platform layout engine made by Facebook, used in React Native.

The default value for flexDirection is row.


This repository includes story-json validator based on JSON Schema.

Install using npm:

npm i story-json -g


story-json-validate <story.json>

Format structure

"Hello World" example, one page with "Hello World" text in the center:

  "version": 1,
  "title": "Hello World",
  "pages": [
      "layers": [
          "type": "container",
          "styles": {
            "backgroundColor": "#87d687"
          "type": "container",
          "styles": {
            "flexDirection": "column",
            "justifyContent": "center",
            "alignItems": "center",
            "textAlign": "center"
          "elements": [
              "type": "heading",
              "text": "Hello World"
  "defaultStyles": {
    "heading": {
      "fontFamily": "sans-serif"

story-json document format example:

  "version": 1,
  "title": "Story Title",
  "canonicalUrl": "https://example.com/story",
  "meta": {
    "datePublished": "2017-02-05T22:00:00.000Z",
    "dateModified": "2017-02-05T22:00:00.000Z",
    "author": "John Doe",
    "publisher": {
      "name": "Publisher Name",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://example.com/publisher-logo",
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100
    "description": "Story description"
  "pages": [
      "annotation": "Page Annotation",
      "autoAdvanceAfter": 5,
      "layers": [
          "type": "video",
          "annotation": "Video Annotation",
          "sources": [
              "source": "https://example.com/video.m3u8",
              "type": "application/x-mpegURL"
          "width": 1900,
          "height": 600,
          "layout": "responsive",
          "poster": "https://example.com/poster.jpg",
          "loop": true,
          "autoplay": true
      "type": "container",
      "styles": {
        "justifyContent": "flex-end",
        "alignItems": "flex-end"
      "elements": [
          "type": "heading",
          "text": "This is a heading",
          "styles": {
            "width": 10,
            "height": 10,
            "border": {
              "width": 1,
              "color": "#000000",
              "style": "dashed"
            "borderRadius": 10,
            "boxShadow": {
              "offset": {
                "x": 5,
                "y": 5
              "blurRadius": 5,
              "spread": 10,
              "color": "#000000"
            "textShadow": [
                "offset": {
                  "x": 5,
                  "y": 5
                "blurRadius": 5,
                "color": "#000000"
            "transform": [
                "rotate": "90deg"
                "translateX": "50%"
                "translateY": 50
                "scale": 2
            "filter": [
                "blur": 3
                "grayscale": "30%"
            "backdropFilter": [
                "blur": 3
                "grayscale": "30%"
            "backgroundLinearGradient": {
              "direction": "50deg",
              "stops": [
                  "color": "red",
                  "distance": 30
                  "color": "blue",
                  "distance": "50%"
                  "color": "black"
            "fontSize": 500,
            "paddingTop": 500

See more examples

Document properties

Top level

Property Description Type Required
version Format version (latest is 1). number yes
title Story title. string no
canonicalUrl Primary URL associated with the story. string no
meta Story metadata. Story metadata no
canonicalUrl URL that will point to the story's HTML file. string no
pages Array of pages in the story. Array of pages no
defaultStyles Default styles for each element. Object with element type keys and style values no

Story metadata

Property Description Type Required
datePublished Story publish date in UTC. ISO 8601 Date no
dateModified Story last modification date in UTC. ISO 8601 Date no
author Author name. string no
publisher Story publisher metadata. Publisher metadata no
description Story description. string no

Publisher metadata

Property Description Type Required
name Publisher name string yes
logo Publisher logo Publisher metadata logo no

Publisher metadata logo

Property Description Type Required
url Logo image URL. string yes
width Logo width in pixels. number yes
height Logo height in pixels. number yes


Property Description Type Required Notes
layers Content of the page data Array of elements yes
id Unique page identifier. string no
annotation User-defined information associated with the page. any no Will be removed in render.


