mickelsonm / go-contact-demo

Go contact page demo using the go framework and ajax button

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CURT Admin

GoAdmin is the second iteration of the CURT eCommerce Management Portal. This version was built using the MySQL infrastructure that CURT is moving toward and uses a more scalable model.

Setup Process

  1. Install Capistrano

    gem install capistrano
  2. Install JSON Gem && JSON-Pure Gem

    gem install json
    gem install json_pure
  3. Install GruntJS

    npm install -g grunt-cli

Build Process


This task will run jshint against all javascript, run the compass compiler against all our compass styling, it will run uglify to minify the javascript and add a banner; while also watching for changes and re-running the validation on save.


Deployment Process

Capistrano Deployment

Capistrano will pull from the Github repository using remote_cache, this makes things deploy a little quicker. It will run go get against all needed go dependencies. Then it will configure the database settings and email settings through either a defined deploy_settings.json file or using prompts.

After all configuration is finished, it will minify javascript and stylesheets using the yui-compressor jar file on the remote server.

Once minification is finished, it will compile an executable, kill the running process, and start a new process. Pretty cool, eh?

cap deploy


Alex Ninneman


Go contact page demo using the go framework and ajax button