micmarty / useful-commands

My personal list of commands I've needed somewhere in the past, no need to remember, now I can look up here and I'm done

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Usefull commands by miczi


  1. Revert your DB to some state from the past
	rake db:migrate:status
	rake db:migrate VERSION=<migration_id_here>
  1. RVM clean unnecessary gemsets(can take a lot of disk space, but provides separation in the environment)
	rvm gemset list
	rvm gemset delete <gemset_name_here>


  1. Search recursively for a phrase in each file at given path
	grep -r "<phrase_here>" .
  1. Open all pdfs which contains given phrase
# first install pdfgrep (available in package manager, for sure: apt)
# secondly install evince (also in pm) - it's a pdf viewer appliaction
# Explanation: 
# 1. look for all occurences in given folder
# 2. split the output into columns, where whe treat : as a separator
# 3. take 1st column and redirect the output(pdf names) to evince, which is pdf program
evince $(pdfgrep <regex/phrase in double quotes> * | cut -d: -f1) 
  1. Aliases for docker-compose with Rails(paste it inside your .bashrc or zshconfi
# up with cleared runngin server flag
alias duc="rm tmp/pids/server.pid; docker compose up"
alias deb="docker-compose exec app bash"
  1. Remove n random files from directory
FROM=<some path>
rm $(ls $FROM | shuf -n $N)


My personal list of commands I've needed somewhere in the past, no need to remember, now I can look up here and I'm done