Property Description Type Required
type Element type. 'container', 'image', 'video', 'paragraph', 'heading', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'heading3', 'heading4', 'heading5', or 'heading6' yes
id Unique element identifier. string no
styles Element styles. Styles object no
annotation User-defined information associated with the element; will be removed in render. any no


Styles are very similar to CSS styles, but are intended to be usable and easy to reason about on platforms that don't use an HTML renderer; for example, via React Native. Depending on the chosen platform's capabilities, some properties may be ignored.

Property Description Type Required Notes
position Element position. 'relative' or 'absolute' no
top Top position Distance no
bottom Bottom position Distance no
left Left position Distance no
right Right position Distance no
width Element width Distance no
height Element height Distance no
margin Element margin (top, bottom, left and right) Distance no Not currently supported by amp-story
marginTop Element margin top Distance no Not currently supported by amp-story
marginBottom Element margin bottom Distance no Not currently supported by amp-story
marginLeft Element margin left Distance no Not currently supported by amp-story
marginRight Element margin right Distance no Not currently supported by amp-story
padding Element padding (top, bottom, left and right) Distance no
paddingTop Element padding top Distance no
paddingBottom Element padding bottom Distance no
paddingLeft Element padding left Distance no
paddingRight Element padding right Distance no
border Element border (top, bottom, left and right) Border no
borderTop Element border top Border no
borderBottom Element border bottom Border no
borderLeft Element border left Border no
borderRight Element border right Border no
borderRadius Element border radius (top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right) number no
borderTopLeftRadius Element top-left border radius number no
borderTopRightRadius Element top-right border radius number no
borderBottomLeftRadius Element bottom-left border radius number no
borderBottomRightRadius Element bottom-right border radius number no
display Display type 'flex', 'none' or 'inline' (text elements only) no Defaults to 'flex'
flexDirection 'row', 'row-reverse', 'column', or 'column-reverse' string no
justifyContent 'flex-start', 'center', 'flex-end', 'space-around', or 'space-between' string no
alignItems 'flex-start', 'center', 'flex-end', or 'stretch' string no
textAlign 'auto', 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'justify' string no
backgroundColor Background color RGBA hex string, rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a) no
backgroundLinearGradient Linear gradient Linear Gradient no
color Text color RGBA hex string, rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a) no
boxShadow Shadow effect Box shadow or array of box shadows no
fontFamily Text font string no
fontSize Text font size number no
lineHeight Text line height number no
fontStyle 'normal' or 'italic' string no
textShadow Shadow effect Text shadow or array of text shadows no
opacity Opacity number no
transform Transforms to apply to element Array of transforms no
filter Filters to apply to element Array of filters no
backdropFilter Backdrop filters to apply to element Array of filters no https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/backdrop-filter

Distance Style

Distance - absolute number or percentage string (for example, 10 or '10%')

Border Style

Property Description Type Required
width Border width number yes
color Border color RGBA hex string, rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a) yes
style Border style (solid, dotted, dashed) string yes

Linear Gradient

Property Description Type Required
direction Direction angle angle string yes
stops Gradient stops Array of linear gradient stops yes

Linear Gradient Stop

Property Description Type Required
color Gradient stop color RGBA hex string, rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a) yes
distance Gradient stop distance Distance no

Shadow and Box Shadow

Property Description Type Required
offset Shadow offsets { x: number, y: number } yes
color Shadow color RGBA hex string, rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a) no
blurRadius Shadow blur radius number no
spread Shadow spread (Box Shadow only) number no


Transform object contains one of the following properties:

Property Type
perspective number
rotate angle string
rotateX angle string
rotateY angle string
rotateZ angle string
scale number
scaleX number
scaleY number
scaleZ number
translateX Distance
translateY Distance
skewX angle string
skewY angle string


Filter object contains one of the following properties:

Property Type
blur Distance
brightness number
grayscale percentage string


Story JSON document format


Language:JavaScript 100.0%