micktwomey / notions

A Python Client Library for the Notion API

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Notions - A Python Client Library and CLI for Notion

A command line client and Python client library for Notion.

Uses the Notion API to communicate with your Notion pages and databases.


Homebrew for CLI

You can use the notions tap to install:

brew tap micktwomey/notions
brew install notions

# Or in one line: `brew install micktwomey/notions/notions`

pipx for CLI usage anywhere

To install as a CLI and make it available on your PATH you can use pipx to install:

pipx install notions


To install using pip:

pip install notions


To add as a depdency using poetry:

poetry add notions


To add as a dependency using pipenv:

pipenv install notions


Currently only authentication using an Notion API token is supported (see Notion's Getting Started Guide for full details).

Rough steps to get a token you can use:

  1. Go to https://www.notion.so/my-integrations
  2. Create a new internal integration
  3. Note down the API key, you'll need that later
  4. Go to a Database or page in your notion (a top level item in your sidebar) and click on the sharing button
  5. Add your integration to the shares. You need to do this for every database you want to share, Notion doesn't expose everything by default.

Command Line Usage

  1. Authenticate first, see Authentication, and get your API token (we'll refer to it as YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE below)
  2. You can either pass in the key each time you call the client using notions --notion-api-key YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE or set the NOTION_API_KEY environment variable.
    1. To set in fish: set -Ux NOTION_API_KEY YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE
    2. To set in bash/zsh: export NOTION_API_KEY=YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE
  3. Call notions --help to explore your options

Some options are global and go before the command, e.g. notions --output-format notion_yaml database query --query foo.

Output Formats

Formats you can specify with notions --output-format

  1. notion_json - Parses API output and dumps back as JSON, with multiple items contained in a list.
  2. notion_jsonl - Parses API output and dumps back as JSON, one JSON object per line.
  3. notion_yaml - Parses API output and dumps back as YAML, with multiple items in a list.
  4. text (default) - Parse API output and return a simple text representation. Handy for looking up page and database ids.
  5. json - Parses API output and dumps to a flatter JSON, more suitable for templating and processsing. Multiple items are placed in a list.
  6. jsonl - Parses API output and dumps to a flatter JSON, one per line, more suitable for templating and processsing.
  7. yaml - Parses API output and dumps to a flatter YAML, more suitable for templating and processsing. Multiple items are placed in a list.
  8. tsv - Parses API output and writes out tab separated values.
  9. csv - Parses API output and writes out comma separated values.


notions api

notions api allows you to issue requests using the authentication features of the client.

  1. To make a request and get back the response JSON: notions api METHOD PATH.
  2. To make a request and leverage the pagination support (this will parse the response and give you the option to render as YAML or other formats): notions api --paginate METHOD PATH. Note that due to how the flags are handled you need the --paginate to trigger parsing and allow for different output formats.
# Get all databases, without pagination and return raw JSON from Notion's API
notions api GET /v1/databases/

# Get all databases with pagination and format output as YAML
# This is the same as `notions --output-format yaml database list`
notions --output-format yaml api GET /v1/databases/ --paginate

notions search

notions search allows you to search across all databases and pages you have shared with the Notion integration you created. You can restrict the search with --query SOME_QUERY_STRING and items which have a matching title will be returned.

# show all pages and dbs with "example" in their title
notions search --query example

notions database list

notions database list lists all the databases the integration has access to.

notions database query

Run a query against all pages in a given database. You'll need the database UUID from something like notions database list.

# Show all pages in the given db and sort by the HP property in descending order
notions database query cc5ef123-05f5-409e-9b34-38043df965b0 --sort-property HP:descending

notions page get

Get a single page.

# Get a page in YAML
notions --output-format yaml page get ccad10e7-c776-423e-9662-6ad5fb1256d6


The main way to use the library is via the HTTP client (see examples/basic.py for same code):

"""Example showing basic use of the client for API calls

import asyncio
import os
import typing

import httpx

from notions.client import NotionAsyncClient
from notions.models.database import Database

async def http_list_databases(notion_client: NotionAsyncClient) -> httpx.Response:
    """Do a HTTP call with authentication to list databases

    This uses notions as a convenience for HTTP calls using httpx
    async with notion_client.async_client() as client:
        url = notion_client.get_url_for_path("/v1/databases")
        return await client.request("GET", url.url)

async def list_databases(
    notion_client: NotionAsyncClient,
) -> typing.AsyncIterable[Database]:
    """Do a list db call (automatically reads all pages)

    This is the same underlying call as `http_list_databases` above
    but will also parse the response and handle pagination.

    Will yield notions.models.database.Database
    async for db in notion_client.list_databases():
        yield db

async def main():
    api_token = os.environ.get("NOTION_API_KEY", "no-token-set")
    notion_client = NotionAsyncClient(api_token)

    response = await http_list_databases(notion_client)

    async for db in list_databases(notion_client):

if __name__ == "__main__":

There are more examples in examples/. You might need to set more environment variables to run them (see below in Testing Against the Real Notion API for how to set these up).

Developing Notions

The easiest way to develop locally is to install asdf and poetry. Note: there is a bug in the asdf just plugin, you might need to install it using asdf plugin add just git@github.com:heliumbrain/asdf-just.git.

Then you can run:

  1. asdf install to install all the pythons and dev tools needed.
  2. just bootstrap-dev-env to set up the development environment.
  3. just nox to test all supported pythons or just pytest-all to run tests more directly for your python. For faster tests you can run just pytest (or just just).

You'll need a Notion plan which allows for creating Notion integrations (API access) to develop against Notion, but I'm going to assume you have that if you're interested in this library :D

To release ensure you're happy with the current state of main and run just prepare-release then just do-release.

Testing Against the Real Notion API

All the examples can also run as part of the tests. There is a bit of setup to do this:

  1. Create a new top level page in your Notion. Call it something like "notions-test" so you can see it easily. It can be private to you.
  2. Make sure you share it with the API integration you previously created (see Authentication above). Use the "Share" control on the top right of the page to do this.
  3. Get hold of the page's id. One way to do this is to use the "Share" -> "Copy link" to get the link. You can then copy out the ID. e.g. https://www.notion.so/twomeylee/notions-test-76c28a7477334346807696ce8622a9fc becomes 76c28a7477334346807696ce8622a9fc for testing.
  4. Ensure you set the following two environment variables (use a .env file or exports in your shell):
    1. NOTION_API_KEY - the API key from the integration you created during authentication.
    2. NOTIONS_PARENT_PAGE_UUID - the ID from the page you created above.
    3. Optional: NOTIONS_KEEP_EXAMPLE_PAGES - set this to anything to keep any created pages during the examples for inspection later.
  5. When you run just pytest-all it should now run these tests. Alternatively, you can run the examples directly using python example/the_example.py.

Unfortunately it's not currently possible to cleanly remove all the detritus from the examples via the API, some cleanup steps are needed:

  1. Optional: delete any databases or pages created under the test page ("notions-test" above). You can do this every time you run the tests if you want to keep re-running them.
  2. Delete the test page ("notions-test" above). You will need to create a new page and set the NOTIONS_PARENT_PAGE_UUID again to run the examples again.

What's the deal with the name?

"Notions" is sometimes used in Ireland to refer to someone who has ideas abover their station ("so and so has notions"). It's typically Irish and a little bit mean, but often used in an ironic way. I picked it 'cos I thought it'd be funny (and maybe I have notions about writing a client library for a product produced by a company called Notion).


A Python Client Library for the Notion API

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%